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Search results for appeal.

13890 items matching your search terms

  1. Form-9-Abandonment.doc [doc, 29 KB]

    Form 9 NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF APPEAL Section 337, Criminal Procedure Act 2011 In the Court of Appeal of New Zealand – I te Kōti Pīra o Aotearoa [Name] v [R or Police prosecutor] TO THE REGISTRAR OF THE COURT OF APPEAL I, [Name], having sent to the Court of Appeal a [notice of appeal / notice of application for leave to appeal] against [Conviction / Sentence] now give you notice that– (a) I do not intend further to prosecute my [appeal / application for leave to appeal]; and (b) As fro...

  2. Form-3-S-G-Leave-application.doc [doc, 41 KB]

    Form 3 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL BY SOLICITOR‑GENERAL OR PROSECUTOR Part 6, Criminal Procedure Act 2011 In the Court of Appeal of New Zealand – I te Kōti Pīra o Aotearoa [R or Police or prosecutor] v [Name] Name and full address of respondent: …………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………...

  3. IPT Statistics 2012 - 2013 [pdf, 63 KB]

    Appeals on hand 1 July 2012 New Appeals Appeals invalid or withdrawn Decisions released Appeals finalised Appeals on hand 30 June 2013 New Appeals (All) 1144 1263 244 886 1130 1277 Residence 626 518 45 477 522 622 Deportation Non Resident (Humanitarian) 304 512 180 214 394 422 Refugee and Protection 139 173 13 144 157 155 Deportation Resident 75 60 6 51 57 78 OUTCOME ALLOWED DISMISSED TOTAL ALL 337 549 886 Residence 200 277 477 Humanitarian 64 150 214 Refugee 57 87 144 Dep...