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Search results for care and protection.

4613 items matching your search terms

  1. Nelson Standards Committee v Grey [2023] NZLCDT 33 (4 August 2023) [pdf, 271 KB]

    ...Standards Committee that some comments may have been hurtful to bereaved families during the early stages of their loss. It is alleged that some of these comments go beyond the boundaries of “public debate, political expression or opposition, and protected free speech in a lawyer”12. The Standards Committee allege they are damaging to the reputation and standing of the legal 12 See Charge document, Appendix A. 8 profession, in breach of Ms Grey’s obligation to...

  2. [2021] NZREADT 27 Harvey v Lowe (10 June 2021) [pdf, 388 KB]

    ...behalf of the non-signing owner. It found that by failing to have all three registered owners sign the two agreements, or to verify with Mr Smith that the Lowes had authority to act for him, Mr Harvey was in breach of his duty to act with skill, care, competence, and diligence under r 5.1 of the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (“the Rules), his duty to comply with his fiduciary obligations to the Lowes under r 6.1, and his duty not to mark...

  3. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 5 (Part 1) [pdf, 28 MB]

    ...development of our relationship with tangata whenua in the Otago Conservancy. As our körero has grown over the years, it has become increasingly obvious that Käi Tahu ki Otago natural resources philosophy and our own are moving closer together - the protection and enhancement of our natural resources and heritage for today and for future generations. It is through cultural management tools such as the KTKO NRMP 2005 that DoC and iwi can achieve better understanding and, in doing so, form...

  4. Responding together: an integrated report evaluating the aims of the Waitakere Family Violence Court protocols [pdf, 894 KB]

    ...central role in our research process and ensured that the critical importance of culturally specific understandings of intimate violence has not been subsumed by the monocultural institutions of Pākehā research traditions. We are grateful for your care, support and generous collaboration. Denise Blake and Tracey Powis are also owed a debt of thanks - for so many and varied forms of support that we could not begin to name. We are blessed to be able to count on both of you when we are...

  5. SW on behalf of COMPANY 1 v RG, OL and HJ LCRO 130/2014 (3 November 2016) [pdf, 105 KB]

    ...Committee’s decision to take no further action on this aspect of the complaint. In reaching that view, I have given careful consideration to the purposes and objectives of the disciplinary complaint process, and in particular, its focus on consumer protection.13 [98] A careful examination of the purpose and intent of Rules 5.11 and 5.12 is required. [99] Consistent with the consumer objectives of the Act, the relevant Rules endeavour to provide protection to the consumer of legal...

  6. CAC10070 v Adams [2012] NZREADT 5 [pdf, 177 KB]

    ...Act”) and also, in the alternative, with misconduct under s.73(c)(iii) of that Act “in that her conduct consists of wilful or reckless contraventions of rules 6.2, 6.4, 9.1 and 9.4 of the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2009”. [2] In the course of the hearing, the defendant entered a guilty plea to the alternative charge; and Mr Stanaway offered no evidence to the first charge (referred to above) which was, therefore, dismissed by us for non-pro...

  7. OIA-97846.pdf [pdf, 14 MB] the Minister of Justice” I have outlined your specific requests and my response to each below. The proposal to change the grounds of discrimination was consulted on as part of a package of proposals aimed at strengthening the provisions that protect groups from speech that incites hatred, and improving protections against discrimination. Proposal Six was to “add to the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act to clarify that trans, gender diverse, and intersex people are...

  8. Wakelin and Anor as Trustees for the Get In & Walk Trust v Taupo Texture Coatings Limited [2011] NZWHT Auckland 43 [pdf, 206 KB]

    ...decks and use under ceramic thin-set tiles. The anti- fracture aspect is said to reduce the likelihood of cracking due to building movement. [17] The AFM membrane is self-adhesive on the underside with a ―peel and stick‖ release film protecting the adhesive surface. The film is removed during installation. [18] The product is normally installed by trained and experienced applicators. The specifications require movement control joints in the substrate which must b...

  9. Tucker & Ors as Trustees of the Ngahere Trust v Tucker [pdf, 256 KB]

    ...penetrate that element to the extent disclosed in any particular case) for the dwelling to be defined as a “leaky building” and for a resulting claim to meet the eligibility criterion under section 7(2)(b). For example, a coat of paint or a protective coating of some description, or a particular cladding material may in some cases be the outermost building element into which, or through which, water has passed, thus qualifying the dwellinghouse concerned as a dwellinghouse into...

  10. IK v VR LCRO 227/2014 (21 December 2015) [pdf, 102 KB]

    ...Service about aspects of IK’s representation of her. The complaint alleged: • A failure by Mr IK to hold fees she had paid in advance, in a trust account (the trust account complaint). • A failure by Mr IK to provide engagement and client care information (the terms of engagement complaint). • A failure by Mr IK promptly to invoice Ms VR (the invoice complaint). • A failure by Mr IK to return documents to Ms VR following termination of the retainer (the documents complain...