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Search results for care and protection.

4659 items matching your search terms

  1. LG v Otago SC LCRO 275 / 2011 (29 May 2012) [pdf, 80 KB]

    ...clients’ attention that their old easements were surrendered but the new easements had not been registered. As a result of this failure we have been obliged to drive the process to have the new easements registered and their future water rights protected. Therefore our clients now 3 require that you pay their remaining costs for this firm undertaking this work on their behalf. We enclose herewith copies of our account for $1,227.49 and $587.49 and look forward to your immedi...

  2. Regulatory Impact Statement: Order of Inquiries to determine fitness to stand trial under the Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003 [pdf, 600 KB] the standard criminal trial process. If unfit, the court must consider the most suitable method of dealing with the defendant. The possible outcomes for the defendant under the Act are detention in a hospital or secure facility, compulsory care or treatment, or immediate release. 5. Any participant in the case (including the judge or the prosecutor) can raise the issue of fitness to stand trial. In practice, it is most likely to be raised by the defendant or their lawyer. O...

  3. [2011] NZEmpC 129 Patel v Pegasus Stations Ltd [pdf, 95 KB] raised by the Plaintiff with the Defendant in the above correspondence is not couched as a personal grievance, but even if it were (denied) it is not raised in conformity with s114. It is phrased in the nature of a tort (breach of a duty of care) rather than a disadvantage personal grievance. 17. The Authority had no jurisdiction in tort. The Court’s jurisdiction in tort is limited to industrial action. 18. The forged signature issue as raised by the Plaintiff with the D...

  4. AI v AJ LCRO 01/2012 (21 November 2014) [pdf, 53 KB]

    ...[20] My view of Mr AI’s complaint was that it was not limited to a complaint concerning Mr AJ’s reluctance to pursue Mr AK for fees, but rather traversed a broader canvas in that it alleged that Mr AJ had breached his professional obligations to protect Dr AI’s interests. [21] The Committee, in determining to take no further action on the complaint, concluded that: (1) Mr AJ’s role as instructing solicitor was limited to providing instructions for the Court case. (2) Mr...

  5. [2023] NZIACDT 27 BT v Li (2 November 2023) [pdf, 209 KB]

    ...request an oral hearing. 7 ASSESSMENT [31] The Registrar relies on the following provisions of the Code: General 1. A licensed immigration adviser must be honest, professional, diligent and respectful and conduct themselves with due care and in a timely manner. Futile immigration matters 9. If a proposed application, appeal, request or claim is futile, grossly unfounded, or has little or no hope of success, a licensed immigration adviser must: a. advise the client in wr...

  6. XL v BF LCRO 04 / 2012 (19 July 2013) [pdf, 103 KB] fees far in excess of what she believed the legal work would cost and that Mr BF had not properly advised her how she would be billed. She also complained that Mr BF failed to undertake the legal work in a manner that was timely and also protected her interests, leading to her paying expenses that would otherwise have been avoided. Mr BF’s response [4] Mr BF stated that there were a number of difficulties that were faced in trying to complete the transaction. These incl...

  7. Youth Justice minimum dataset: data integration pilot [pdf, 269 KB]

    ...those remanded in custody during the progression of their court case, young Summary _________________________________________________ 9 people with supervision with residence orders, and children and young people placed in a residence for their care and protection. Data samples and matching results Data were requested from Police and Child, Youth and Family (using slightly different sample specifications) to allow us to identify all young people who had a police-referred Family Group Con...

  8. [2021] NZEnvC 096 Northland District Health Board v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 9.7 MB]

    ...issues. Spray Sensitive Areas [19] Spray Sensitive Areas have now been resolved by definition in annexure A as follows: Sprqy sensitive areas are: (a) Residential buildings and associated garden areas; and (b) Schools, hospital buildings and care facilities and grounds; and (c) Amenity areas where people congregate including parks and reserves; and (d) Community buildings and grounds, including places ef worship and marae; and (e) Certified organic farms; and (f) Orchards, c...

  9. Restorative justice: Practice standards for family violence cases 2019 [pdf, 1.5 MB] must not include what was said by any participant during the pre-conference stage. 25 Underpinning the whole process STANDARD 8 - Safety underpins all decisions The provider will: • contact the police or child protection agencies if there’s a serious threat of harm, or where they reasonably believe a child or young person has been, or is likely to be harmed (whether physically, emotionally or sexually), ill-treated, abused, neglected or deprived...

  10. [2023] NZEnvC 277 Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua v Auckland Council [pdf, 9.2 MB]

    ...MATTER of an application by Waste Management NZ Ltd for resource consents to construct and operate a new landfill at 1232 State Highway 1, Wayby Valley, Wellsford BETWEEN TE RŪNANGA O NGĀTI WHĀTUA (ENV-2021-AKL-076) ROYAL FOREST AND BIRD PROTECTION SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND INCORPORATED (ENV-2021-AKL-078) DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF CONSERVATION (ENV-2021-AKL-079) FIGHT THE TIP: TIAKI TE WHENUA INCORPORATED (ENV-2021-AKL-082) NGĀTI WHĀTUA ŌRĀKEI & ENVIRONS HOLDINGS...