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Search results for care and protection.

4613 items matching your search terms

  1. Starik v Auckland Council [2016] NZWHT Auckland 5 [pdf, 491 KB]

    ...Peninsula Homes Limited – this company is alleged to have developed the property by the purchase of the land and the construction and sale of the building on that land. It is alleged against Peninsula Homes that it had a non-delegable duty of care to ensure that the building complied in all respects with the Building Act 1991 and the New Zealand Building Code, that it did not leak and cause loss to the claimants. (c) Kevin Bryan Perry – whilst various causes of action were in...

  2. Recommendations recap - issue 3 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...prevent such deaths occurring in the future. In order to publicise these lessons, the findings and recommendations of most cases are open to the public. 4 Table of contents 1 Recommendations 1 Adverse effects or reactions to medical or surgical care 5 Aviation accident 8 Care facilities 9 Deaths in custody 12 Diving, scuba diving, snorkelling 14 Drug, alcohol or substance related 15 Fall 15 Homicide or interpersonal violence 15 Labour or pregnancy related 19 Mental health issues...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal theme U - Land with All Woods and Waters [pdf, 1010 KB]

    ...127; Loss of harvest due to irrigation 128; Loss of harvest due to disappearance of insects 128; Loss of harvest due to dredging 129; Loss of harvest due to swamp drainage 129; Loss of harvest due to pine forestry practices 131; Loss of harvest due to unprotected riparian zones and marginal strips 132; Loss of harvest due to dam constructions 133; Loss of harvest due to culverts 135; Loss of harvest due to modifying estuaries 135; Loss of harvest due to game fish introductions 136; Loss of harv...

  4. Common Bundle Volume 4 [pdf, 4 MB]

    ...well-being of communities from a sustainable development perspective. The four Rūnanga Papatipu o Murihiku; Te Rūnanga o Awarua, Te Rūnanga o Oraka/Aparima, Te Rūnanga o Hokonui and, Te Rūnaka o Waihōpai are collectively involved in the protection/promotion of the region’s natural and physical resources by providing input into the processes required by the RMA and other relevant legislation. Specifi c provisions within the Acts require the recognition and provision for...

  5. Quality and Value Audit Terms of Reference 2018 [pdf, 560 KB]

    ...initial findings. The auditor may also conduct additional interviews with the clients or survey them for their feedback. Engagement with clients should only be undertaken if the client’s view is likely to add value to the overall audit finding. Care should be taken to avoid risk of causing the client anxiety. The auditor should check with the provider that it is appropriate for them to contact specific clients before contacting them. The purpose of interviews with clients are to e...

  6. 2022-02-11 Statement of Evidence of Edward Ellison dated 11 February 2022 [pdf, 692 KB]

    ...reflection of the condition of the people - when the wai is healthy, the people are strong and healthy and so too is their mana;1 (b) The whakapapa connection carries rakatira rights for Kāi Tahu and also imposes kaitiakitaka obligations to care for freshwater (wai māori) and the life it supports;2 (c) The primary resource management principle for Kāi Tahu is the protection of mauri, which is characterised by good quality waters that flow with energy and life, sustain health...

  7. LA Terms of Reference - quality and value audits [pdf, 531 KB]

    ...initial findings. The auditor may also conduct additional interviews with the clients or survey them for their feedback. Engagement with clients should only be undertaken if the client’s view is likely to add value to the overall audit finding. Care should be taken to avoid risk of causing the client anxiety. The auditor should check with the provider that it is appropriate for them to contact specific clients before contacting them. The purpose of interviews with clients are to e...

  8. Proactive-release-Re-written-Evidence-Regulations-6-July.pdf [pdf, 1023 KB]

    ...replaced part of the function of the Royal prerogative of mercy; and 19.2. Family Court access to EVIs of adults, not just children (for instance, to inform civil proceedings under the Family Violence Act 2018 or to assist in determining the child’s care and protection needs). 20. The second issue is the obligation to destroy video evidence 10 years after the court proceeding is finally determined or discontinued (or 7 years after it was made, if not used in court). Those obligations d...

  9. 2021-10-27 ORC - PC8 - Common Bundle - Volume 3(b) [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...well-being of communities from a sustainable development perspective. The four Rūnanga Papatipu o Murihiku; Te Rūnanga o Awarua, Te Rūnanga o Oraka/Aparima, Te Rūnanga o Hokonui and, Te Rūnaka o Waihōpai are collectively involved in the protection/promotion of the region’s natural and physical resources by providing input into the processes required by the RMA and other relevant legislation. Specifi c provisions within the Acts require the recognition and provision for...

  10. 2021 archive

     On this page: Legal aid invoices submitted with a missing date range Opportunity to provide feedback on the Ministry's Care of Children resources Notification of Unavailability Implementing the COVID-19 Protection Framework in the courts and tribunals Survey for PDLA lawyers to provide feedback on nationwide holiday period roster COVID-19 Protection Framework traffic light system - Update 24/01/2022 Phone scam targeting lawyers Wellington Legal Aid office closed Monday 24 January 2022 COV...