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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 2 Tauranga Moana [pdf, 9.2 MB]

    ...Waaka, brief of evidence, 22 May 2006 (doc Q5), p 5  ; doc S16, p 4  ; Hine Thompson-Rauwhero, brief of evidence, 27  September 2006 (doc S39), p 5. 19.  Evelyn Stokes, Ngamanawa : A Study of Conflicts in the Use of Forest Land (Hamilton  : University of Waikato,  1983) (doc A11), p 3 Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from www.waitangit...

  2. Mr-Rasheeds-Authorities.pdf [pdf, 7.1 MB]

    AUTHORITIES 1 Jordan v United Kingdom [2001] ECHR 327. 2 Osman v the United Kingdom [1998] ECHR 101 3 R (Middleton) v West Somerset Coroner [2004] 2 AC 182. 4 Sarjantson v Humberside Police Chief Constable [2013] EWCA Civ 125 5 Wallace v Attorney General [2021] NZCA 506 6 Anjum Rahman, Aliya Danzeisen, Maysoon Salama. (2019). Submissions of IWCNZ to Royal Commission of Inquiry. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2022] 7 Royal

  3. Section 87F Report N Broadbent with Appendices A U [pdf, 15 MB]

    Report under section 87F of the Resource Management Act 1991 on a notified resource consent application by Panuku Development Auckland Limited for consent for the construction, occupation, use and maintenance of permanent and temporary infrastructure and undertaking of activities within the coastal marine area and on land, associated with the America’s Cup To: From: Panuku Development Auckland Limited (“the applicant”) Nicola Broadbent – Reporting Planner Auckland Co...

  4. Legal aid grants June 2023 [xlsx, 83 KB]

    ...grants, by region, 2013/2014 - 2022/2023 For more information on how to interpret these figures, please read the Definitions and data notes. Back to Contents page Example interpretation: In 2022/2023, there were 14,469 criminal legal aid grants in the Auckland region. Region 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 Auckland 9,145 9,947 11,373 11,593 12,598 13,558 13,487 13,970 11,461 14,469 Bay of Plenty 5,105 5,289 5,760 6,141 6,...

  5. Legal aid grants December 2023 [xlsx, 84 KB] aid grants, by region, 2014 - 2023 For more information on how to interpret these figures, please read the Definitions and data notes. Back to Contents page Example interpretation: In 2023, there were 15,063 criminal legal aid grants in the Auckland region. Region 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Auckland 9,186 10,435 11,991 11,672 12,865 13,595 13,667 11,229 13,797 15,063 Bay of Plenty 5,228 5,658 5,953 6,264 6,186 6,067 5,645 4,837 4,882 5,401 Canterbury 3,064 4,...

  6. Legal aid grants June 2022 [xlsx, 84 KB]

    ...grants, by region, 2012/2013 - 2021/2022 For more information on how to interpret these figures, please read the Definitions and data notes. Back to Contents page Example interpretation: In 2021/2022, there were 11,350 criminal legal aid grants in the Auckland region. Region 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 Auckland 9,521 9,195 9,985 11,400 11,639 12,631 13,567 13,502 13,908 11,350 Bay of Plenty 5,597 5,105 5,289 5,866 6,2...

  7. [2013] NZEmpC 197 Electrical Union 2001 Inc and Anor v Mighty River Power [pdf, 239 KB]

    ELECTRICAL UNION 2001 INCORPORATED v MIGHTY RIVER POWER LIMITED NZEmpC AUCKLAND [2013] NZEmpC 197 [24 October 2013] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2013] NZEmpC 197 ARC 21/13 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN ELECTRICAL UNION 2001 INCORPORATED First Plaintiff AND DEAN GREGORY COWELL Second Plaintiff AND MIGHTY RIVER POWER LIMITED Defendant Hearing: 30 Au...

  8. Legal aid grants jun2024 [xlsx, 84 KB]

    ...grants, by region, 2014/2015 - 2023/2024 For more information on how to interpret these figures, please read the Definitions and data notes. Back to Contents page Example interpretation: In 2023/2024, there were 15,595 criminal legal aid grants in the Auckland region. Region 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Auckland 9,825 11,126 11,335 12,327 13,293 13,247 13,813 11,296 14,267 15,595 Bay of Plenty 5,343 5,873 6,262 6,335 6...

  9. Rec-Recap-2023-Q2-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 1013 KB]

    ...slipping and tripping; and no staff or resident training in water safety provided. IV. Older adults (65+ years) are becoming increasingly more at risk of drowning in New Zealand, now comprising 1/6 (17%) of all fatal drowning in New Zealand, and 1/5 of Auckland’s fatal drowning toll in the 5 years to 2020 (WSNZ drown base, 2021), with most (87%) occurred in open water settings.4 One reason cited for the increasing risk in drowning among older adults is the inaccurate assessment of t...

  10. Proactive-release-Review-of-the-Operation-and-Performance-of-the-Public-Defence-Service-2021.pdf [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...issues, we observe that part of the reason why lawyers leave PDS for the private bar is that they perceive that private bar lawyers carry lighter caseloads, with greater flexibility, while earning more overall. Training Y. Training for lawyers is universally well regarded as a significant strength of the PDS: we are told that training is regular, plentiful, and useful. PDS’ training guides are reportedly very good tools. 10 That said, issues arise with access to train...