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Search results for care and protection.

4613 items matching your search terms

  1. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Burton [2023] NZLCDT 23 (26 May 2023) [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...profession. [26] We do not propose to treat the previous unsatisfactory conduct finding as aggravating (having taken place contemporaneously with the present). But we are troubled that a pattern of behaviour may be emerging at the late stages of the career of this otherwise valuable and long-serving member of the profession. Mr Burton is 76 years old and has been in practice, (in a poorer socio-economic part of Auckland) for 52 years. He told us that he routinely had been working...

  2. 2022-03-02 Hearing Notice - PC8 (Urban Provisions) - Commencing Monday 21 March 2022 - updated [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...(Queenstown), PO Box 201, DX ZP95010, Queenstown Interested Party S274 Phil Murray Resource Management Ltd Phil Murray Resource Management Ltd Interested Party S274 Pine Terrace Ltd Nicole Dowling Interested Party S274 Pomahaka Water Care Group Pomahaka Water Care Group Interested Party S274 Puketoi Farming Company Ltd Puketoi Farming Company Ltd Interested Party S274 Queenstown Lakes District Council Brandon Watts, Meredith Connell, PO Box 90750, Auckland...

  3. [2023] NZREADT 34 - IX v REAA (CAC2102) (8 December 2023) [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...12 Moseley v Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 1907) [2021] NZREADT 19 at [59]. 13 Mr O (also known as X) v Complaints Assessment Committee 10028 [2011] NZREADT 2 at [32]–[33]. 6 dishonesty. It could not be said that the public need protecting from the licensee to the extent that her wellbeing would likely be seriously jeopardised. [24] On the basis of the new evidence, which was not presented to the Committee, we find the Committee’s order to publish its decisions sta...

  4. N v I [2018] NZIACDT 19 (18 June 2018) [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...Disciplinary Tribunal (HPDT) in Re Tolland [2010] NZHPDT 325 (9 September 2010). The HPDT observed at [39]: Negligence, in the professional disciplinary context, does not require the prosecution to prove that there has been a breach of a duty of care and damage arising out of this as would be required in a civil claim. Rather, it requires an analysis as to whether the conduct complained of amount to a breach of duty in a professional setting by the practitioner. The test is whether o...

  5. LCRO 137-2016 HA v TY Decision [pdf, 100 KB]

    ...ensure proper discovery might be considered an aspect of the duty not to mislead the Court. It is a positive duty and an ongoing one”. [8] The importance of this duty is reflected in the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules) relating to discovery2 which include a positive obligation on a lawyer to:3 advise the client of the scope of the client’s obligations in respect of discovery, including the continuing nature of those oblig...

  6. LCRO 113/2013 AB v EF (3 August 2017) [pdf, 145 KB]

    ...AB applied for a review of the Committee’s determination. He said:4 … the decision is deeply flawed in its methodology and … it follows that the Committee’s decision to absolve Mr EF of any and all responsibility for his actions is both careless and null and void. [14] His issue with the methodology would appear to be that the Committee did not direct Mr EF to answer each and every aspect of Mr AB’s complaints and the determination was so unreasonable as to amount to “a d...

  7. BORA Rugby World Cup 2011 (Empowering) Bill [pdf, 319 KB]

    ...adverse effect on the environment or a serious prejudicial effect on the proper conduct of the Rugby World Cup. 7. We have considered whether the types of activities that would fall within the ambit of cl (1)(b) are of a nature that attracts the protection of s 14 of the Bill of Rights Act. We note that for the purpose of the Bill the term activity is defined narrowly as “a use, trade, business, occupation and service that is undertaken or conducted for or in connection with the R...

  8. FCA Judicial appointment information booklet [pdf, 615 KB]

    ...2023. Sections 7A to 7K (inclusive) of the Family Court Act 1980 provide the legislative framework to establish the role. Included are sections prescribing the appointment process and criteria for appointment, the term of appointment and immunity protections for a Family Court Associate. A Family Court Associate will fulfil a vitally important role in the hierarchy of decision-making in the Family Court. A Family Court Associate will be empowered to take on some of a Family Court judge’...

  9. NZLS v Gilbert [2012] NZLCDT 24 [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...Basis of Application [8] The application by Mr Gilbert was made on the ground that it would be an abuse of process to allow the charges to proceed, and listed matters under six heads claimed to support that ground: (a) that the principal protective purpose of disciplinary proceedings cannot be achieved; (b) that delay has caused unfairness; 6 (c) the inability of evidence to meet the necessary standard of proof; (d) that fair trial is not possible on...

  10. Family Violence, Sexual Violence and Violence within Whānau: Workforce Capability Framework [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...for example: E Tū Whānau, Nga Vaka o Kaiga Tapu • Revision of existing practice guidelines in the future (for example, the Ministry of Health Violence Intervention Programme guidelines) • Social Workers Registration Board new competencies • CareerForce training schedule (for example, Level 5 Health and Wellbeing Diploma) Informs Ministry of Social Development family violence and sexual violence provider contracting • Contracting arrangements specify safe practice requirements as d...