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Search results for appeal.

13831 items matching your search terms

  1. Appeal against access direction - reply (s105) [pdf, 224 KB]

    P a g e | 1 APPEAL AGAINST ACCESS DIRECTION_ REPLY Please fill in all sections below: Appellant’s name ________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Surname Step 1. Respondent(s) (please provide your details) Name __________________________________________________________________________________ First

  2. ACC Appeals calender 2018 May-Aug [pdf, 39 KB]

    Accident Compensation Appeals District Court Registry Circuit 2018 May June July August Sat Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 1 3 Wed 2 4 1 Thu 3 5 2 Fri 4 1 Christchurch 6 3 Sat 5 2 7 4 Sun 6 3 8 5 Mon 7 4 9 6 Tue 8 5 10 7 Wed 9 6 11 8 Thu 10 7 12 9 Fri 11 8 13 10 Sat 12 9 14 11 Sun 13 10 15 12...

  3. Form 48 Children's Workers Exemption Appeals [pdf, 148 KB]

    Templates V12 – August 2017 page 1 08/17 form 48 Legal aid file no. Tax Invoice Civil Legal Aid Fixed Fee/Fixed Fee Plus Children’s Workers Exemption Appeals Invoice date Invoice number GST number Lead provider’s ref. To: Legal Aid, DX Box Number City Name of aided person Name of lead provider Provider number Name of law firm Firm number Details of claim Covers period from: to: Interim invoice...

  4. Form 49 Children's Workers Exemption Appeals [pdf, 673 KB]

    Templates V12 – August 2017 page 1 08/17 form 49 Amendment to Grant Civil Legal Aid Fixed Fee/Fixed Fee Plus Children’s Workers Exemption Appeals Legal aid file no. Lead provider’s ref. Name of aided person Name of lead provider Name of law firm Applicable fee schedule(s) Amendment sought: To replace fixed fee (start at A below) For additional work required when fixed fee has already been claimed (start at A below)...

  5. CPA Form 1 Notice of application for leave to appeal for pre-trial appeal [pdf, 29 KB]

    Form 1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL Part 6, Criminal Procedure Act 2011 In the Court of Appeal of New Zealand [Name] v [R or Police prosecutor] Name of applicant: …………………………………………………………………………….. Decision being appealed: ………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

  6. ENVC Rena appeal AKL 000039 Bennett 2016 [pdf, 353 KB]

    ...pursuant to Section 15A of the RMA. To discharge any contaminants (including harmful substances) from the MV Rena its equipment and cargo that may occur over time as a result of the degradation of the vessel pursuant to Section 15B of the RMA. APPEAL THE DECISION TO GRANT THE MV RENA CONSENT SUBMITTER 94 HEMI BENNETT (himself) OF NGĀTI WHAKAUE 18 MARCH 2016 1 I, Hemi Bennett, appeal the decision of the above the matter. I made a submission (94) on this application and I...

  7. Notice of Appeal - Deportation Appeal (Cancelled Refugee and/or Protection Status) - Form 4 [pdf, 304 KB]

    IPT FORM 4 – DEPORTATION APPEAL CANCELLED REFUGEE AND PROTECTED PERSON – 24/06/2024 Page 1 of 9 Step 1. Your details What is your full name (as shown on your passport)? Family name / surname First name Middle name Title  Mr  Mrs  Ms  Miss  Mx  Dr  Other (specify) Are you known by, or have you ever been known by, another name? Other names: Family name / surname First name Middle name What is your gender? ...

  8. Matchitt v Matchitt - Te Kaha 65 [2015] APPEAL 662 (2015 APPEAL 662) [pdf, 190 KB]

    2015 Māori Appellate Court MB 662 IN THE MĀORI APPELLATE COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WAIARIKI DISTRICT A20150002453 APPEAL 2015/10 UNDER Section 58, Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Te Kaha 65 Block BETWEEN EDWARD MATCHITT Applicant AND PARATENE MATCHITT Respondent Hearing: 11 November 2015 (Heard at Rotorua by teleconference) Coram: Judge L R Harvey (Presiding) Judge D J Ambler Judge S R Clark Appearan...

  9. Baker - Tataraakina C Trust [2021] Maori Appeal Court MB 308 (2021 APPEAL 308) [pdf, 208 KB]

    2021 Māori Appellate Court MB 308 I TE KOOTI PĪRA MĀORI O AOTEAROA I TE ROHE O TĀKITIMU In the Māori Appellate Court of New Zealand Tākitimu District A20210005623 APPEAL 2021/3 WĀHANGA Under Section 58, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Tataraakina C NIGEL BAKER Te kaitono pīra Appellant Nohoanga: Hearing 12 August 2021, 2021 Māori Appellate Court MB 302-307 (Heard at Hastings)...