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Search results for appeal.

13697 items matching your search terms

  1. Appeals against provisional local alcohol policies

    Draft local alcohol policies can no longer be appealed to the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA). Businesses and communities can have their say in the development of local alcohol policies through the Special Consultative Procedure each territorial authority (local council) will run when developing or updating their policies. List of local councils Information on local alcohol policies

  2. What happens after a civil judgment is made

    Appeal a judgment, decision or ruling If you don’t agree with a judgment, decision or ruling about your case, you can make an appeal to a senior court: If you’ve had an unsuccessful case in the Disputes Tribunal, you may be able to appeal to the District Court If you’ve had an unsuccessful case in the District Court, you can appeal to the High Court If you’ve had an unsuccessful case in the High Court, you can appeal to the Court of Appeal If you’ve had an unsuccessful case in the Cou...

    Located in:
  3. Representing yourself when commencing or defending an appeal in the High Court

    You can submit this file type electronically and pay any associated fee through  File and Pay. On this page: What you can appeal against Who you can appeal to When you need leave to appeal a decision How to appeal or seek leave to appeal If the prosecution appeals your sentence After a notice of appeal, notice of application for leave to appeal, or reply memorandum has been filed After the appeal hearing If you disagree with a judicial decision made in a case you are involved in, in the...

  4. Notice of appeal [docx, 39 KB]

    Guidance on using the notice of appeal template About the notice of appeal [bookmark: Purpose]To make an appeal to the District Court, a notice of appeal must be filed. Except when the legislation you are filing under states that the appeal is made by way of an originating application (in those circumstances please use the originating application template). How to use the template All the required fields are set out in the template on the following two pages. The sections that you have to fill...

  5. List of Appeals [pdf, 238 KB]

    EC0002_ListOfPartiesEmail LIST OF PARTIES - EMAIL TOPIC: Auckland Unitary Plan Appeals Lodgement: ENV-2016-AKL-000184 Smith & Caughey Limited v Auckland Council Initiator Smith & Caughey Limited Rowan Ashton, PO Box 1296, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140, Initiator Smith & Caughey Limited Stuart Ryan, PO Box 1296, Shortland St, Auckland 1140, Respondent Auckland Council Christian Brown, Private Bag 92300,...

  6. CPA Notice of General Appeal [pdf, 322 KB]

    MOJ9008 Page 1 of 3 Notice of General Appeal rule 8.4 Criminal Procedure Rules 2012 CRI: Appellant’s details Name: Appellant’s lawyer: if applicable Address: Appellant’s lawyer address for service: if applicable Prison where appellant located: Appellant’s phone number: if applicable Legal aid status: Appellant’s e-mail address: if applicable If appellant is Crown Law, address for service:...

  7. Overview - Filing an appeal [pdf, 178 KB]

    Overview — Filing an Appeal in the Social Security Appeal Authority Social Security Appeal Authority The Social Security Appeal Authority (“the Authority”) is an independent body that hears appeals of decisions made by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), usually only after the decision has been confirmed by a Benefits Review Committee (BRC). Any person has the right to appeal a decision made in relation to them. The parties to the appeal are: • the person making...