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Search results for care and protection.

4659 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 200/2020 SK and WP v AQ (27 October 2023) [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...Committee [X] about their professional conduct. [3] The matter relates to the fairness and reasonableness of fees charged by the Firm to the respondent, Ms AQ, for preparing and filing a without notice application for a parenting order under the Care of Children Act 2004 and a without notice application for a protection order under the Domestic Violence Act 1995 and related attendances. 2 Background [4] The respondent met with the applicants on the morning of 28 November 201...

  2. LCRO 3/2019 YR v OS (20 July 2020) [pdf, 207 KB]

    ...YR complained about the conduct of Mr OS in relation to advice provided to YR’s daughter, AF. [2] The [Area] Standards Committee determined that Mr OS had breached rr 5 and 5.1 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 and made a finding of unsatisfactory conduct, but determined to take no further action with regard to Mr YR’s other complaints. [3] Mr YR has applied for a review of Part 1 of the determination (the liability determination...

  3. Family Court Rewrite Submission - Family Works Northern [pdf, 415 KB]

    ...McMichael 22 February 2019 Introduction We were impressed with the content of the Consultation Document and believe if implemented it would be a very useful improvement in services offered to families experiencing breakdown where day to day care arrangements cannot be self-resolved. Whatever the ultimate recommendations are, we ask that the Panel recommends that FDR continues to sit as the substantive service in which parties must attempt to engage before a Judge receives an...

  4. GD & WL v RA LCRO 290/2013 (19 August 2014) [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...interest. In the Notice of Hearing issued by the Standards Committee dated 16 April 2013 the issues identified were: 1. A conflict of interest in that Mrs RA and her firm acted for both parties (Rules 6.1 and 6.2 of the of the Conduct and Client Care Rules);5 and 2. A failure to obtain written confirmation from the complainants’ bank that appropriate mortgage finance was available to complete the purchase when acting for the purchaser (Rule 3 of the Conduct and Client Care Ru...

  5. Government Response to Law Commision Report on New Issues in Legal Parenthood [pdf, 36 KB]

    GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO LAW COMMISSION REPORT ON NEW ISSUES IN LEGAL PARENTHOOD Presented to the House of Representatives GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO LAW COMMISSION REPORT ON NEW ISSUES IN LEGAL PARENTHOOD INTRODUCTION 1. The Government has carefully considered the Law Commission’s report NZLC 88 “New Issues in Legal Parenthood”. The Government responds to the report in accordance with Cabinet Office circular CO (01) 13. BACKGROUND 2. The Law Commission’s report responds to a Gove

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 213 Coneburn Preserve Holdings Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...provision of sewage disposal, water supply and refuge disposal services which do not adversely affect water quality or other environmental values. Control the take-off and landing of aircraft within the zone. Avoid industrial activities. Maintain and protect views into the Jacks Point Zone of a predominantly rural and open character when viewed from the lake, and to maintain and protect views across the site to the mountain peaks beyond the lake when viewed from the State Highway. Re...

  7. Gillies Realty Limited v The Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 410), Andrews and de Martin [2018] NZREADT 4 [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...uphold his complaint concerning the location of the boundary. [12] Regarding the issue of the brochure, the Committee found that Mr Andrews had breached rr 5.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 9.1 of the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (“the Rules”). The Committee said:3 The need for accurate information is fundamental to a sound real estate transaction. [Mr Andrews] provided inaccurate information about the dwelling [Mr de Martin] was looking to bu...

  8. Ratahi v CAC301 & Legge [2015] NZREADT 62 [pdf, 221 KB]

    ...conduct as found by the Committee. [36] The Authority submits that a meaningful monetary penalty was required in this case in order to achieve the purposes of disciplinary proceedings, being the maintenance of proper professional standards and the protection of the public through specific and general deterrence. [37] Counsel for the Authority submits that the requirements to provide a proper appraisal and only charge commission where an agency agreement has been signed are basic and...

  9. BORA Border Security Bill [pdf, 72 KB]

    ...BORA Issues - Amendments to the 1996 Act 6. In this section, I will address: 6.1 Provisions in the new Part 3A dealing with Customs access to, and use of, information about border-crossing goods, persons and craft. 6.2 The protection from liability conferred by the new s 38O. 6.3 Provisions conferring on Customs an enhanced power to question and detain. I deal with each in turn. Part 3A - access to information about border-crossing goods, persons and craft...

  10. LA Audit Report 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 [pdf, 401 KB]

    ...concerns .............................................................................................................17 Private payments .............................................................................................................18 Protecting the Commissioner’s interests ..........................................................................19 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................