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Search results for care and protection.

4613 items matching your search terms

  1. CAC 519 v Saxton [2019] NZREADT 44 (31 October 2019) [pdf, 235 KB]

    ...charged Mr Saxton with misconduct under s 73(c)(iii) of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (“the Act”). The Committee alleged that Mr Saxton wilfully or recklessly contravened r 6.3 of the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (“the rules”). [2] Rule 6.3 provides: A licensee must not engage in any conduct likely to bring the industry into disrepute. [3] Mr Saxton has admitted the charge. The Tribunal is therefore required to make a fin...

  2. Notes of Crown Maori Relations hui in Whangarei 8 April 2018 [pdf, 407 KB]

    ...would benefit from greater involvement of Māori (e.g. Māori guides at each centre). • Fishing industry – the tuna industry in the North has a lot of potential – it could be huge. • Health – Marae should be empowered and funded to take care of unwell people (particularly people with mental health issues). The only way government and Māori will resolve issues facing Māori is to sit down and talk with each other. Improving the mental health of Māori should be high on the...

  3. Zhang v CAC406 & Anor [2015] NZREADT 91 [pdf, 118 KB]

    ...charging of commission could be a disciplinary matter if the commission charged was excessive, wrongly calculated or there was some other feature of the conduct relating to the commission which was a breach of the Real Estate Agents Act or the Client Care Rules. However in this case the dispute is a simple dispute between L J Hooker and Ms Zhang as to whether or not commission was payable. [7] The purpose of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 are set out in Section 3. 3 Purpose of Act...

  4. BORA Resource Legislation Amendment Bill [pdf, 436 KB]

    ...durable resource management decisions. 5. The principal proposed amendments are to the Resource Management Act 1991 (‘the principal Act’), the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012, and the Environmental Protection Authority Act 2011. The Bill would also amend the Conservation Act 1987, the Reserves Act 1977, and the Public Works Act 1981. 6. To achieve the purpose of the Bill, the Bill seeks to amend the principal Act by: a. introducing...

  5. Auckland Standards Committee 5 v Ellis [2018] NZLCDT 39 [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...period of suspension would give his client the opportunity for further reflection and a final chance to redeem himself professionally. Such a period of suspension would serve the public interest by emphasising to Mr Ellis that he must take more care over his professional obligations. [4] He submitted that the conduct was not at the extreme end where we should decide that Mr Ellis is a risk to the public. Mr Pyke emphasised the following matters: (a) That the client lost interest i...

  6. Butcher v NZ Transport Agency [2022] NZHRRT 21 [pdf, 586 KB]

    ...teaching, either individually or in community with others, and either in public or in private. [5] In light of those provisions, Mr Butcher submitted that the religious beliefs of people such as him whose religious beliefs are not widely shared are protected, directly and indirectly by s 19 of the Bill of Rights Act. [6] Mr Butcher further relied on ss 13 and 15 to argue that the meaning of religious belief under the HRA must be understood to include both the belief itself and the mani...

  7. Joint Application to Make a New Parenting Order by Consent [pdf, 603 KB]

    PAGE 1Joint Application to Make a New Parenting Order by ConsentV1 July 2019 G U ID E The purpose of this form Use this form if you and all other ‘interested parties’ (any parent, guardian, person named on an existing Order or has care and/or contact responsibilities of the child(ren)) have reached agreement about arrangements for day to day care and/or contact of the child(ren) and you want the court to make a Parenting Order by consent. Who should fill in this form? This form must b...

  8. Regulatory Impact Statement: A New Trusts Act [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...powers Minor 37 8 Powers of maintenance and advancement Modernising 59 9 Age of majority Minor 38 10 Appointment of agents Minor 38 11 Appointment of nominees and custodians Modernising 59 12 Power to appoint delegates Minor 39 13 Standard of care Minor 39 14 Investment powers and duties Modernising 59 15 Distinction between income and capital Minor 40 16 Apportionment of receipts and outgoings Minor 40 17 Investment managers Minor 41 18 Acceptance and rejection of trustee...

  9. Briefing for incoming Minister 2017 - Votes Justice and Courts [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...the Justice and Courts portfolios are fundamental, broad and wide- ranging. The Minister of Justice and Minister for Courts are key stewards of the justice system. That means you are responsible for the system whose primary functions are to: a) Protect and uphold the rule of law; b) Enable New Zealanders to transact their business with confidence; and c) Facilitate peaceful and orderly ways to avoid, contain and resolve disputes. Through these functions, the system promotes a safe...

  10. [2020] NZIACDT 50 - KX v Ji (2 December 2020) [pdf, 225 KB]

    ...dishonesty, so the Tribunal is entitled to draw an adverse inference from his refusal to explain his conduct. [17] While the Registrar acknowledges that depriving a person of his or her livelihood is a sanction of last resort, the public should be protected from a dishonest adviser who does not admit wrongdoing, provide an explanation or show remorse. [18] It is submitted by the Registrar that the appropriate sanctions would be: (1) censure; (2) suspension for up to one year;...