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Search results for care and protection.

4621 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZEmpC 122 Reunited Employees Assoc Inc v Nelmac Ltd [pdf, 223 KB]

    ...bargaining.7 [7] During facilitation an agreement was reached on the outstanding bargaining claims. That agreement was contained in an Authority minute and was about wages, allowances, annual leave, obnoxious work outside of normal duties, tools, protective clothing and training.8 A table of a new printed rates schedule was included in the minute. 3 At [73]. 4 At [72]. 5 At [19]. 6 At [47]; see Employment Relations Act 2000, s 50B. 7 Sections 50C(1)(a). 8 Dated 23...

  2. BORA Search and Surveillance Powers Bill [pdf, 314 KB]

    ...18 Search of person or vehicle and attendant entry to place or vehicle of armed person where that person in breach of the Arms Act, incapable of controlling the arms, at risk of killing or causing bodily injury or is or could be subject to a protection order Safety / regulated activity 19 Search of place or vehicle for certain controlled drugs and precursor substances where offending suspected and risk of loss of evidence Regulated activity / likelihood of loss of evidence...

  3. McLachlan v CAC 10048 & Hegan [2012] NZREADT 39 [pdf, 51 KB]

    ...he was then free to sell the property to whomever he pleased. The appellant further alleges that the licensee breached several REINZ rules, the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (the Act), and the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2009 (the Rules). The Committee’s Decision [7] The Committee found that the appellant had sufficient time to “thoroughly” read the listing agreement of 1 October 2009 with MacPherson. It did not consider that there was...

  4. [2011] NZEmpC 13 Carter Holt Harvey Ltd v EBIIWU [pdf, 118 KB]

    ...affect the work carried out by the saw doctors. Bargaining was then put on hold and a consultation process began regarding the possibility of fully outsourcing the saw doctor functions. [6] An important side issue arose as to whether the employment protection provisions in the expired collective agreement, which governed the terms and conditions of employment of the second defendants, complied with the relevant provisions of the Employment Relations Act 2000 (the Act) and, if not,...

  5. JK v Molloy LCRO 155/2013 (14 April 2016) [pdf, 151 KB]

    ...45 Molloy, Review Hearing. 46 Molloy, Review Hearing. 6 3 Purposes (1) The purposes of this Act are— (a) to maintain public confidence in the provision of legal services and conveyancing services: (b) to protect the consumers of legal services and conveyancing services: (c) to recognise the status of the legal profession and to establish the new profession of conveyancing practitioner. [149] Mr Molloy’s evidence is that his comments are a...

  6. Canterbury Standards Committee v a practitioner [2015] NZLCDT 44 [pdf, 41 KB]

    ...his obligations owed to each of three clients. It is alleged that he acted contrary to the fundamental obligations of lawyers at s 4 of the Act and contrary to Rules 2.4 and 6.1 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the “Rules”). [2] The full particulars of the charge are discussed in the reasons for the Tribunal’s decision which follow commencing at para [7]. [3] The practitioner has denied the charge. [4] The Tribunal heard the...

  7. Buchanan - Riwaka-Matiu-Mātana Whanau Trust (2018) 50 Te Waipounamu MB 152 (50 TWP 152) [pdf, 253 KB]

    ...of particular relevance: a) To ascertain and give effect to the wishes of the owners of any land to which the proceedings relate; b) To determine or facilitate the settlement of disputes and other matters among the owners of any land; c) To protect minority interests in any land against an oppressive majority, and protect majority interests in the land against an unreasonable minority; d) To ensure fairness in dealings with the owners of any land in multiple ownership; e) To p...

  8. Bullent v Standing [2012] NZIACDT 76 (28 September 2012) [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...ensure that appropriate standards of conduct are maintained in the occupation concerned.” [32] The statutory purpose is achieved by considering at least four factors which materially bear upon maintaining appropriate standards of conduct: [32.1] Protecting the public: Section 3 of the Act states “The purpose of this Act is to promote and protect the interests of consumers receiving immigration advice ...” [32.2] Demanding minimum standards of conduct: Dentice v Valuers Registrati...

  9. LCRO 111/2015 UA v VB (12 May 2017) [pdf, 259 KB]

    ...assumed facts recited above are incorrect. Mr VB was not instructed until Mr and Mrs UA wanted to sell the property. 4 Hereafter the vendor will be referred to as Mr XF. 3  The title to the property was complex with numerous interests protected by numerous documents registered against the title.  Mr XF had reserved an option to buy the property back if the subdivision could not be effected.  Mr VB was first instructed when Mr and Mrs UA wanted to sell the pr...

  10. Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v TCLE-A-T6518151 [2013] NZCOP 12 [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...(b) uploading and downloading may, but need not, occur at the same time.” [2] File sharing networks are not illegal in themselves, although much of the content on file sharing networks is music, film, television, books or software that is protected by the Copyright Act 1994. When a rights owner alleges that its copyright has been infringed via file sharing, the Act provides that the rights owner may require the relevant internet protocol address provider (IPAP) to issue infringeme...