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Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. LA Provider Manual Part 1 Approvals - December 2018 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Criminal Proceedings Clause 6 Duty lawyer Clause 7 Police Detention Legal Assistance Clause 8 Civil Clause 9 Family Clause 10 Māori Land/Māori Appellate Courts Clause 11 Waitangi Tribunal Clause 12 Mental Health Clause 13 Refugees and Protected Persons Clause 14 Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Application requirements Introduction This section lists the application requirements for each provider type. Required materials The table below lists the required materials...

  2. Standards Committees v Deliu [2016] NZLCDT 41 [pdf, 441 KB]

    ...breaching his judicial oath and of judicial corruption. [12] These six offences were “speech” offences. They involved excessive, disgraceful and baseless attacks on Judges made in provocative and intemperate language, and for the purpose of protecting the practitioner’s own interests. The accusations included allegations of discrimination and racism by the Judges towards both counsel and clients, and corruption in carrying out their duties. They were repeated over the years...

  3. LA Provider Manual Part 1 - provider approvals [pdf, 990 KB]

    ...Criminal Proceedings Clause 6 Duty lawyer Clause 7 Police Detention Legal Assistance Clause 8 Civil Clause 9 Family Clause 10 Māori Land/Māori Appellate Courts Clause 11 Waitangi Tribunal Clause 12 Mental Health Clause 13 Refugees and Protected Persons Clause 14 Court of Appeal and Supreme Court In this chapter This chapter contains the following sections: Section See Page Application requirements 19 Approval types 20 Criteria for approval – all applicants 2...

  4. 2021-03-24 OWRUG - DOC v ORC (C28-2002) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...6.4.1 To allocate Otago ‘s water resources in a sustairzable manner which meets the present and reasonablyforeseeable needs of Otago ‘s people and com7nunities. 6.4.3 To safeguard the life-supporting capacity of .Otago ‘s water resources through protecting the ‘quantity and quality of those water resources. , 6.4.4 To maintain and enhance the ecological, intrinsic, amenity and cultural values of Otago ‘s water resources, 6.4.8 To protect areas of natural character, outstanding na...

  5. Directory of Official Information 2019 D-F [pdf, 890 KB]

    ...Authority ...........................................................................................................28 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority ................................................................30 Environmental Protection Authority .................................................................................34 Ministry for the Environment .............................................................................................39 Institute of En...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 017 Aarts v Waikato District Council [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...and ECO-P1 as it will result in a gain in indigenous biodiversity due to the proposed enhancement of the ecological values of the farm pond and constructed wetland. Even if the further wetland assessment should show that these features are indeed protected natural wetlands, the proposed scheme has great opportunities to enhance the environment on site and thus produce enhanced ecological outcomes; • The proposal is consistent with UFD-O1 as it will result in positive social and en...

  7. Directory of Official Information 2019 D-F [pdf, 695 KB]

    ...Authority ...........................................................................................................28 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority ................................................................30 Environmental Protection Authority .................................................................................34 Ministry for the Environment .............................................................................................39 Institute of En...

  8. Final Submissions Summary Report [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...examine the facts of this document, talk about it, celebrate it, teach it in our school, ensure migrants to our country understand it, and base our laws on it. Individual submission The premise is founded in Te Tiriti – principles of partnership, protection, participation and the right to development. Mataatua District Māori Council While talk of Te Tiriti may not have been common in Pākehā society and in Parliament over the past 178 years, it is constantly upheld on every Ma...

  9. LCRO 80/2021 A LN and B LN v QG (9 November 2021) [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...fair and reasonable. Breach of professional obligations? [22] The Committee noted that a lawyer has an obligation to “always act competently and in a timely manner consistent with the terms of their retainer and the duty to take reasonable care.”3 [23] The Committee considered that matters between the parties were reasonable until Mr LN indicated his intention to instruct another lawyer. [24] It was the Committee’s view that Ms QG’s work prior to then had been conducted...

  10. UK v VL LCRO 142/2013 (2 September 2016) [pdf, 257 KB]

    ...[VL]’s name as one of the f lawyers quoted in the [ABC], the complaint said: 3 I write to lodge formal complaints against the above-named practitioners for breach of rule 2.8 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008. Basically, all-of-the-above colleagues in circa early As such, they obviously felt Dr [YB] had acted improperly, but instead of reporting him to the New Zealand Law Society Lawyers Complaints Service as they were obl...