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Search results for care and protection.

4604 items matching your search terms

  1. YCAP - information sharing guide [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...or young person • Section 16 – Protection of person reporting ill-treatment or neglect of child or young person • Section 59 – Application for production of documents relevant to investigation of whether child or young person in need of care or protection • Section 66 – Government Departments may be required to supply information Health Act 1956 • Section 22C – Disclosure of health information • Section 22F – Communication of information for diagnostic and ot...

  2. Canterbury Westland Standards Committee v Hemi [2013] NZLCDT 23 [pdf, 121 KB]

    ...cancer and during the year underwent chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. From statements provided to the Tribunal it is clear that this is a close- knit family albeit spread around the North Island and Australia. The family agreed to share the care of their mother while she was undergoing the cancer treatment. Indeed it is accepted by Mr Hemi’s mother and sister that considerable pressure was put on Mr Hemi despite his stressful workload, to take his share by visiting his mothe...

  3. RI v Hart LCRO 158 / 2011 (29 August 2012) - Publication Decision [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...direction as to public interest, the other factors to be taken into account when considering whether to publish the name of a Practitioner are set out in the LCRO Publication Guidelines. These are: - a) the extent to which publication would provide protection to the public including consumers of legal and conveyancing services; b) the extent to which publication will enhance public confidence in the provision of legal and conveyancing services; c) the impact of publication on the...

  4. Family Violence Summit 2017 summary report [pdf, 922 KB]

    ...the needs of individual families (wraparound services), and no wrong door for those who seek help (either as victims, or those who are worried about their own or another person’s behaviour). Some described current services as siloed and patch protecting, and said this was in part due to a competitive funding model. However, specialist family violence service providers were vital, and this specialisation could not be replaced by generalist service providers • the need for a whole...

  5. [2023] NZIACDT 16 - WS v Lawlor (9 May 2023) [pdf, 234 KB]

    ...with updates of the non-existent application, thereby deliberately misleading the complainant. (2) Failed to provide the complainant with timely updates regarding the work visa application, in breach of cl 26(b). (3) Failed to exercise due care to ensure the residence application filed was complete, in breach of cl 1. (4) Failed to provide the complainant with timely updates regarding the residence application, in breach of cl 26(b). (5) Failed to exercise due care to fi...

  6. [2024] NZIACDT 08 - MT v Murthy (21 February 2024) [pdf, 127 KB]

    ...professional standards. The magnitude and reach of such disregard or inattention is aggravated and broadened by her past instances of misconduct. [11] The Tribunal’s attention is drawn to s 3 of the Act, setting out the purpose of the Act, namely protecting the interests of consumers. This is a key purpose of sanctions. [12] It is submitted that the wrongdoing could be described as being towards the higher end of the moderate level. Ms Murthy’s conduct is disquieting. She ha...

  7. [2019] NZEnvC 154 NEIL Construction Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 4.4 MB]

    ...designating the use of this reserve land? What would an ordinary, reasonable member of the public, examining the scheme, have taken from the designation? [32] This test was recently followed by the High Court in Titirangi Protection Group Inc v Watercare Services Limited. 3 The High Court said that the purpose of a designation is to be ascertained having regard to the whole of the designation4 and the conditions attaching to it are relevant. 5 The High Court summarised the applicable...

  8. Affirmation of Mr Nicholas Head dated 9 December 2016 [pdf, 32 MB]

    ...Act 1991 of an application for declarations under Part 12 of the Act ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE SOCIETY INCORPORATED Applicant MACKENZIE DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent AFFIRMATION OF NICHOLAS JOHN HEAD ON BEHALF OF THE ROYAL FOREST AND BIRD PROTECTION SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND INC 9 December 2016 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc. PO Box 2516 Christchurch 8140 Ph 03 9405524 Solicitors acting: Peter Anderson/Sally Gepp

  9. Proprietors of Mangatawa Papamoa Block - Lot 1 DP SA 86263 (2007) 90 Tauranga MB 25 (90 T 25) [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    ...standard required of the incorporation in entering into a long term lease bears analogy, therefore, to that required of trustees. Maori land trustees have the same duties as other types of trustee to carry out the business of the trust with the same care, diligence and skill as a prudent businessperson. In considering the proposal the Court must balance the principles of retention and development of Maori land, and, at the same time, consider whether the incorporation is undertaking...

  10. LCRO 52/2016 and 57/2016 BF v ZL (18 February 2019) [pdf, 203 KB]

    ...not focus on the invoice. His complaint concerned the alleged conflict of interests and the failure by Mr ZL to obtain informed consent from both parties as required by r 6.1.1. of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules).7 The appeal [22] XY appealed the High Court judgment and progress of the investigation was delayed pending issue of the Court of Appeal judgment. The appeal did not seek to have the High Court judgment, uphold...