Student Allowance Appeal Authority
Information and contact details for the Student Allowance Appeal Authority
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Information and contact details for the Student Allowance Appeal Authority
Information and contact details for the Social Security Appeal Authority
Information and contact details for the Accident Compensation Appeal Authority
The Accident Compensation Appeal Authority has been disestablished under s402 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001. This takes effect from 12 April 2019. All current matters will continue to be dealt with by the Appeal Authority. Any future appeal proceeding brought under the Accident Compensation Act 1972 or 1982 must be made to the Accident Compensation Appeals District Court Registry.
The Student Allowance Appeal Authority hears appeals from students about decisions made by Studylink about their student allowance. Contact Studylink first You need to contact Studylink and ask them to conduct an internal review of their decision, before you contact the Authority. Find out how to ask Studylink for a review of a student allowance decision Appeal to the Authority Studylink will write to you with the decision of their review. If you’re not happy with their decision, you can lodg...
Phone: 04 462 6660 Fax: 04 462 6686 Email: Postal address: Customs Appeal Authority Tribunals UnitDX SX 11159 Wellington Street address:Customs Appeal Authority Tribunals Unit Level 1, 86 Customhouse Quay Wellington
How you can complain about a private security operator, object to people applying to work in this area, and appeal decisions. Complaints How to complain about a private security operator, and what you can complain about. Complaints Objections to applications How to object to applications for private security licences and what the grounds for an objection are. Objections to applications Appeal a decision How Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority (PSPLA) decisions can be appeale...
...Any party to a tribunal appeal who is dissatisfied with the tribunal's decision may seek leave (permission) to appeal to the High Court on a point of law. This means that only legal issues may be raised, not issues of fact. Parties include the person appealing, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive or the Minister of Immigration. You need to apply to the High Court for leave within 28 days after the date you were notified of the decision. Apply for judicial rev...
The Authority has been disestablished and no longer takes complaints. If you're an international student wanting to make a complaint about your education provider, get more information from iStudent Complaints
On this page: Rehearings Appeals Rehearings Both the landlord and the tenant can apply for a rehearing. You have 5 working days after the decision is issued to apply for a rehearing. You do not need to pay a filing fee. You can use this form to apply for a rehearing. You can submit your application at the District Court where the original hearing took place. You can send your application by email, by courier, or post or you can take into the court in person. Court contact informa...