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Search results for care and protection.

4622 items matching your search terms

  1. [2019] NZEmpC 34 Emmerson v Northland District Health Board [pdf, 908 KB]

    ...Background Overview of facts [3] Dr Lynda Emmerson1 worked as a junior doctor for the Northland District Health Board (NDHB) from 2012 until 2015. For much of this time, she worked on the Tumanako Inpatient Unit (the Unit). It provided mental health care for adult inpatients, at Whangarei Hospital. [4] Dr Emmerson did well on the whole as a house officer when working in the Unit in 2014. On becoming a registrar in the same Unit in December 2014, problems arose. [5] First,...

  2. MOJ0504-Making-parenting-arrangements-workbook-Hindi.pdf [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...(पाररवाररर् न्यायालय) मेें सुरक्षा आदेश रे् ललए आवेदन र्र सर्िे हैं। असधर् जानर्ारी रे् ललए: • पर जाएिं • ममेवनस्ट्ी ऑफ जस्स्स (न्याय मेिं त्ालय) र्ो 0800 224 733 निंबर पर मेफु्त फोन र...

  3. [2022] NZREADT 16 - CAC 2102 v He & An (15 August 2022) [pdf, 172 KB]

    ...or Mr An to use their previous signatures/initials. They complained to Barfoots who made a report to the Real Estate Agents Authority (the Authority) in accordance with rr 7.1 and 7.2 of the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (the Rules). [21] On 18 February 2020 Mr He prepared a timeline of events for Barfoots in which he stated that on 12 February 2020 he had met with the Vendors at the Property and that “everyone signed in the ipad”. Mr...

  4. [2022] NZREADT 1 - DU v Real Estate Agents Authority & DC (1 February 2022) [pdf, 333 KB]

    ...Agents Authority (the Authority). A Complaints Assessment Committee (CAC 2104) (the Committee) inquired into the complaint, but it decided to take no further action. It found no breach of the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (the Rules). [3] The appellant appeals to the Tribunal. BACKGROUND [4] On 12 October 2019, the vendor entered into an agency agreement to sell the property (both addresses) with the real estate agency engaging the lice...

  5. LCRO 240/2013 TM v DC (8 May 2017) [pdf, 365 KB]

    ...deprived [him] of an entitlement to union membership”. Hearing in person [61] Mr TM indicated that he wished to be heard in person. A hearing took place on 31 March 2017. [62] I record that as well as hearing from Mr TM in person, I have carefully read the complaint and response, the Committee’s decision and the submissions filed in support of the application for review. There are no additional issues or questions which in my mind necessitate any further submissions from...

  6. LCRO 88/2018 MC v OT (24 December 2018) [pdf, 225 KB]

    ...whose interests were affected by the subdivision. Those parties had to be independently represented. [4] Mr OT represented one of those parties. 2 [5] Mr MC agreed to pay Mr OT’s reasonable costs in providing advice to his client and protecting their interests. Mr BL wrote to Mr OT by letter dated 13 January 2017 stating: I confirm that it is my understanding that there is no money to pass between your clients and their neighbours, P&V. Likewise, it is my understandi...

  7. Complaints Assessment Committee 403 v Shalendra Goundar [2017] NZREADT 52 [pdf, 226 KB]

    ...Goundar: [a] Charge 1: a charge of misconduct under s 73(c)(i) and (iii) of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (“the Act”) (wilful or reckless contravention of provisions of the Act and Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (“the Rules”)); [b] Charge 2: (in the alternative to Charge 1), a charge of misconduct under s 73(b) of the Act (seriously incompetent or seriously negligent real estate agency work); and [c] Charge 3: (in the alternati...

  8. Directory of Official Information 2019 S-U [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...responsible for the intelligence and security agencies issue Ministerial Policy Statements in relation to the lawful activities of the agencies. Functions and responsibilities The NZSIS is a public service agency with an objective to contribute to the protection of New Zealand’s national security, the international relations and well-being of New Zealand, and the economic well- being of New Zealand. The NZSIS undertakes designated functions relevant to New Zealand's security. The...

  9. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 3 of 4 [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WELLINGTON REGISTRY UNDER IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF CIV 2011-485-821 The Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 An application by NGATI PAHAUWERA DEVELOPMENT TRUST for Customary Marine Title and Protected Customary Rights An application by NGATI PAHAUWERA (as originally filed by WAYNE TAYLOR, KUKI GREEN AND RUKUMOANA WAINOHU) for Protected Customary Rights AFFIDAVIT OF LUIS JAMES MCDONNELL AFFIRMED J-- ~ !lOvC t'M~...

  10. Wairakei Pastoral Limited [pdf, 452 KB]

    ...and further submissions on PC1 (Decision). Parts of Decision of Particular Concern to WPL 6. WPL is largely supportive of the Decision. In particular: a. WPL strongly supports Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato and the need to restore and protect the permanent and intermittent waterbodies within the PC1 catchments within a generation. b. WPL strongly supports PC1 as being an important first step towards achieving that ultimate objective. 3 7. The discrete parts o...