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Search results for care and protection.

4659 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 196/2016 GY v SO (15 September 2017) [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...which allows a Legal Complaints Review Officer (LCRO) to conduct the review on the basis of all information available if the LCRO considers that the review can be adequately determined in the absence of the parties. [23] I record that having carefully read the complaint, the response to the complaint, the Committee’s decision and the submissions filed in support of and in opposition to the application for review, there are no additional issues or questions in my mind that neces...

  2. Recommendations recap - issue 8 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Fire-Related .................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Health Care Issues......................................................................................................................

  3. Alchin and Scott TRI 2020-100-001 [2022] NZWHT AUCKLAND 01 [pdf, 374 KB] any metal flashings is not correct. Mr Bodger’s opinion is that the building consent documents clearly detail flashings into the sill and jamb areas as required and that the documentation shows the lapping methodology of the flashings to protect the “Triple S” substrate from moisture. Mr Bodger’s evidence is that on his site visit on 3 February 2021 with Mr Gilling, further destructive testing was undertaken and although it found that the galvanised sill flashings had...

  4. Wellington Standards Committee v Twigley [2016] NZLCDT 37 [pdf, 601 KB]

    ...represented payment of those invoices. [35] While Mr Twigley contended he had his client’s authority to deduct the $10,000 he had no file note of such and accepted that that was a departure from his usual practice. He said that after some years of careful file noting, he was by this stage at a desperate phase and “fire fighting”. He accepted that would mean “unfortunate inferences” could be drawn. [36] Mr HP totally denied giving any such authority and the taking of the...

  5. LCRO 158/2019 RL v BN, TG and VK (1 April 2021) [pdf, 604 KB]

    ...At hearing, Ms RL argued that she had been severely traumatised by her experience in working with the [Co 2] franchise and was vulnerable and not well placed to cope with the litigation. She considered that her lawyers had failed to adequately protect her and guide her through the litigation with careful and considered advice. Against this, it is argued for the lawyers that they had been successful in achieving what Ms RL had set out to achieve, namely to delay [Co 2]’s claim unti...

  6. [2022] NZEmpC 101 UXK v Talent Propeller Ltd [pdf, 357 KB]

    ...intended position, Mr Upton pressed the previously made request for the witness summons which, he said, had been drafted by Talent. Ms Fechney strongly opposed the request, submitting that UXK’s health information was confidential and should be protected; and that questioning would be inappropriate. [25] On 13 May 2022, the Authority issued a minute dealing with this request in light of the parties’ submissions. [26] It recorded that Talent wished to question the two medica...

  7. Richards - Karaka Huarua A and B (2004) 98 Whangārei 273 (98 WH 273) [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    ...account the location of any waahi tapu and areas of cultural significance. The Applicants would also take any necessary steps to safeguard waahi tapu sites identified on the area for partition; (d) any opposition to the Partition Application must be carefully weighed by the Court, taking into account all relevant circumstances including the level of actual beneficial owner opposition as compared with the views, however strongly felt, of non-owners. In any case, the Applicants shares outw...

  8. Smitheram v Hanns [2010] NZWHT Wellington 24 [pdf, 483 KB]

    ...Code Compliance Certificate No. 1 pursuant to section 43 (2) of the Building Act 1991 in respect of the work under Building Consent SR39887. [14] During the course of construction documentation was addressed to the family trust, sometimes care of Roger Walker Limited, and forwarded to the trust‟s solicitors for payment. There were also discussions between the trust and the purchasers in relation to variations in the building works and later discussions in relation to faults...

  9. [2019] NZEnvC 205 Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...on plan changes .... .. ... ..... ................ ..... ...... ..... ....... .... ............ .... ... .... .... .. ... ....... ... ....... .. ............ .. .... .. 79 Evaluation of SP 3.3.24 and SP 3.3.30 and related matters of assessment and protection of values .................................................. .. .. .... ... ....... ... .... ....... .. ....... ..... .. 80 Evaluation of Strategic Policies on enablement of activities in Rural areas ...... ........ 86 Evaluation of SP...

  10. Directory of Official Information P-R [pdf, 997 KB]

    ...a substantial and damaging effect on the environment and report to the House • undertake and encourage the collection and dissemination of information relating to the environment • encourage preventive measures and remedial actions for the protection of the environment. The Commissioner can obtain information, protect the confidentiality of that information where appropriate, report findings, and make recommendations. However, the Commissioner does not have the power to make any...