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Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. MS v HF LCRO 183/2013 (30 October 2014) [pdf, 42 KB]

    ...delivered its decision on 3 April 2013. [7] The Committee posed the issue before it as whether the Standards Committee should “intervene in a matter where the instructions to the lawyer which may explain the way a matter was conducted are protected by client confidentiality”.3 The Committee noted that: 4 A difficult feature of this complaint is that it is about matters that inevitably will have, as part of the explanation, information about what was discussed within the con...

  2. NZCVS-Cycle-4-Core-Report-Section-9-Crime-scene-and-consequences-fin.pdf [pdf, 338 KB]

    ...Survey findings - Cycle 4 report Section 9 – Crime scene and consequences June 2022 Results drawn from Cycle 4 (2020/21) of the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey 2 ISSN 2744-3981 Disclaimer 1. While all care and diligence has been taken in processing, analysing, and extracting data and information for this publication, the Ministry of Justice gives no warranty that it is error free and will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the u

  3. McCleery – Waihaha 3D2 Inc (1997) 1 Waiariki Appellate MB 67 (1 AP 67) [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...subsection (7) take into account that there could be times when the situation disclosed to the Court as a result of an investigation may be of such a serious nature that the Court has to act quickly and exercise its powers under subsection (7) for the protection of the shareholders of the Incorporation without due process of holding a hearing. 09118/03 6:18PM;JetFak__#782;Page 812064 9 3078347;Sent by: ADLS LIBRARY 1 Waiariki Appellate MB 73 As part of his submission Mr Powell contended th...

  4. BORA Evidence Amendment Bill [pdf, 304 KB]

    ...Act. The release of this advice should not be taken to indicate that the Attorney-General agrees with all aspects of it, nor does its release constitute a general waiver of legal professional privilege in respect of this or any other matter. Whilst care has been taken to ensure that this document is an accurate reproduction of the advice provided to the Attorney-General, neither the Ministry of Justice nor the Crown Law Office accepts any liability for any errors or omissions. Footno...

  5. [2024] NZEnvC 074 GI Finlay Trustees Ltd v Western Bay of Plenty District Council [pdf, 175 KB]

    ...COURT AT AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA KI TĀMAKI MAKAURAU Decision No. [2024] NZEnvC 074 IN THE MATTER of an appeal under s 325A of the Resource Management Act 1991 BETWEEN GI FINLAY TRUSTEES LIMITED BETH MARY DANIEL and BARRY CARE DANIEL (ENV-2022-AKL-000189) Appellants AND WESTERN BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent AND PRIORITY TE PUNA INCORPORATED Section 274 Party Court: Environment Judge L J Semple sitting alone under s 279 of the Act...

  6. Wellington Standards Committee v McGuire [2011] NZLCDT 28 [pdf, 94 KB]

    ...months of supervision and mentoring, regular reporting by Mr McGuire and his supervising practitioner to the Law Society, appropriate continuing education commitments by Mr McGuire (particularly around matters such as the Rules of Conduct and Client Care), and provision for replacing the practitioner undertaking the mentoring and supervising should that practitioner become unavailable for some reason during the term of the agreement, were noted. While costs are finally a matter for...

  7. NZCVS Cycle 2 (2018 – 19) Key Findings [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    Disclaimer 1. While all care and diligence has been taken in processing, analysing, and extracting data and information for this publication, the Ministry of Justice gives no warranty that it is error free and will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the use directly, or indirectly, of the information in this publication. 2. This report contains highly aggregated data. No identifiable personal data are included in the report. 3. Estimates ar

  8. Tapiki and Eru v New Zealand Parole Board (Strike-Out Application) [2017] NZHRRT 41 [pdf, 172 KB]

    ...(other than the offender). [11] It is the position of Ms Tapiki and Ms Eru, that in terms of s 50(2), they are person(s) other than the offender and the disclosure of their address unduly interfered with their privacy. The Parole Board could have protected their privacy and withheld their address pursuant to s 50(2) but did not. [12] In reply, the Parole Board reiterated that s 50 required the release of Mr Dolman’s release conditions (including his address) and reiterated that th...

  9. [2008] NZEmpC AC 35/08 Webb v New Zealand Tramways and Public Passengers Transport Union Inc [pdf, 30 KB]

    ...of trust and confidence in the union by Messrs Webb and Carrucan despite the significant victories they have had in challenging its conduct of its affairs. [19] Mr Carrucan appeared unwilling to accept that the union will now be very careful to comply with its legal obligations as an incorporated society following a detailed and public criticism of it by the Authority which has upheld many of Mr Webb’s claims against his union. One answer to Mr Carrucan’s stated fear...

  10. CB v DS LCRO 61/2017 [pdf, 91 KB]

    ...Ms H, who had been in a relationship with Mrs CB’s son W for eight years or more. W was named as registered proprietor on the title to 1 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008. 2 property at Papamoa Beach. Mrs CB contends W had no beneficial interest, was only registered on the title to the property and was a bare trustee.2 On that basis Mrs CB says Ms H had no right to claim any interest in...