Search Results

Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. Education and Training Bill Advice [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...removes redundant provisions, and gives effect to policy changes including: Early childhood education • requiring police vetting of all adults who live, or may be present, at a home in which children are receiving early childhood education and care; • providing the Education Review Office with the power to enter homes where home- based early childhood education is taking place; • allowing the Minister of Education to approve or decline applications to open new early learning se...

  2. AA v BK, BL & BM LCRO 264 / 2012 (25 July 2013) [pdf, 184 KB]

    ...her notice on the above basis so that settlement of the sale can proceed. 8 [31] Mrs AA’s lawyers responded:13 We have no difficulty, in principle, with the property being sold, however to ensure that our client's interests are protected we require full disclosure of the following: 1. Sale Price 2. Conditions of Sale 3. Purchasers name 4. Details of amount to be repaid pursuant to the mortgage. [Emphasis added by LCRO.] In such circumstances and with all due r...

  3. Fruean v Knuckey - Waitara West 52D (2023) 475 Aotea MB 284 (475 AOT 284) [pdf, 371 KB]

    ...I see this situation as a difference in management styles and approach that I am happy to keep discussing and working to resolve. I do not accept that I’ve breached my obligations as trustee. My conduct has always been aimed at furthering the protection of these urupā which are in our care. Josephine Moore [46] Josephine Moore is not a trustee but was appointed secretary to the Trust in 2016. She provided a brief of evidence dated 12 September 2023. [47] Ms Moore describes her...

  4. ENV-2016-CHC-000071 Affidavit of Mr Nathan Hole [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...Station Limited all proposed amendments creating exemptions to Rule 12.1 to allow additional clearance of noxious plants, track maintenance and existing pastoral uses. These amendments were opposed by Canterbury Regional Council and Forest and Bird Protection Society of NZ, and were supported by South Canterbury Federated Farmers. (c) The Council's s42A report recommended the inclusion of an exemption for the maintenance of tracks and the removal of declared weed pests, fro...

  5. [2019] NZEnvC 195 Clevedon North Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...Judge J A Smith Commissioner R M Bartlett Hearing: 4 - 6 November 2019 Appearances: R E Bartlett QC for Clevedon North Limited S F Quinn for Auckland Council A Rennie for herself and J Rennie and A & J Keating M J Whitehouse for Clevedon Cares Incorporated N Henshaw for the Community and Business Association of Clevedon T Fitzgerald for O & T Fitzgerald and C Fleming L Duder in person C Green in person N Kington in person M & N Sharp for themselves No appearance for...

  6. LCRO 105/2018 SW v NL (23 August 2019) [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...said “[w]hen it is obvious that two parties are separating and are displaying contrasting outcomes, it is not wise for a lawyer to act for both parties”. She referred to r 6.1.1 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules) commenting that a lawyer who considers that the clients’ respective 4 interests do not conflict can act for more than 1 client but must first obtain their informed consent to do so. [22] She also refer...

  7. [2021] NZEnvC 127 Kainga Ora v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 3 MB] and will increase the Plan-enabled housing capacity to help accommodate Whangārei’s growing population and assist with housing affordability (NPS-UD objective 2); (b) the agreed amendments to the bulk and location provisions continue to protect the character, privacy and amenity values of the CCZ, MUZ, LCZ and NCZ (as well as the values of the relevant adjoining zones), achieve the zone objectives, and retain a differentiation between the Business zones to provide for diff...

  8. Grants Handbook v4.83.pdf [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...7(1)(a) - (d) or (f) - (o) of the Act • hearings before the District Court, Family Court, High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court • an application in a Youth Court under Part 7 of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, (child or young person in care of the chief executive of a social or cultural service agency) or for the review of a determination or order made by a Youth Court in proceedings of that type • a claim to be heard by the Waitangi Tribunal • a claim to be heard before t...

  9. Evaluation of Parenting Hearings programme pilot [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...tables from the lawyers’ survey can be found in the Technical Report. 8 The Parenting Hearings Programme Pilot: Evaluation Report The Parenting Hearings Programme Pilot: Evaluation Report 9 Tables Table 3.1: Number and percentage of care of children cases in the six pilot sites 28 Table 3.2: Number of current and new cases within the PHP 28 Table 3.3: Hearings held for completed PHP cases 28 Table 6.1: Length of time between entry on to the PHP and Preliminary Hearing 39...

  10. Julian v Inia - Succession to Moehuarahi Te Ruuri (2024) 309 Waiariki MB 197 (309 WAR 197) [pdf, 459 KB]

    ...(2024) 309 Waiariki MB 197 (309 WAR 197) I TE KOOTI WHENUA MĀORI O AOTEAROA I TE ROHE O TE WAIARIKI In the Māori Land Court of New Zealand Waiariki District AP20230000024870 A20210015426 WĀHANGA Under Sections 3A and 4, Family Protection Act 1955 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Succession to Moehuarahi Te Ruuri I WAENGA I A Between TUI KUIAKAHA JULIAN Te Kaitono Tuatahi First Respondent AP-20230000021564 A20230009385 NA B...