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Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 775 KB]

    ...Limited .......................................................................................................... 27 Lakes District Health Board ................................................................................................ 32 Landcare Research New Zealand Limited ......................................................................... 37 Landcorp Farming Limited (Pāmu) ..................................................................................... 40 Law Comm...

  2. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 792 KB]

    ...Limited .........................................................................................................27 Lakes District Health Board ...............................................................................................32 Landcare Research New Zealand Limited ........................................................................37 Landcorp Farming Limited (Pāmu) ...................................................................................40 Law Commission .....

  3. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 792 KB]

    ...Limited .........................................................................................................27 Lakes District Health Board ...............................................................................................32 Landcare Research New Zealand Limited ........................................................................37 Landcorp Farming Limited (Pāmu) ...................................................................................40 Law Commission .....

  4. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 765 KB]

    ...Limited .......................................................................................................... 24 Lakes District Health Board ................................................................................................ 29 Landcare Research New Zealand Limited ......................................................................... 34 Landcorp Farming Limited (Pāmu) ..................................................................................... 37 Law Comm...

  5. [2024] NZIACDT 15 – YT v CX (14 May 2024) [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...invoice containing a full description of the services to which the fees related, in breach of cl 22. 12. Failing to personally obtain and carry out the complainant’s informed lawful instructions, in breach of cl 2(e). 13. Failing to act with due care and diligence in ensuring that the complainant fully understood the contents of the visa application before it was lodged, in breach of cl 1. JURISDICTION AND PROCEDURE [20] The grounds for a complaint to the Registrar made agains...

  6. MOJ0504-Making-parenting-arrangements-workbook-te-reo-Maori.pdf [pdf, 2.8 MB] • Waea koreutu ki ‘Are You Ok’ i 0800 456 450 Mēnā kāore koe, tō tamaiti rānei i te noho haumaru, ka taea e koe te tono ki te Kōti Whānau mō tētahi Whakatau Whakamarutanga. Mō ētahi atu kōrero: • Haere ki • Waea atu ki Te Tāhū o te Ture i 0800 224 733 Ngā Kaupapa

  7. INZ (Calder) v Cleland [2019] NZIACDT 25 (3 May 2019) [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...Skype interview. He accepted that he had failed to confirm to the clients when the application was lodged. He denied having relied on unlicensed individuals to provide immigration advice and denied having failed to perform his services with due care and diligence. [42] According to Mr Cleland, he had already admitted his shortcomings in his relicensing application and had received a warning concerning this. The complaint provided further evidence of the same shortcomings which...

  8. MOJ0504-Making-a-parenting-plan-workbook-Arabic.pdf [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...456 450 إذا مل تكن تشعر أنت أو طفلك باألمان، فيمكنك التقدم للحصول عىل أمر حامية من محكمة األرسة. للمزيد من املعلومات: تفضل بزيارة اتصل بهاتف وزارة العدل عىل الرقم املجاين 0800 224 733

  9. [2021] NZREADT 37 Watson (20 July 2021) [pdf, 212 KB]

    ...additional information and send it back to her. 4. [Ms Berry] asked us to drop two conditions of our offer that would have put us at risk to meet a deadline of the 21st, five days earlier than our previous agreed date of the 28th. This unfairly protect us in the event of LIM faults found. 5. [Ms Berry] changed the agreed deposit on the EOI from 10% to zero from our original agreed amount. [8] The appellants subsequently confirmed with the Authority that their complaint was also...

  10. LCRO 145/2015 and 148/2015 YK v GS and GS v YK [pdf, 407 KB]

    ...agreement between the two of us. It was a very simple and straight forward terms of engagement; Mr GS would pay me $50 per week and I would strongly represent him. It was an oral agreement upon which we shook hands. I provided him with a client care letter and when the first $50 went into my account I filed with the Court … 1 Letter YK to Complaints Service (15 January 2015) at [3]. 3 [9] The Complaints Service requested further...