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Search results for appeal.

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  1. Court of Appeal

    You may be able to submit this file type electronically and pay any associated fee through  File and Pay. The Court of Appeal is New Zealand’s intermediate appeal court. It hears appeals from civil and criminal cases heard in the High Court, appeals from criminal jury trials in the District Courts, and leave applications where a second appeal is to be taken. The Court of Appeal can also hear appeals against pre-trial rulings in criminal cases, and appeals on questions of law from the Empl...

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  2. Withdraw an appeal

    You can withdraw an appeal at any time until a decision has been issued by the tribunal. It’s free to withdraw your appeal. To withdraw your appeal, fill in this form: Withdrawal of appeal – Form 9 Then give it to the tribunal by email or fax or by posting it to us or bringing it to our office. In some cases your appeal will be withdrawn if you leave New Zealand. Find our contact details What happens next The case is closed as soon as the tribunal receives your withdrawal form. Appeal fees a...

  3. Make an appeal

    To appeal a decision of the Immigration Advisers Authority, you must apply in writing to the tribunal within 20 working days of the Authority's ruling. There’s no fee to make an appeal to the tribunal. To make an appeal, fill out an appeal form that includes: the details of your case a copy of the decision being appealed any other information you want the tribunal to consider. Send or email the application to us. Email: Postal address: Tribunals UnitDX SX 11159 Wellingt...

  4. Charities Appeals

    The Taxation and Charities Review Authority (the Authority) can hear appeals against certain decisions made by the Charities Registration Board or the Chief Executive from the Department of Internal Affairs. An individual or entity (organisation) may appeal to the Authority against those decisions under the Charities Act 2005. Relevant Legislation Charities Act 2005  Charities (Taxation and Charities Review Authorities—Appeals Process) Regulations 2024  ...

  5. Make an appeal

    If you want to appeal to the Social Security Appeal Authority, you must do so within 60 working days of the Benefits Review Committee’s decision.  If you make an appeal after the 60 working days has passed, you must state in a letter with your application why your appeal is late and why you think it should be accepted. How much does it cost to appeal? There’s no fee to make an appeal to the Authority. Present your case You can present your own case or have a lawyer, or advocate, present...

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  6. Starting an Appeal

    Filing your application with the Authority You can appeal to the Authority concerning certain decisions made by the Charities Registration Board or the Chief Executive of the Department of Internal Affairs made under the Charities Act 2005. Appeals before the Authority are in nature a rehearing. This means that the Authority can hear all existing, and new, evidence relevant to the case. It can confirm, amend, or reverse a decision of the Charities Registration Board or the Chief Executive. You h...

  7. Appeal a decision

    How Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority (PSPLA) decisions can be appealed. The following people can appeal to the District Court against these types of decisions: Who can appeal: What decision can I appeal? Members of the public A licence application being granted after you objected to the application Licence holders If your licence is suspended or cancelled If you’re fined If your application is declined Certificate of Approval holders If your certificate is...

  8. Make an appeal

    There are several different types of appeal you can lodge with the tribunal. Each has its own form to fill out and usually a fee to pay. Appeals can only be accepted if the form is properly completed, the payment is included and it has been received in time. Make sure you: fill in the correct form for the type of appeal you are making read the form carefully and fill it in fully (some forms require you to sign twice) include the fee, if applicable send the form and payment details promptly. If...