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Search results for appeal.

13885 items matching your search terms

  1. Forms & documents

    These are the key forms and documents to be used for the criminal jurisdiction. District Court and High Court Application for Electronically Monitored (EM) Bail Case Management Memorandum Charging Document Notice of Application Notice of Application for Leave to Appeal Notice of Application to Vary Bail Conditions Notice of General Appeal Plea by notice Protocol Annex   Summons to Defendant Summons to Defendant (proof of service copy) Application to transfer a criminal case to another court...

  2. Customs

    The Customs Appeal Authority hears appeals against the decisions or directions of the New Zealand Customs Service.  The Authority holds hearings throughout New Zealand. About the Authority The Customs Appeal Authority is an independent judicial body that hears appeals against the decisions and directions of the New Zealand Customs Service. Apply to the Customs Appeal Authority You need to appeal within 20 working days of the date you received the Customs decision or direction. What ha...

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  3. Glossary of terms [pdf, 188 KB]

    Glossary of Terms used in the Social Security Appeal Authority Act The Social Security Act 2018. Appellant The person making the appeal. Argument Reason(s) for making the appeal or response to the appeal. Authority The Social Security Appeal Authority. Authority to Act Form Form completed by an appellant who wants a non-lawyer to represent them, such as an advocate. Evidence What people say happened, and documents relating to what happened. Grounds of the appeal Th...

  4. Forms

    Forms used for Charity Appeals. Form When to use Notice of Appeal  Use this form to appeal against a decision made by the Charities Registration Board or the Chief Executive from the Department of Internal Affairs. Notice of Defence Use this form if you are named as a respondent in an appeal and you wish to file a response to the appeal made against you. Application for extension of time to file an appeal Use this form if you fall outside the appeal timeframe.  Application f...

  5. What happens next

    When we receive your notice of appeal, we’ll check it to make sure it includes the required information then send a copy of it to the Ministry of Social Development. Before the hearing The Ministry of Social Development will prepare a report about your matter. They’ll send you a copy of their report. You can respond to their report.  The hearing The Student Allowance Appeal Authority hears appeals ‘on the papers’. This means the Authority will make a decision based on the written subm...

  6. Social security

    You can appeal to the Social Security Appeal Authority to review a decision made by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) about your benefit. The Authority hears appeals about decisions made by the: Ministry of Social Development and confirmed or varied by a Benefits Review Committee Secretary for War Pensions in respect of veterans' pensions and related matters. Before you send your appeal to the Authority, your case must have been heard by the Ministry of Social Development's Benefit...

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