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13890 items matching your search terms

  1. Baigent v ACC [2014] NZACA 15 [pdf, 17 KB]

    ACCIDENT COMPENSATION APPEAL AUTHORITY NEW ZEALAND [2014] NZACA 15 ACA 9/13 Gary Baigent Appellant ACCIDENT COMPENSATION CORPORATION Respondent Before: D J Plunkett Counsel for the Appellant: J Miller Counsel for the Respondent: P McBride Date of Decision: 25 June 2014 __________________________________________________________________ FINAL DECISION __________________________________________________________________ [1] This is an app...

  2. What happens next

    Acknowledgement of your Appeal Once your appeal has been filed with the Taxation and Charities Review Authority (the Authority), we will send you an acknowledgement that it has been received and issue you a receipt for your appeal application fee. Phone conference & directions hearing The Authority will hold a phone conference before the hearing of the appeal. The purpose of the phone conference is to clarify the issues to be determined in the appeal and to make sure everyone has the informa...

  3. 2018 NZSSAA 008 (5 February 2018) [pdf, 100 KB]

    [2018] NZSSAA 008 Reference No. SSA 086/15 and SSA062/16 IN THE MATTER of the Social Security Act 1964 AND IN THE MATTER of an appeal by XXXX of Christchurch against a decision of a Benefits Review Committee COSTS DECISION Introduction [1] XXXX (the appellant) filed two related appeals which were scheduled for hearing at the same time. The first appeal, SSAA 086/15 was against the decision to stop her benefit payments on the basis t...

  4. Forms

    Notice of appeal against a Complaints Assessment Committee decision Application to review decision of the Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority Authority to act Witness summons Statement of service of witness summons Respond to a charge

  5. Our New Zealand court system [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...mediation and compromise to come to an agreement. Tribunals and authorities Cases heard by a tribunal or authority can be appealed to the District Court or High Court. In some cases, no line of appeal is available. THE DISTRICT COURT CAN HEAR APPEALS FROM: • Disputes Tribunal • Immigration Advisers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal • Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal • Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority • Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Licensing Authority • T...

  6. Adair v ACC [2010] NZACA 5 [pdf, 73 KB]

    [2010] NZACA 5 ACA 138/86 IN THE MATTER of the Accident Compensation Act 1982 AND IN THE MATTER of an appeal pursuant to s.107 of the Act BETWEEN KEVIN JOHN ADAIR of Christchurch Appellant AND ACCIDENT COMPENSATION CORPORATION a body corporate duly constituted under the provisions of the said Act Respondent BEFORE THE ACCIDENT COMPENSATION APPEAL AUTHORITY Mr P J Cartwright HEARING at CHRISTCHURCH on 25 Feb...

  7. Overview - Hearing process [pdf, 207 KB]

    Overview — Hearing Process in the Social Security Appeal Authority After the Notice of Appeal has been filed The appellant will be provided with all relevant documents, including a report setting out the reasons for the decision by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) (“the regulation 249 report”). A timetable will be set for providing documents in support of the appeal and the appellant may provide further evidence that he or she wants to rely on. The parties to the appe...

  8. Apply

    You can appeal to the Tribunal against a decision made by a Complaints Assessment Committee. You can also ask the Tribunal to review a decision by the Registrar of the Real Estate Authority not to grant or renew a real estate licence. How much does it cost? Filing an appeal or a review to the Tribunal is $36 and it can be paid by File and Pay A response charge does not have a fee and is free. Appeal a decision by a committee You need to file your appeal within 20 working days...

  9. [2020] NZSSAA 1 (7 January 2020) [pdf, 75 KB]

    ...[2020] NZSSAA 1 Reference No. SSAA 48/19 IN THE MATTER of the Social Security Act 2018 and the Social Security Act 1964. AND IN THE MATTER of a proposed appeal by XXXX of Christchurch against a decision of the Chief Executive that has been confirmed or varied by a Benefits Review Committee. DECISION (DECLINING EXTENSION OF TIME) The issue [1] XXXX received an adverse deci

  10. [2022] NZSSAA 4 (10 February 2022) [pdf, 131 KB]

    SSAA 04/22 IN THE MATTER of the Social Security Act 2018 AND IN THE MATTER of a late appeal by XXXX, of XXXX against a decision of a Benefits Review Committee. DECISION EXTENDING TIME TO FILE APPEAL Background [1] XXXX wishes to appeal against a decision of a Benefits Review Committee on behalf of her late brother, XXXX. A Notice of Appeal was emailed to the Authority on 20 December 2021, however the email address used was in...