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Search results for care and protection.

4613 items matching your search terms

  1. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui in Whangarei 8 April 2018 [pdf, 407 KB]

    ...would benefit from greater involvement of Māori (e.g. Māori guides at each centre). • Fishing industry – the tuna industry in the North has a lot of potential – it could be huge. • Health – Marae should be empowered and funded to take care of unwell people (particularly people with mental health issues). The only way government and Māori will resolve issues facing Māori is to sit down and talk with each other. Improving the mental health of Māori should be high on the...

  2. Political Lobbying Project: Feedback Summary [pdf, 115 KB]

    ...9.2: Rewording of “Balance client advocacy with respect for public interest” to take account of: 24.2.1. the hypothetical position of lawyers, where the proposal would sit uncomfortably with Chapter 6 of the Rules of Conduct and Client Care. A lawyer must protect and promote the interests of the client to the exclusion of the interests of third parties, and must not act for more than one client on any matter 24.2.2. the inherent assumption that a discernible and independent...

  3. BORA Inquiries Bill [pdf, 305 KB] be consistent with the Bill of Rights Act. Summary of the Bill The Bill provides for three forms of inquiry: “Royal commissions”, “public inquiries” and “government inquiries.” The different forms would enjoy similar powers and protections but differ in their manner of appointment and reporting. The Bill aims to reform and modernise the legal framework relating to inquiries so inquiries are more flexible, effective and efficient. The Bill sets out the powers of an...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 097 Ngati Paoa Trust Board v Kennedy Point Boatharbour Limited [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...Environment Judge L J Newhook Hearing: Appearances: At Auckland on 8 July 2021 J Gardner-Hopkins for Applicant V Morrison-Shaw and L Ford for Respondent M Allan and R Smith for Auckland Council under s 274 P Anderson for Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society Inc. under s 274 Date of Decision: 9 July 2021 Date of Issue: 9 July 2021 DECISION OF THE ENVIRONMENT COURT MAKING DECLARATION A: Declaration made about meaning of Condition 24A of the resource consent in decision...

  5. BORA Judicial Matters Bill [pdf, 309 KB]

    ...removal in order to provide relevant information to Parliament or the Attorney-General when considering such questions. When necessary, this process is to be carried out by the Judicial Conduct Panel. • Provide for all Judges to be accorded the same protection of absolute personal immunity from suit as Court of Appeal and High Court Judges. • Provide for the Attorney-General, with the agreement of the relevant Chief or Principal Judge, to allow Judges to sit on a part-time basis....

  6. [2018] NZEmpC 12 McNabb v Silver Fern Farms Beef Ltd [pdf, 195 KB]

    ...will be unable to meet an adverse award of costs. That must be taken as contemplating also that an order for substantial security may, in effect, prevent the plaintiff from pursuing the claim. An order having that effect should be made only after careful consideration and in a case in which the 5 TKR Properties Ltd t/a Top Pub & Route 26 Bar and Grill v MacDonald [2018] NZEmpC 10 at [19]-[21]. 6 At [19]. 7 Employment Court R...

  7. Fitzgerald & Anor v REAA CAC 20007 & Anor [2014] NZREADT 43 [pdf, 32 KB]

    ...reach the decision that Ms Fitzgerald had breached her obligations. They say that the Tribunal’s decision in Rae was a binding decision for the Complaints Assessment Committee. Further Mr Clancy submits that the Real Estate Agents Act is consumer protection legislation and that all agents should make an effort 3 to ensure that the product they are selling is accurately described. He submits that Ms Fitzgerald (and Barfoot & Thompson) should have taken steps to ensure t...

  8. NZCVS-Cycle-4-Core-Report-Appendix-2-Brief-Survey-Methodology-fin.pdf [pdf, 318 KB]

    ...Survey findings - Cycle 4 report Appendix 2 – Brief Survey Methodology June 2022 Results drawn from Cycle 4 (2020/21) of the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey 2 ISSN 2744-3981 Disclaimer 1. While all care and diligence has been taken in processing, analysing, and extracting data and information for this publication, the Ministry of Justice gives no warranty that it is error free and will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the u

  9. BORA Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill [pdf, 299 KB]

    ...Residential Tenancies Act 1986 (the "Act"). The purpose of the Bill is to encourage the development of a rental market while clarifying the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords. The key provisions in the Bill will: • extend the protections in the Act to more individuals involved in the rental market, including for instance tenants in boarding houses • clarify responsibilities as between landlords and tenants for the payment of outgoing expenses such as rates a...

  10. Auckland Standards Committee 3 v Potter [2022] NZLCDT 36 (12 October 2022) [pdf, 103 KB]

    ...said is his friend. That person does not (as far as we are aware) practise in the area of Mr Potter’s interest. [6] We would like to retain Mr Potter’s opportunity of a legal career, but we must give weight to our obligation to consider the protection of the public. Mr Potter has not provided us with organised material. Despite his general courtesy, his capacity to organise himself adequately in the practice of law has not emerged. If he cannot marshal material in this foru...