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Search results for care and protection.

4614 items matching your search terms

  1. Youth Justice minimum dataset: data integration pilot [pdf, 269 KB]

    ...those remanded in custody during the progression of their court case, young Summary _________________________________________________ 9 people with supervision with residence orders, and children and young people placed in a residence for their care and protection. Data samples and matching results Data were requested from Police and Child, Youth and Family (using slightly different sample specifications) to allow us to identify all young people who had a police-referred Family Group Con...

  2. E79 CVA - Te Kawerau Iwi Tribunal Authority [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...through Hikurangi (West Auckland) and lands around the upper Waitematā Harbour and North Shore, and into the southern Kaipara and Mahurangi. The DoS recognised and apologised for breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi by the Crown, and for its failure to protect lands which were reserved for Te Kawerau ā Maki. The Settlement Claim Act now gives statutory acknowledgements to Te Kawerau ā Maki cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional associations, and requires relevant authorities to h...

  3. [2021] NZEnvC 096 Northland District Health Board v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 9.7 MB]

    ...issues. Spray Sensitive Areas [19] Spray Sensitive Areas have now been resolved by definition in annexure A as follows: Sprqy sensitive areas are: (a) Residential buildings and associated garden areas; and (b) Schools, hospital buildings and care facilities and grounds; and (c) Amenity areas where people congregate including parks and reserves; and (d) Community buildings and grounds, including places ef worship and marae; and (e) Certified organic farms; and (f) Orchards, c...

  4. Restorative justice: Practice standards for family violence cases 2019 [pdf, 1.5 MB] must not include what was said by any participant during the pre-conference stage. 25 Underpinning the whole process STANDARD 8 - Safety underpins all decisions The provider will: • contact the police or child protection agencies if there’s a serious threat of harm, or where they reasonably believe a child or young person has been, or is likely to be harmed (whether physically, emotionally or sexually), ill-treated, abused, neglected or deprived...

  5. Hall v Auckland Council [2012] NZWHT Auckland 6 [pdf, 228 KB]

    ...Black accepts that he carried out certain aspects of the construction but denies liability for the defective work. Bruce Beazley, the fourth respondent, was employed by Winslow as the project manager. Mr Beazley denies that he owed a duty of care and that he caused any loss to the claimants. The fifth respondent (now removed), Kevin Andersen, was the sole director of Winslow. [5] The issues that I need to decide are: a) What defects caused the units to leak? b) Wh...

  6. [2023] NZEmpC 20 Henry v South Waikato Achievement Trust [pdf, 385 KB]

    ...the Chief Executive Officer, Russell Ensor. [2] Ms Henry was summarily dismissed by the Trust on 2 August 2018 at the conclusion of an inquiry that began with allegations that one of the Trust’s employees may have assaulted a person in its care. [3] The Trust’s inquiry into Ms Henry’s conduct began after it dismissed the assault allegation. Its concern about her were that she: (a) had failed to adhere to its complaints procedure by delaying reporting the alleged...

  7. Due North Trust v Gardner [2011] NZWHT Auckland 64 [pdf, 262 KB]

    ...Tribunal finds that the Council was not negligent in issuing it. WAS THE COUNCIL NEGLIGENT IN CONDUCTING ITS INSPECTIONS? [32] The claimants’ case is that the Council was negligent as it failed to exercise all reasonable skill and care in carrying out its inspections of the house. The Council denies this except in relation to the ground clearances and says that its inspections met the standards of a reasonable Council officer at the time. [33] It is now generally...

  8. [2015] NZEmpC 136 Cronin-Lampe v The BOT of Melville High School interlocutory [pdf, 115 KB]

    ...They carried out their counselling role with students and staff of the defendant during that period. The claims now made include allegations that they suffered trauma as a result of the trying circumstances of the work and the alleged lack of care, oversight and relief by the defendant. The allegations made in the personal grievance claims and the breach of contract claims are similar and so it is proposed that, depending upon the outcome of the limitation and leave applications,...

  9. BORA Sale of Liquor (Youth Alcohol Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill [pdf, 347 KB]

    ...Bill of Rights Act extends to all forms of communication that attempt to express an idea or meaning, 4 and extends to commercial speech (such as advertising). 5 Overseas case law suggests that not all forms of expression are equally deserving of the protection and commercial expression that is considered to reside within the periphery of the right. 6 The Courts have held the view that commercial expression is of less importance than political or artistic expression and consequently limita...

  10. Pope v Human Rights Commission (Strike-Out Application) [2014] NZHRRT 3 [pdf, 88 KB]

    ...or holds himself or herself or itself out as providing, disability services [16] The definition of “disability services” is: disability services includes goods, services, and facilities— (a) provided to people with disabilities for their care or support or to promote their independence; or (b) provided for purposes related or incidental to the care or support of people with disabilities or to the promotion of the independence of such people [17] As to these definitions,...