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Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 14/2021 PR and [Law Firm A] v [Area] Standards Committee [X] (30 August 2021) [pdf, 143 KB]

    ...accepted that he had paid Mr KJ a referral fee and that in doing so, he had breached r 5.9. Concession was also made by Mr PR to having breached reg 6 of the Trust Account regulations. 1 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules). 3 [11] Mr PR denied that he had permitted Mr KJ to use his firms trust account. [12] The Standards Committee delivered its decision on 16 December 2020. [13] The Committee concluded that there was insuf...

  2. BX v DG & MX [2024] NZDT 378 (26 June 2024) [pdf, 109 KB]

    ...of sanity”. BX also produced a written statement from UK, who had previously had possession of [the horse] with a view to selling him for DG before MX’s agency commenced. UK said that [the horse]’s manners had improved when he had been in her care, but that he had bucked her off on one occasion “for no reason” and had felt somewhat like “a ticking time bomb”. On other occasions, he had been “super”. She would not have been comfortable selling him to a beginner or a nervous...

  3. [2024] NZIACDT 31 – HG v Liu (16 December 2024) [pdf, 158 KB], uphold it but take no further action or uphold it and impose one or more sanctions.4 [26] The sanctions that may be imposed by the Tribunal are set out in the Act.5 The focus of professional disciplinary proceedings is not punishment but the protection of the public.6 [27] It is the civil standard of proof, the balance of probabilities, that is applicable in professional disciplinary proceedings. However, the quality of the evidence required to meet that standard may differ...

  4. [2025] NZIACDT 1 YI v Liu (13 January 2025) [pdf, 242 KB], uphold it but take no further action or uphold it and impose one or more sanctions.4 [25] The sanctions that may be imposed by the Tribunal are set out in the Act.5 The focus of professional disciplinary proceedings is not punishment but the protection of the public.6 [26] It is the civil standard of proof, the balance of probabilities, that is applicable in professional disciplinary proceedings. However, the quality of the evidence required to meet that standard may differ...

  5. [2025] NZIACDT 04 EI v Liu (14 January 2025) [pdf, 243 KB], uphold it but take no further action or uphold it and impose one or more sanctions.4 [25] The sanctions that may be imposed by the Tribunal are set out in the Act.5 The focus of professional disciplinary proceedings is not punishment but the protection of the public.6 [26] It is the civil standard of proof, the balance of probabilities, that is applicable in professional disciplinary proceedings. However, the quality of the evidence required to meet that standard may differ...

  6. [2025] NZIACDT 05 YI v Liu (14 January 2025) [pdf, 242 KB], uphold it but take no further action or uphold it and impose one or more sanctions.4 [25] The sanctions that may be imposed by the Tribunal are set out in the Act.5 The focus of professional disciplinary proceedings is not punishment but the protection of the public.6 [26] It is the civil standard of proof, the balance of probabilities, that is applicable in professional disciplinary proceedings. However, the quality of the evidence required to meet that standard may differ...

  7. [2025] NZIACDT 02 TX v Liu (13 January 2025) [pdf, 241 KB], uphold it but take no further action or uphold it and impose one or more sanctions.4 [25] The sanctions that may be imposed by the Tribunal are set out in the Act.5 The focus of professional disciplinary proceedings is not punishment but the protection of the public.6 [26] It is the civil standard of proof, the balance of probabilities, that is applicable in professional disciplinary proceedings. However, the quality of the evidence required to meet that standard may differ...

  8. [2025] NZIACDT 03 IX v Liu (14 January 2025) [pdf, 240 KB], uphold it but take no further action or uphold it and impose one or more sanctions.4 [25] The sanctions that may be imposed by the Tribunal are set out in the Act.5 The focus of professional disciplinary proceedings is not punishment but the protection of the public.6 [26] It is the civil standard of proof, the balance of probabilities, that is applicable in professional disciplinary proceedings. However, the quality of the evidence required to meet that standard may differ...

  9. RIS Regulatory Systems Justice Amendment Bill package [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...of these issues could cause ongoing inefficiencies, unwarranted costs and delays, and confusion around the intent of legislation. 4. Within these regulatory areas we have identified issues in the following Acts: Courts • Bail Act 2000 • Care of Children Act 2004 • Coroners Act 2006 • Courts Security Act 1999 • Criminal Disclosure Act 2008 • Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003 • District Courts Act 2016 • Employment Relations Act 2000 • Jur...

  10. [2021] NZEnvC 131 Wilson v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...for rays that may find haven under marine farms. Dr Visser explains that there is also a behavioural risk that especially young impetuous Orca are inclined to pursue prey once detected. That impetuosity in the hunt for prey would reduce the protective advantages of echolocation.87 (b) baleens do not have the advantage of echolocation. Furthermore, they feed by lunging. The experts agree that this puts SRW at relatively greater risk of entanglement in spat farm ropes when fee...