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13697 items matching your search terms

  1. Statement of cross appeal template [doc, 27 KB]

    ...[Name of registry] Registry No: [court file number] Under the [name of Act under which the proceeding is authorised] In the matter of [specify matter to which proceeding relates] Between [full name, place of residence, occupation] Appellant, Cross-Appeal Respondent (Note: if more than 1 appellant, list them separately as 2nd appellant, 3rd appellant etc) And [full name, place of residence, occupation] Respondent, Cross-Appeal Appellant (Note: if more than 1 respondent, list them s...

  2. CAA - Guide to making an appeal [pdf, 160 KB]

    Using this guide This guide will provide you with the information needed to complete your notice of appeal application form against a decision of the Customs Appeal Authority (CAA). Are you unhappy with a ruling of the New Zealand Customs Service? The Customs Appeal Authority (CAA) is an independent judicial body administered by the Ministry of Justice. It hears appeals against decisions, assessments, rulings, determinations, or directions of the Chief Executive. Appeals before the...

  3. Notice of appeal template [doc, 26 KB]

    In the High Court of New Zealand [Name of registry] Registry (note: this is the city/town where the appeal is filed) No: [the reference number allocated by the registry, starting with CIV-] (note: proceedings not yet filed will not have a number) Under the [name of Act under which the appeal is authorised] In the matter of [specify matter to which appeal relates] Between [full name, place of residence, occupation] Appellant (note: if more than one appellant list them separately as 2nd appel...

  4. SAAA Notice of appeal [pdf, 242 KB]

    Page 1 For more information visit SAAA 01/21 - 1 Notice of Appeal Please fill in all sections below: Student Allowance Appeal Authority Please print in CAPITAL LETTERS You may return this Notice of Appeal and all relevant documents by post to the Student Allowance Appeal Authority at the address provided at the end of this form. If you would like someone to act on your behalf, please fill out an ‘Authority to Act...

  5. ACA Notice of Appeal [pdf, 307 KB]

    Page 1 For more information visit ACC 01/21 Notice of Appeal District Court Registry What is this form for? This form is used to lodge an appeal against your recent review decision. It will also inform the other parties and the Appeals Registry what your appeal is based on. This form is prescribed under Regulations 6 & 7 of the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation (Review Costs and Appeals) Regulations 2002. Important Information...

  6. Notes on appeals to the High Court [pdf, 157 KB]

    NOTES ON APPEALS TO THE HIGH COURT FROM A DECISION OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY APPEALS AUTHORITY Preliminary [1] The essential steps to start an appeal to the High Court against a decision of the Authority are: Notice of appeal [1.1] You must prepare a document called a notice of appeal. A form for this notice is attached. [1.2] You must file a notice of appeal with the Authority within 10 working days of the date of the Authority’s decision. [1.3] You must also “promptly deli...

  7. Notes on appeals to the High Court [pdf, 157 KB]

    NOTES ON APPEALS TO THE HIGH COURT FROM A DECISION OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY APPEALS AUTHORITY Preliminary [1] The essential steps to start an appeal to the High Court against a decision of the Authority are: Notice of appeal [1.1] You must prepare a document called a notice of appeal. A form for this notice is attached. [1.2] You must file a notice of appeal with the Authority within 10 working days of the date of the Authority’s decision. [1.3] You must also “promptly deli...

  8. ACA Application for Leave to Appeal [pdf, 274 KB]

    For more information visit Accident Compensation Appeals District Court Registry UNDER THE ACCIDENT COMPENSATION ACT 2001 AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL TO THE HIGH COURT ON A QUESTION OF LAW UNDER SECTION 162 OF THE ACT BETWEEN ApplIcANT (name of party seeking to appeal) AND REspONDENT (name of other party) APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL TO THE HIGH COURT Page 1 For more information visit

  9. Guidelines - How to make an appeal [pdf, 318 KB]

    1 HOW TO MAKE AN APPEAL TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY APPEAL AUTHORITY INTRODUCTION [1] WHAT DOES THE SOCIAL SECURITY APPEAL AUTHORITY DO? 1.1. The Social Security Appeal Authority (“the Authority”) is an independent body that hears and determines appeals of decisions made by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) which have been confirmed or varied by a Benefits Review Committee (BRC).1 When it hears an appeal, the Authority has all the powers, duties, functions and discretion...

  10. ARLA Notice of appeal PLAP [pdf, 261 KB]

    ARLA NOTICE OF APPEAL (PLAP) – 30/03/2021 Notice of Appeal against a Provisional Local Alcohol Policy ALCOHOL REGULATORY AND LICENSING AUTHORITY Section 81, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 Completing this form • You can fill in this form electronically. If you do this, you must print, sign, and submit it to the Tribunal. • You can also print and fill in this form by hand. Use a black or blue pen, and print clearly IN CAPITALS. • Answer every question on the for...