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13838 items matching your search terms

  1. Common Bundle Volume 4 [pdf, 4 MB]

    ...contribute to and make a place of value, a taonga; and is appreciated for its worth. This may be because of its recreational or cultural characteristics and qualities, its pleasantness, its aesthetic feel, associated smells and sounds or its natural appeal. Protecting these values that make a place, an environment, a moment so special, is pivotal to understanding the links between our people, our language and our environment. The protection of amenity values with their subsequen...

  2. AMLCFT Statutory Review Final Report [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    CHAPTER 1 Report on the review of the Anti- Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 Important notice The information in this publication is, according to the Ministry of Justice’s best efforts, accurate at the time of publication. The Ministry will make every reasonable effort to keep it current and accurate. However, users of this publication are advised that: • the opinions contained in this document are those of the Ministry an

  3. Victim-led alternative resolution pathways [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...remedies are used in New Zealand as a justice-seeking pathway for victims of crime, but it is unlikely to be much, given the limitations of this approach which, in the eyes of those who consider it, may outweigh potential benefits. To improve its appeal to victims, and its effectiveness in delivering hoped-for outcomes, there have been suggested modifications. This has included the addition of RJ conferencing early in the process (Daly, 2011), and making provision for an investigation...

  4. Recommendations Recap Issue 26 1 January-31 March 2021 [pdf, 984 KB]

    ...should not be installed in places that encourage in-water rescue by untrained emergency services personnel or bystanders. c. Principle 3: Public rescue equipment should not place the rescuer at unnecessary risk. X. These key principles have obvious appeal and are a useful guide and contribution to water safety. I have some reservations that Principle 2 might – if applied – prevent bystander rescue where that could prove lifesaving but suggest that Operation Floatation works throug...

  5. Evaluation of the Te Hurihanga pilot [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    Te Hurihanga Pilot: Evaluation Report Prepared for the Ministry of Justice by Julie Warren, with Lydia Fraser Centre for Research, Evaluation and Social Assessment (CRESA) October 2009 Te Hurihanga Pilot: Evaluation Report Centre for Research, Evaluation and Social Assessment (CRESA) Ltd 2 Disclaimer This evaluation was commissioned by the Ministry of Justice. The report has been prepared by the authors a

  6. OIA-99969.pdf [pdf, 23 MB]

    f: '.1 ~ $( MI N! STRY OF ' 11§JtH JUSTICE 1,,, ~"'.(; '1. , Tii/111 o te T,,,-, 20 December 2022 Section (9) (2) (a) Section (9) (2) (a) Justice Centre I 19 Aitken Street OX SX10088 I Wellington T 04 918 8800 I F 04 918 8820 I Our ref: OIA 99969 Tena koe II Official Information Act request: Broadening the Privacy Act's notification rules Thank you for your email of 12 October 2022, requesting

  7. AMLCFT Statutory Review Consultation Document [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...grant or decline an exemption are judicially reviewable, small and low-risk businesses are unlikely to use this due to the costs involved. This potentially creates disadvantages for smaller businesses. There is no legislative avenue for businesses to appeal a decision and ask the Ministry to reconsider an application, although in practice businesses are provided with an indication of the Ministry’s intended recommendation and provided with an opportunity to provide comment. 7...

  8. Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits B to H [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...recovery policies and will be able to assist you with correct protocol and disposal. Failure to comply with the provisions of the HPA is constituted an offence under that Act and you may be prosecuted and/or fined. Decisions in Authorities may be appealed. If you discover artefacts you must have them recorded by an archaeologist. Whenever possible leave them in situ because their context is often more important than the find itself. Storage of artefacts is normally left with local Maori...

  9. Waitangi Tribunal - 30 April 2015 Record of Inquiry index [pdf, 667 KB]

    ...resources in the Mangonui area, from Mangonui to Takou Bay, including islands. It is alleged that Crown actions, particularly Native land policies, caused or allowed alienation of lands. The claimants also allege that the recent abolition of the right of appeal to the Privy Council is in breach of the Treaty. Status: Consolidated 1.1.0123 Wai no: 1146, 1.1 Date of SOC: 20 Oct 03 Date received: 29 Oct 03 Claimant: Pamera Warner Representing: Herself and Te Taou Concerning: Loss of lands and res...