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Search results for appeal.

13838 items matching your search terms

  1. Vincent Carlyle Kerr - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 6.6 MB]

    ' BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Auckland Registry ENV 2015 AKL 0000134 IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an appeal under Clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Act TRUSTEES OF MOTITI ROHE MOANA TRUST Appellant BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF VINCENT CARLYLE KERR ON BEHALF OF MOTITIROHEMOANATRUST 25th October 2017 Counsel Acting RB Enright Barrister Level 1, Stanbeth House 28 Customs...

  2. Rec-Recap-2023-Q4-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 873 KB]

    Recommendations Recap A summary of coronial recommendations and comments made between 1 October and 31 December 2023 Office of the Chief Coroner | 2023 (4) i Coroners’ recommendations and comments Coroners perform essential functions within our society. They inquire into a range of unexpected deaths to establish the identity of the person who has died and the cause and circumstances of their death. While inquiring into a d

  3. Talking about sentences & crime: views of people on periodic detention [pdf, 746 KB]

    Talking about sentences and crime: The views of people on periodic detention Wendy Searle Trish Knaggs Kiri Simonsen July 2003 ii iii First published in July 2003 by the Ministry of Justice PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand © Crown Copyright ISBN 478-20163-x iv Foreword This report examines the views of a cross section of offenders who were serving sentences of periodic detention in early 2000. It presents views of the criminal justice system from the perspectives of those

  4. Access to Justice Technical Survey Report - October 2024 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...complex approach might involve carrying across the demographic weight (FinalAgeGendEthREGwtd) into the issue dataset, and multiplying it with the issue share target in Col A of Table 11, to create a merged weighting variable. This sounds intuitively appealing but suffers from two issues: a) the number of weight targets and scale of weighting would be very large – with big differences between the resulting min. and max. weights, and b) these weights are based only on the profile of respon...

  5. Family Court statistics in New Zealand in 2006 and 2007 [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...order 1,321 1,660 S16 Review of patient's condition 999 1,004 S113A Warrant to apprehend patient/proposed patient for assessment/treatment 44 0 S113A(7) Warrant to enter premises 5 11 S45 Assessment of person in penal institute 1 1 S83 Appeal against review tribunal's decision 1 3 Total applications 5,383 5,741 Number of cases for which there was an application 3,498 3,704 Notes: 1 The upper part of the table distinguishes those applications that were made under the Inte...

  6. Tranche 1 of Cabinet and Ministerial advice on changes to clubs and ranges regulations [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...suspend a club' s operations or a shooting range's operations pending possible cancellation of its certification of approval or certification in certain circumstances. A club or range that has had its approval or certification cancelled can appeal that decision to the 16 We recommend maintaining conditions in the Regulations relating to: • security of premises used by shooting clubs ( currently regulation 28GH) • secure storage of firearms and ammunition on premises u...

  7. 11.-Dr-Matthew-Baber-Terrestrial-Ecology.pdf [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...and Environmental Design Framework CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan CH Chainage DBH Diameter at Breast Height Designation Conditions [The updated proposed conditions to the Project designations, agreed by most parties to the appeals against the designations, and dated 15 October 2019.] DOC Department of Conservation ECR Environmental Compensation Ratio EFM Electric Fishing Machine EMP Ecology Management Plan FIT Flight Interceptor Trap FEMMP Freshwater Ec...

  8. Transcript (weeks 7 & 8 Dunedin) [pdf, 4.9 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT CHRISTCHURCH ENV-2020-CHC-127 IN THE MATTER OF An appeal pursuant to s Of the notice of motion under section 149T(2) to decide proposed Plan Change 7 to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (referred to the Environment Court by the Minister for the Environment under section 142(2)(b) of the Act) of The Resource Management Act 1991 OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Applicant Hearing Commenced: 17 May 2021 held in Courtroom Dunedin Co...

  9. Transcript (weeks 7 & 8 Dunedin) [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT CHRISTCHURCH ENV-2020-CHC-127 IN THE MATTER OF An appeal pursuant to s Of the notice of motion under section 149T(2) to decide proposed Plan Change 7 to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (referred to the Environment Court by the Minister for the Environment under section 142(2)(b) of the Act) of The Resource Management Act 1991 OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Applicant Hearing Commenced: 17 May 2021 held in Courtroom Dunedin Co...

  10. Proactive-release-of-political-donations-consultation-materials-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 12 MB]

    Proa cti ve R ele as e Ministry of Justice Proactive release of material related to submissions on proposed changes to political donation rules Date of issue: 20 January 2023 Some information has been withheld on the basis that it would not, if requested under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), be released. Where that is the case, the relevant section of the OIA has been noted and no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.