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Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. Kake - Estate of Aldyth Kake (2020) 209 Taitokerau MB 134 (209 TTK 134) [pdf, 294 KB]

    ...Procedural history [12] The applications were heard on 26 June 2018.5 During closing submissions, Mr Shanahan, counsel for Jane, Marama and David, raised that his clients may seek to file proceedings against their father’s estate under the Family Protection Act 1955. He sought an adjournment to take instructions on the matter. Mr Welsh, counsel for Ihaia, agreed with the adjournment. I granted the adjournment by consent, and I directed counsel to file memoranda on whethe...

  2. AL v BW LCRO 268 / 2012 (24 July 2013) [pdf, 114 KB]

    ...and accordingly, the Committee decided to take no further action pursuant to s 138(2) of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (the Act). [7] The Committee noted that a lawyer’s duty is to his (own) client whose interests he was required to protect, and that the Practitioner did not act for the respondent. The Committee acknowledged the Applicant’s frustration, but the fact that the parties were 3 unable to reach agreement did not give rise to professional conduct...

  3. XB & XC v A North Island Standards Committee LCRO 207-208 / 2012 (10 June 2013) [pdf, 163 KB]

    ...October 2009 (the authority) ~ which reads as follows: To whom it may concern: I (name of client) for myself personally and on behalf of my company (name of company) hereby authorise you to transfer funds to the trust account for [Law Firm 1] to protect my company's funds from possible seizure. The moneys owing to [Law Firm 1] and [Mr XB] personally are to be repaid from the sale proceeds and disbursed according to these instructions. 7. [Law Firm 1] advised that they acte...

  4. LCRO 139/2015 WN v YL and TM [pdf, 190 KB]

    ...wrote: Hi TM Could you please write to NA’s Solicitor and ask how they came to receive the following mentioned information! That I intended to provide affidavits from two witnesses! 1 Pursuant to Care of Children Act 2004, s 132. 2 Court Minute. 4 Kindly Regards WN [20] Ms TM replied on 30 August 2011: Dear WN Thank you for your email yesterday. We can advise that it was advised at Court on 29 June 2011 that you intende...

  5. Auckland Standards Committee v Johnston [2013] NZLCDT 30 [pdf, 182 KB]

    ...dishonourable conduct in the course of providing regulated services and/or wilful or reckless contravention of provisions of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (LCA), LCA Trust Account (Regulations) 2008, and LCA (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008”. [2] The charges are detailed and are set out as an appendix to this decision. [3] At the outset of the penalty hearing Mr Johnston indicated that he did not oppose the order striking him off the roll of barristers and sol...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 178 Lomai Properties Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 698 KB]

    ...attenuation issue. The agreed changes are set out in Appendix A and relate to the following provisions: (a) Objective I447.2(7) ensures that activities sensitive to noise located within the proximity of State Highway 22 (SH22) and Jesmond Road will be protected from adverse health and amenity effects arising from road traffic noise associated with the operation of those roads; (b) Policy I447.3(12) requires all buildings in proximity to SH22 and Jesmond Road that contain activiti...

  7. 15-Damien-McGahan-Planning-statutory-assessment.pdf [pdf, 612 KB]

    ...transport infrastructure projects. This has included carrying out the following roles and work: (a) Resource Consents Lead for the Northern Corridor Improvements Project, a project of national significance which was lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority and considered by a Board of Inquiry. This involved obtaining regional resource consents, alterations to and new designations, along with other statutory approvals required for the construction of the project (for th...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal - Te Ture Whenua pre-publication [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    .... . . . 7 1.4.4 New governance structures and standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4.5 Proposals to address fragmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.4.6 Protections against alienation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.5 The inquiry process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.6 The structure of this report...

  9. Wellington Standards Committee 2 v Morahan [2017] NZLCDT 24 [pdf, 531 KB]

    ...secured against her Tolhurst Road property; (c) On the subdivision of Rosetta Road; (d) The transfer of that property to the trust; (e) The process of her becoming a trustee of the trust. [31] The respondent admitted that he had an obligation to protect Ms B’s interest in respect of those matters. It is clear that she was not given independent advice about any of the relevant issues at the time. [32] The respondent explained that (with the exception of the Rosetta Road pro...

  10. MOJ0504-Making-parenting-arrangements-workbook-Samoan.pdf [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...• Tagai i le • Tagai i le • Telefoni vili fua ‘Are You OK’ i le 0800 456 450 Afai ua e feagai ma tulaga ua e lē saogalemu ai po o lou alo, e mafai na e talosaga i le Family Court mo se Protection Order. Mo nisi faamatalaga: • Tagai i le • Telefoni vili fua a le Ministry of Justice i le 0800 224 733