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Search results for care and protection.

4622 items matching your search terms

  1. FN v Accident Compensation Corporation (Suspension of Entitlements) [2023] NZACC 199 [pdf, 288 KB]

    ...believes that her situation further deteriorated and apparently a referral to the Spinal Unit was made and she was not able to be accommodated. The situation has become quite dire and she has been at home essentially immobile requiring 24-hour care from her elderly mother. She has an indwelling catheter and has had problems with her bowels. She has had very limited use of her upper limbs and not being able to feed herself other than using a modified utensil in her right hand. She...

  2. [2021] NZREADT 06 - Silcock (22 January 2021) [pdf, 309 KB]

    ...the viewing was cancelled solely at the instigation of the prospective purchasers. [30] He submitted that viewed objectively, the texts and conversations show that Mr Watson was in fact acting in accordance with his obligation to exercise skill, care, competence, and diligence under r 5.1: [a] The prospective purchasers offered $850,000 on Thursday 25 July, then $880,000 at 7.25 am on Saturday 27 July; [b] The terms of the prospective purchasers’ interest were qualified by Mr...

  3. [2024] NZIACDT 01 RN v Li (8 Janurary 2024) [pdf, 268 KB]

    ...the identified provisions of the Code: 6 (1) Relied on an unlicensed person to communicate with the complainant which appears to have enabled the provision of immigration advice, thereby acting unprofessionally and failing to exercise due care, in breach of cl 1. (2) Failed to interact directly with the complainant and obtain his informed instructions, in breach of cl 2(e). (3) Enabled the provision of immigration advice by an unlicensed person, in breach of cl 3(c). (4)...

  4. LCRO 80/2019 ZB v YC (18 August 2021) [pdf, 204 KB]

    ...information in his letter to the Complaints Service dated 28 November 2018. He submitted: (a) Mr YC and his employer [PK] were not in breach of the in-house counsel provisions of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules). (b) Mr YC did not owe a duty to [XD], as he did not act for that company and owed it no duty of care. Mr ZB cannot comment on whether Mr YC’s representation of the liquidators of [WE] was competent. [32] In r...

  5. Self-represented litigants: an exploratory study of litigants in person in the New Zealand criminal & family jurisdictions [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...also in other jurisdictions. Without historical trend data we could not say whether this perception was true. Self-represented litigants in the Family Court were likely to be New Zealand European males with an average age of 37, appearing for care of children and domestic violence cases. They were more likely to be paid full-time employees, most earning more than $30,000 a year. These characteristics differed from those found in the family jurisdiction internationally. Why ar...

  6. [2020] NZIACDT 46 - ZG v Parker (19 October 2020) [pdf, 357 KB]

    ...‘appeal’ result. [David] told me on 20th that (I) will be fine during complaint. You call me when you free [47] Mr Parker told the complainant of the response to the complaint on 2 May 2018. He advised her that any appeal to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal would fail. They also had a text exchange that day concerning the complaint and any effect it would have on her work visa application. Invitation to seek residence lapses [48] As no residence application was rec...

  7. [2020] NZIACDT 17 - XA v Hill (10 March 2020) [pdf, 304 KB]

    ...ensure that the work experience details on both the expression form and the application for residence were correct at the time of lodging with Immigration New Zealand, thereby being negligent, or alternatively failing to exercise diligence and due care in breach of cl 1; and 17 (5) Failing to ensure that the complainant signed the written agreement or confirmed in writing her acceptance, in breach of cl 18(c). JURISDICTION AND PROCEDURE [96] The grounds for a complaint to...

  8. 16-May-2020-Regional-Plan-Waste-for-Otago-with-PC1-proposed-amendments.pdf [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...This Plan provides an integrated approach to these waste issues, the aim of which is to reduce the adverse effects associated with Otago’s waste stream. This integrated approach encompasses the elements of reduce, reuse and recycle with careful consideration of the appropriate management and disposal of the waste that is generated. Every product needs to be considered in a life-cycle manner with respect to waste. This issue of waste is a crucial one for all of us in Otago. I...

  9. Chief-Coroners-Annual-Report-2021-22-and-2022-23.pdf [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...reciting prayers. Death and dying are a central part of Māori life. The family have an intimate connection with the body of the deceased and are usually closely involved with the preparations leading up to the burial. Respect – in the form of caring for the tūpāpaku, mourning the deceased and speaking to them – is shown because, although the physical remains of a person are lifeless, the spirit continues to live on. Ki te iwi Māori he tikanga nui tō te mate me te whakahemohe...

  10. Wilton TRI-2021-100-002 [2023] NZWHT AUCKLAND 01 [pdf, 629 KB]

    ...EIFS cladding work being undertaken in or adjacent to the deck area on the western elevation. Mr Fluit maintains that removal of the balustrades is not required on that elevation. He agrees with Mr Pederson 33 for an allowance of $500 to protect the balustrades but not to remove them. I adopt Mr Pederson’s estimate of $500. [139] I adopt Mr Pederson’s estimate for the fibre cement soffit repairs which is the estimate that both experts agreed at their caucus meeting on 2...