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Search results for appeal.

13876 items matching your search terms

  1. Form 7 - AUP appeals under s157(1), 157(2), 157(3), 157(4) LGATPA [doc, 37 KB]

    Form 7 Notice of appeal to Environment Court against decision about designation or heritage order in Auckland combined plan Section 157, Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010; Section 174, Resource Management Act 1991 To the Registrar Environment Court Auckland 1. I, [full name], appeal against a decision/part of a decision* of [Auckland Council or name of requiring authority, as appropriate] about a designation or heritage order. *Select one. 2. I have the right to a...

  2. Tahere v Tau - Rangihamama X3A and Omapere Taraire E (Aggregated) (2017) Māori Appellate Court MB 62 (2017 APPEAL 62) [pdf, 232 KB]

    2017 Māori Appellate Court MB 62 IN THE MĀORI APPELLATE COURT OF NEW ZEALAND TAITOKERAU DISTRICT A20170001285 Appeal 2017/3 UNDER Section 58 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF An appeal by Toko Tahere, Fletcher Tahere and Canadian Tahere pursuant to s 58 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 against an order of the Māori Land Court made on 20 September 2016 at 137 Taitokerau MB 68-105 in respect of RANGIHAMAMA X3A AND OMAPERE TARAIRE E (...

  3. Logan v Logan - Patangata 2F Section 2B [2022] Māori Appellate Court MB 234 (2022 APPEAL 234) [pdf, 286 KB]

    2022 Māori Appellate Court MB 234 I TE KOOTI PĪRA MĀORI O AOTEAROA I TE ROHE O TĀKITIMU In the Māori Appellate Court of New Zealand Tākitimu District A20220005362 & A20220005502 APPEAL 2022/3 & 2022/4 WĀHANGA Under Section 58, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Patangata 2F Section 2B Block I WAENGA I A Between AMBER LOGAN Kaitono pīra Appellant ME And SANDRA ERENA MAKIANA LOGAN Ka...

  4. Tana v Gilbert - Pukahakaha East 5B4 [2023] Māori Appellate Court MB 206 (2023 APPEAL 206) [pdf, 210 KB]

    2023 Māori Appellate Court MB 206 Tana v Gilbert - Pukahakaha East 5B4 [2023] Māori Appellate Court MB 206 (2023 APPEAL 206) I TE KOOTI PĪRA MĀORI O AOTEAROA I TE ROHE O TE TAITOKERAU In the Māori Appellate Court of New Zealand Taitokerau District AP-20230000021505 A20230009123 A20220011759 A20220004045 WĀHANGA Under Sections 58 and 231 Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Pukahakaha East 5B4 and Others I WAENGA I...

  5. Insley v Insley - Awanui Haparapara 2B 1B 2 Block [2020] Māori Appellate Court MB 29 (2020 APPEAL 29) [pdf, 254 KB]

    2020 Māori Appellate Court 29 I TE KOOTI PĪRA MĀORI O AOTEAROA I TE ROHE O TE WAIARIKI In the Māori Appellate Court of New Zealand Waiariki District A20190008137 APPEAL 2019/13 WĀHANGA Under Section 58 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Awanui Haparapara No 2B No 1B Sec 2 Block I WAENGA I A Between ALEXANDRA TERE INSLEY Te kaitono Applicant ME And MICHAEL INSLEY, SHANNON PAYNE, BRONWYN NGA...

  6. Van Wey Lovatt v Accident Compensation Corporation (Leave to appeal to the High Court) [2024] NZACC 150 (24 September 2024) [pdf, 165 KB]

    IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT WELLINGTON I TE KŌTI-Ā-ROHE KI TE WHANGANUI-A-TARA [2024] NZACC 150 ACAR 130/23 UNDER THE ACCIDENT COMPENSATION ACT 2001 IN THE MATTER OF AN APPEAL UNDER SECTION 162 OF THE ACT BETWEEN AMY VAN WEY LOVATT Applicant AND ACCIDENT COMPENSATION CORPORATION Respondent Hearing: On the papers Submissions: The Applicant is self-represented H Evans for the Respondent Judgment: 24 September 2024 ______________________...

  7. Bamber v Monschau - Tahorakuri A No 1 Section 33A2 [2016] Maori Appellate Court MB 363 (2016 APPEAL 363) [pdf, 183 KB]

    2016 Maori Appellate Court MB 363 IN THE MĀORI APPELLATE COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WAIARIKI DISTRICT A20160001526 APPEAL 2016/1 UNDER Section 58, 79 Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF An appeal by Bruce Anderson Bamber and Kathleen Mata Bamber against a decision of the Māori Land Court made on 10 December 2015 at 133 Waiariki MB 245-270 in respect of Tahorakuri A No 1 Section 33A2 BETWEEN BRUCE ANDERSON BAMBER AND KATHLEEN MATA BAMBER...

  8. Hunia v Skerrett-White - Kawerau A8 D Block [2017] Māori Appellate Court MB 50 (2017 APPEAL 50) [pdf, 196 KB]

    2017 Māori Appellate Court MB 50 IN THE MĀORI APPELLATE COURT OF NEW ZEALAND WAIARIKI DISTRICT A20160006165 APPEAL 2016/8 UNDER Section 58 of Te Ture Wheuna Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Kawerau A8 D Block - an appeal against a reserved judgment at 146 Waiariki MB 281-343 BETWEEN KANI HUNIA Applicant AND COLLEEN SKERRET-WHITE AND TOMAIRANGI FOX First Respondent Date: 30 March 2017 REASONS OF THE MĀORI APPELLAT...

  9. Smith v Maori Trustee - Waipaoa 5A2 [2017] Māori Appellate Court MB 143 (2017 APPEAL 143) [pdf, 186 KB]

    2017 Māori Appellate Court MB 143 IN THE MĀORI APPELLATE COURT OF NEW ZEALAND TAIRAWHITI DISTRICT A20160006079 APPEAL 2016/7 UNDER Section 58, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF an appeal against an order of the Māori Land Court made on 18 October 2016 at 62 Tairawhiti MB 122-170 in respect of Waipaoa 5A2 Block BETWEEN BRUCE WINSTON ANDERSON SMITH, ROLAND MACDONALD SMITH AND DIGGA-BYGUM LIMITED Appellants AND MĀORI...

  10. Nicholas v The Official Assignee - Lot 6 DP 34349 [2021] Maori Appellate Court MB 228 (2021 APPEAL 228) [pdf, 258 KB]

    ...two grounds: first, the Ngāti Tai Hapū Incorporation did not have standing to bring the application to Court and, second, the Court lacked jurisdiction to grant the injunction because the Maketū land is General land. That is the decision under appeal. Ngā kupu o te ture Legal jargon [3] This case involves a number of technical legal concepts that are not often used in day to day language. Some of the concepts are not usually discussed in the Māori Land Court or this Court....