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Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. 2020-10-09-ORC-PC7-s-149G3-Key-Issues-Report.pdf [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...(Water Permits Plan Change), having considered it to be part of a proposal of national significance, and directed that it be referred to the Environment Court for decision.1 1.2 This Key Issues Report has been commissioned by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and prepared under section 149G(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).2 It is a report on the key issues in relation to the Water Permits Plan Change (WPPC) and includes: a. A summary of the state of the en...

  2. HIJ v RST and UVW (Publication) [2013] NZHRRT 41 [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...the Act the Tribunal prohibited publication of the names of all the parties and of any details which might identify them. That order was made on the grounds that identification of the parties could lead to the identification of the children whose care was the subject of the proceedings in the Family Court. [4] Having now heard all the evidence we are of the view that the interim order should be made final not only because the identity of the children might be revealed but also becaus...

  3. Evaluation of Waitakere & Manukau Family Violence Courts [pdf, 345 KB]

    ...Interviews 17 3.2 Outcome and sentencing study, and reconviction analysis 17 3.3 Limitations 17 3.4 Ethics and Safety 18 4 Operation of the Waitakere and Manukau Family Violence Courts 19 4.1 Hearings 19 4.2 Defended hearings 20 4.3 Victim advocacy 20 4.4 Protection Orders 21 4.5 Programmes, counselling and referrals 21 4.6 Monitoring programme attendance 23 4.7 Collaboration with community organisations 24 4.8 Resources 24 4.9 Case numbers 24 4.10 Disposal time 25 4.11 Charges by plea type 2...

  4. Wernham v Accident Compensation Corporation (Work Related Gradual Process Injury) [2023] NZACC 022 [pdf, 315 KB]

    ...Dr Jacobs advised that Mr Wernham’s potential chemical exposure during his work had to be considered to be the primary cause of his cancer, as he was likely to have been exposed to a number of carcinogens in his work despite the attempts at protection. Dr Jacobs recommended that Mr Wernham lodge a claim for a WRGPI. [6] On 12 November 2020, Dr Peter Moore, on behalf of Mr Wernham, lodged a claim with the Corporation for a WRGPI. The claim was for cancer of the bladder. The...

  5. Te-Manutukutuku-Issue-79.pdf [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...the day to pursue its preferred policy of corporatising State­owned forestry assets. Under the agreement, the Government could sell the cutting rights to Crown forest land under new forestry licences. In exchange, Māori received an additional protection for their well­founded claims relating to Crown forest land : they could seek an interim recommendation from the Tribunal that the land be returned to Māori ownership, and that recom­ mendation would become binding on the Crown...

  6. ENV-2016-AKL-000xxx Kuegler Family Trust & Others v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...the relevant local authority “in the manner set out in Schedule 1” to the Resource Management Act 19914. Schedule 1 has been described as a code for this process 5 although important glosses have been added by case law as discussed below. A careful reading of the text of the relevant clauses in Schedule 1 shows how the submission and appeal process in relation to a proposed plan is confined in scope. Submissions must be on the proposed plan in support of or in opposition to particul...

  7. LCRO 178/2021 AA v EL (26 November 2021) [pdf, 256 KB]

    ...and again one strikes a client whose adamantine refusal to go to ADR is unshakable. Mr AA is just such a client for me. I am of course aware of the ethical obligations regarding the need to explain to a client alternatives to litigation. I have carefully and repeatedly given advice, but my instructions are clear. The plaintiffs wish to have a short trial. If that finally becomes a simplified trial then that is a matter for the judge. If the matter is to go to a judicial settlement c...

  8. Grants-Handbook-v4.88.pdf [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...7(1)(a) - (d) or (f) - (o) of the Act • hearings before the District Court, Family Court, High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court • an application in a Youth Court under Part 7 of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, (child or young person in care of the chief executive of a social or cultural service agency) or for the review of a determination or order made by a Youth Court in proceedings of that type • a claim to be heard by the Waitangi Tribunal • a claim to be heard before t...

  9. Auckland Standards committee 2 v Burcher Short [2015] NZLCDT 47 [pdf, 78 KB]

    ...the report early in the new year of 2013. [19] In any event they were, and in particular Mr Macdonald and Mr Short, horrified to receive Maffey 2, in mid-2014. A decision was taken to wind down the nominee company and realise, on a staged and careful basis, all of the investments. Our impression is that lending had been decreasing over the previous year in any event and it is Mr Burcher’s evidence that none of the investments of 2013 and early 2014 before the decision to wind...