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Search results for care and protection.

4613 items matching your search terms

  1. SV v WT LCRO 21/2013 (26 August 2014) [pdf, 110 KB]

    ...affidavit. He says he completely relied on Mr GN, and did not read the invoice or take any steps to check it was a matter he could properly issue an invoice for. [9] Mr WT’s evidence at the review hearing confirmed that he did not take sufficient care in observing some of his professional responsibilities, and that he did not maintain appropriate boundaries in his professional relationship with Mr GN. The circumstances 1 [North Isl...

  2. [2013] NZEmpC 35 Tan v LSG Sky Chefs NZ Ltd [pdf, 204 KB]

    ...asked for the rest of the week on leave, to which she agreed. She then wrote to Mr Tan setting out her concerns and suggesting a meeting which took place at the offices of Bell Gully on Monday 7 March. Following that meeting, she wrote to Mr Tan, care of Bell Gully, on 9 March 2011 confirming that LSG had not accepted that Mr Tan was an employee of PFC eligible to elect to transfer to LSG but “in the meantime and in good faith, until this matter is resolved, we offer you conditi...

  3. [2019] NZEnvC 110 Western Bay of Plenty District Council v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...that the statement of attributes and values could provide better guidance for users of the RCEP if the listing in the schedule were focussed more on the particular attributes and values of the ONFL which make it outstanding and are sought to be protected. In setting out these matters, we thought that the text should break down the elements so that the particular adverse effects which are to be avoided can be readily identified. These elements could be described in terms of their lands...

  4. 2020-12-07 Statement of Evidence of Richard Allibone on behalf of the ORC [pdf, 5.5 MB]

    ............................................................................................................. 28 Assessment work required to fill knowledge gaps .................................................. 30 Efficacy of Fish Screens .............................................................................................. 32 Protection of ecological values when allocating water ............................................ 35 References ..............................................

  5. LCRO 24/2017 HC v DASH (24 January 2020) [pdf, 216 KB] writing prior to settlement that the purchase would be in the name of the family trust; and (o) at all material times he had acted competently and in a timely manner, consistent with the terms of the retainer and the duty to take reasonable care. [14] Das provided a response to Mr HC’s submission on 30 July 2016. He submitted that: (a) Mr HC was aware at all material times that it was intended that he and his partner were purchasing the [Town] property; and 5 (b) his...

  6. LCRO 123/2019 & 124/2019 MC v QK and QK v MC (3 March 2020) [pdf, 199 KB]

    ...the trust, and in doing so, he had failed to recognise the need for the parties to be independently advised. [16] Mr MC was invited to provide a response to Ms QK’s complaint. Through his counsel Mr RD, he submitted that: (a) Mr MC had been careful to comply with the relevant conduct rules; and (b) the party’s interests were completely aligned, and (c) Mr MC had complied with r 6 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules); an...

  7. Huia-Collective-CIA-FINAL-v2.docx.pdf [pdf, 8.3 MB]

    ...Ngā Manu inland to Ngatokorua then to Te Pou-o-te-Huia. This benevolence, which was contrary to the intentions of Te Rauparaha, was a clear demonstration of the rangatiratanga of Te Whatanui and the absolute mana he had over the rohe. It also afforded protection to the remaining Muaūpoko. Ngāti Raukawa and Ngāti Huia carried out their obligations regarding the ‘Tuku’ and acquired Raupatu rights as a result of subsequent battles and in 1840 the area controlled under the mana (authori...

  8. Turuki! Turuki! Moving Together [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...Our approach focuses on ensuring our collective security through an enduring system which uplifts people, strengthens our communities and relationships, ensures we are all responsible for justice and accountable for our actions, and models more care and compassion for all. This report sets a direction for such change. We are not advocating for minor measures but rather we are laying out a pathway to transformation. Our recommendations will make all New Zealanders safer, and the justice...

  9. Berry & Ors as Trustees of the Burns Berry Trust v Lay [pdf, 301 KB]

    ...there is no argument about the fact that Mr Lay was involved with the construction work on this project. The Owners claim that Mr Lay failed to manage or supervise the work properly, which led to the defects, which was in breach of his duty of care owed to subsequent owners of the dwelling. 3.6 The fourth respondent is the company of Jessop Townsend Limited (“JTL”), which the Owners say was the architectural practice that undertook the design work, prepared the drawings fo...

  10. [2014] NZEmpC 25 Law Ors v BOT of Woodford House Ors [pdf, 518 KB] was both partisan and, in one instance, argued an issue not relied on (at least strongly) by the defendants. I do not mean to say that the Secretary involved himself in the disputed facts of the case and Ms McKechnie, as counsel, was careful not to do so. Rather, the Secretary advanced a strong preliminary argument that the MW Act does not apply to workers whose remuneration is expressed as a salary. The defendants also took this point. [12] However, the Secretary...