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Search results for care and protection.

4613 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 193/2019 CF v YL (19 February 2021) [pdf, 134 KB]

    ...ongoing bullying he had suffered in the workplace. [7] On completing a review of B’s circumstances, Ms YL provided an opinion to B. She concluded that the threshold for establishing workplace bullying had not been met. [8] Mr CF, clearly a caring and attentive father, had endeavoured to assist B in assembling and advancing B’s employment case. The complaint and the Standards Committee decision [9] Mr CF lodged a complaint with the NZLS on 20 May 2019. The substance of his c...

  2. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM Piritahi Paora Joseph [pdf, 119 KB]

    ...her father when fighting Taranaki tribes during the late 1820s. 10. When he came to Waiheke, Rapata was 12 years of age. Because Hera was married to Te Wiremu Hoete Te Riri, he felt obliged in terms of manaakitanga to take the slaves under his care. Rapata proved willing in being a provider for the people. He made signicant mara (gardens) at Matiatia and worked hard. In acknowedgement of his hard work and efforts, Wiremu Hoete Te Riri made a tuku whenua, gifting land to Rapata...

  3. Auckland Standards Committee 4 v Shand [2021] NZLCDT 9 (31 March 2021) [pdf, 108 KB]

    ...appears to us to be a significant volume of defaults. Although only one other of his disciplinary cases concerned delay in providing a file, several others disclose lack of attention to matters that are important in providing proper professional care to his clients. These include, for example, failure to follow instructions, failure to competently supervise and manage junior staff, failure to provide client care information. We infer that he is more engaged in the forward momentu...

  4. Factsheet-for-requesting-personal-information [pdf, 185 KB]

    ...their personal information from government agencies so that they can include it in their evidence to the Inquiry. Government agencies may hold records about you if you’ve ever spent time in a state institution like a prison, youth residence, care home – or if you’ve interacted with the courts or connected with the government in other ways. What information can I request? You can request information about yourself under the Privacy Act 2020, except for court records. If...

  5. RQ v TS LCRO 178/2012 (23 June 2015) [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...recorded an agreement reached. That document, described as a mediation agreement, records that the parties have formalised their understandings in a further document described as a “Heads of Agreement”. The heads of agreement document was not protected by privilege unless the parties agreed otherwise, and records that the terms of the agreement may be enforced by judicial proceedings. [19] Ms RQ and Ms TS both confirmed that the arrangements detailed in the heads of agreement...

  6. LCRO 153/2017 ACE v BDF (28 September 2018) [pdf, 199 KB] by the children’s father suspended or supervised and that this allowed the father’s lawyer and Lawyer for the Child to argue that this was inconsistent with her alleged concerns as to the safety of her daughter while in the father’s care. 1 Standards Committee determination, 6 July 2017 at [5]. 2 [3] Ms ACE instructed Mr BDF in 2012 to act for her in relation to parenting issues where orders were made by the court estab...

  7. BU v DG LCRO 276 / 2011 (6 November 2013) - Penalty Decision [pdf, 219 KB]

    ...application was the subject of a decision issued from this office dated 17 September 2013 (the substantive decision) which made a finding of unsatisfactory conduct against Mr DG in respect of breaches of Rules 2.3, 2.7 and 2.10 of the Conduct and Client Care Rules.1 Mr DG was found to have used the complaints process for an improper purpose. This decision deals with penalty and costs now that both parties have filed submissions. [2] The details surrounding the complaint are set ou...

  8. CV v TND [2013] NZIACDT 20 (28 March 2013) [pdf, 92 KB]

    ...Immigration Advisers Code of Conduct (“the Code”) has been established pursuant to sections 37–39 of the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 (“the Act”). [19] Clause 1 of the Code requires a licensed immigration adviser to act with due care, diligence, respect and professionalism. In doing so, they must ensure that the terms of professional engagements are fair and appropriate. 4 [20] Clause 8 requires that fees are fair and reasonable in the circumstances....

  9. BO v DE LCRO 297 / 2012 (13 September 2013) [pdf, 92 KB]

    ...the Practitioner’s actions did not raise any professional standards issues that justified a finding of unsatisfactory conduct. In particular, the Standards Committee held that:2 …The professional obligations of a lawyer are to promote and protect the interests of their client and there is no general professional duty towards another party who is not a client. Nor does an opposing lawyer owe the other party, who is also represented by their own lawyer, a duty of care. [5]...

  10. [2022] NZEnvC 234 Paterson Pitts Limited Partnership v Dunedin City Council [pdf, 18 MB]

    ...the next 10 years, and to resolve some other implementation issues. It was developed in the context of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD).1 [3] However, in its decision, the Panel incorporated prov1s10ns for the protection of heritage buildings, in the form of a new rule requiring resource consent for demolition of pre-1940 buildings along with other associated additions and amendments (the new heritage provisions) which includes changes to the pre­...