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Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. Te-Iwi-o-Ngati-Tukorehe-Trust-Cultural-Impact-Assessment-v2.pdf [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...This event is an important part of the heritage and history of Ngāti Tukorehe and association with the Ōhau Awa,  where three of these massive logs needed for the building of Rangiatea church are located alongside the Ōhau  Awa  in  the Pukeatua area. Ensuring  that  these massive  totara  trees are  recognised and protected  is  vitally  important to Ngāti Tukorehe and therefore is articulated here in this report.31    ...

  2. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...'Recreation Reserve' under the existing plan, and QLDC is the requiring authority.4 The proposal [5] The proposal is towards the western end of the reserve, just east of the sealed Stoney Creek carpark. It is on the lake side of two large protected Sequoia trees that overlook the site on its Mt Aspiring Road side. Also on that southern side are the carpark access, a walkway and cycleway, a children's play area and a small sculpture 3 4 Notice of appeal, at [12],...

  3. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...'Recreation Reserve' under the existing plan, and QLDC is the requiring authority.4 The proposal [5] The proposal is towards the western end of the reserve, just east of the sealed Stoney Creek carpark. It is on the lake side of two large protected Sequoia trees that overlook the site on its Mt Aspiring Road side. Also on that southern side are the carpark access, a walkway and cycleway, a children's play area and a small sculpture 3 4 Notice of appeal, at [12],...

  4. Auckland Standards Committee 4 v O'Boyle [2021] NZLCDT 15 (29 April 2021) [pdf, 381 KB]

    ...[2] The Standards Committee submits that the letters were inappropriate and unbalanced, that they contained misstatements, and were designed to cause employment troubles for the affected persons. Ms O’Boyle’s case is that she took reasonable care to get her facts right, that she had honest if mistaken beliefs, and that she was acting on instructions from her client. [3] Ms O’Boyle denies she misled the Standards Committee. She says that the Notes of Evidence in a Family Cour...

  5. LCRO 240/2016 HM v NL (28 November 2018) [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...NL did act for more than one party at any given time, was she able to discharge her obligations to each pursuant to Rules 6 and 6.1?3 3 The Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008. 6 (d) If Ms NL was able to discharge her obligations to both parties and act for both, did she do so with their prior informed consent as required by Rule 6.1.1; (e) If Ms NL was acting for Mr HM, did Ms NL provide...

  6. Restorative Justice: Best practice in New Zealand 2004 - 2017 [pdf, 428 KB]

    ...criminal justice system. The Principles were developed following a consultation process in 2003 with restorative justice providers, the judiciary, relevant nongovernment organisations and others working with, or participating in, restorative justice. Care has been taken to ensure that the Principles protect the inherent flexibility of restorative justice processes, but also provide clear guidance about the use of these processes in a safe and appropriate way. The eight fundamental princ...

  7. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Holland [2022] NZLCDT 9 (3 March 2022) [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...will, her mother had a life interest, and the three children were equal residuary beneficiaries. (b) After her father’s death, Ms Holland was the nominated attorney under her mother’s Enduring Power of Attorney for property, and for personal care and welfare. Her mother was in indifferent health from 2003 and, over time, her competence diminished. 4 (c) Ms Holland’s mother died in September 2013. Ms Holland was aware that she and her two siblings were the exec...

  8. [2012] NZEmpC 109 Shelby Park Ltd v Blackie [pdf, 186 KB] the farm manager, and Mr Knight, the yearling manager, who had been employed by the plaintiff for three years and worked under Mr Blackie. In addition there were six seasonal staff members. [7] Mr Blackie’s duties involved the general care of the horses, the supervision of staff, the preparation and the training of weanling and yearling horses in readiness for their sale. The evidence before the Court [8] As the evidence emerged during the course of a lengthy tri...

  9. LCRO 113/2021 VN v [Area] Standards Committee [X] (27 June 2022) [pdf, 218 KB] file a complaint. [25] The Committee considered that the conduct undermined the processes of the court and the dignity of the judiciary, and that Mr VN’s demand had potential to 2 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008. 7 undermine the integrity of the judiciary by creating an appearance that a threat to make complaint against a judge could influence the scheduling of a hearing. [26] In turning its attention to appropriate penalty, the Co...

  10. Matthews v Matthews - Estate of Graham Ngahina Matthews (2010) 253 Aotea MB 250 (253 AOT 250) [pdf, 200 KB]

    ...the Court should exercise its discretion in favour of Mr Matthews. He is entitled to deal with his land as he saw fit and in accordance with tikanga. While it was understood that the wider family may not be supportive the matter had been given careful consideration by Mr Matthews. Duncan Matthews is the son of the applicant and therefore a member of the preferred class of alienees. Mr Matthews does not wish the lands to be fragmented and nor does he wish to have them included in...