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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZEmpC 131 Farrand Orchards Ltd v Tane [pdf, 342 KB]

    FARRAND ORCHARDS LIMITED v MICHAEL TANE [2022] NZEmpC 131 [27 July 2022] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2022] NZEmpC 131 EMPC 440/2021 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN FARRAND ORCHARDS LIMITED Plaintiff AND MICHAEL TANE Defendant Hearing: 21 and 22 June 2022 (Heard at Auckland) Appearan...

  2. E16 Paul Kennedy - Coastal Environment - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) AND IN THE MATTER of the direct referral of applications for resource consents for the necessary infrastructure and related activities associated with holding the America's Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority EVIDENCE OF PAUL CAMERON KENNEDY ON BEHALF OF PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND (COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL) 7 AUGUST 2018 096...

  3. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC revised evidence chief Bremner tracked [pdf, 908 KB] Matiatia Bay, Waiheke (Application or Proposal). In particular, my evidence relates to the planning aspects of the Application. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 3. I hold a Bachelor of Planning Degree with First Class Honours from the University of Auckland. I am a Full Member of the New Zealand Planning Institute. 4. I am a planning consultant and sole practitioner / Director of Planorama Consulting Ltd. My previous positions include as an Associate and Senior Pl...

  4. Andrew Hill - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...for admioisteriag the Fisheries Act 1996 (Fisheries Act). I have been authorised by MPI to provide this brief of evidence. . Qualifications and expertise 2. I have a Master of Scien':e degree in Environmental and Marine Science from the University of Auckland and Bachelors of Science and Engineering from the University of Canterbury. 3. In my ·current role I am responsible for a broad review of the .fisheries management system and implementing a change programme considerin...

  5. [2013] NZEmpC 139 NZ Post Primary Teachers’ Assn v Secretary for Education [pdf, 251 KB]

    ...the PPTA. He is employed by the second defendant as a teacher of mathematics. Between March 1974 and January 1998, Mr Gray was an aircraft technician in the Royal Air Force in the United Kingdom. In 1997 he commenced study at Sheffield Hallam University for a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Education and Qualified Teacher Status. He completed his degree in June 1999. Mr Gray has over 12 years’ teaching experience. In July 2006, he and his family moved to Ne...

  6. [2022] NZACC 156 – Chalmers v ACC (16 August 2022) [pdf, 262 KB]

    ...That is an interpretation that we consider, as did the Court in Childs v Hillock, best captures Parliament's intent in the context of a scheme which is underpinned by the concept of “personal injury by accident” and which does not provide universal compensation for sickness or ill-health. So, for example, side effects of chemotherapy of a nature and severity that are encountered reasonably often and occasion no surprise are ordinary consequences of that chemotherapy even if...

  7. JR v ST LCRO 57/2015 (2 December 2016) [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...been changed. Introduction [1] Mr JR has applied for a review of a decision by the National Standards Committee to take no further action in respect of his complaint concerning the conduct of Mr ST who, like Mr JR, is a lawyer practising in Auckland. [2] The complaint concerned a costs memorandum filed by Mr ST in a High Court proceeding in which Mr JR was not in any way involved. Background [3] Mr ST had represented parties against whom third party discovery had been sough...

  8. [2013] NZEmpC 13 NZ Post Primary Teachers Assn & Gray v Cambridge High School & Secretary for Education [pdf, 174 KB]

    ......the crucial consideration would be whether in the course of negotiations the parties contemplated or might reasonably have contemplated litigation if they could not agree. 32. Similarly, in O’Brien v The New Zealand Home Loan Co Ltd (HC, Auckland, CIV-2010-404-8323, 22 July 2011), Christiansen AJ noted at [26] that, for the purposes of s 57(1) of the Evidence Act: ... the term “dispute” not only covers disputes in the sense of litigation being threatened or seriously co...

  9. [2009] NZEmpC AC 28/09 Filta Vacuum Products Ltd v Dolan [pdf, 43 KB]

    FILTA VACUUM PRODUCTS LTD V DOLAN AK AC 28/09 9 July 2009 IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND AC 28/09 ARC 74/08 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN FILTA VACUUM PRODUCTS LIMITED Plaintiff AND HUNTER DOLAN Defendant Hearing: By submissions filed on 14 April and 12 May 2009 Judgment: 9 July 2009 JUDGMENT OF JUDGE B S TRAVIS [1] The plaintiff, the former employer of the defendant, has chal...

  10. [2013] NZEmpC 3 Association of Professional & Executive Employees Inc v NZ District Health Board [pdf, 145 KB]

    ...the meaning is not clear on the face of the legislation, the Court will regard context and purpose as essential guides to meaning. [18] Consistent with that approach, I also have regard to what the full Court said in Vice-Chancellor of Massey University v Wrigley: 3 [44] We also recognise that our role in this case is not to focus narrowly on the meaning of particular words but rather to give practical effect to the legislation in accordance with both the words used and the purp...