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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Kartikeya v Fernyhough [2014] NZIACDT 44 (03 April 2014) [pdf, 239 KB]

    ...BETWEEN Dipti Kartikeya Complainant AND Kenneth Anthony (Ken) Fernyhough Adviser DECISION REPRESENTATION: Registrar: K England, lawyer, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Auckland. Complainant: R J Hooker, lawyer, Vallant Hooker & Partners, Auckland. Adviser: In person Date Issued: 3 April 2014 2 DECISION Preliminary [1] The complainant and her husband attended the advise...

  2. [2008] NZEmpC Maritime Union of NZ Inc and ors v TLNZ Ltd and anor [pdf, 46 KB]

    MARITIME UNION OF NEW ZEALAND INC AND ORS V TLNZ LTD AND ANOR AK AC 7/08 10 April 2008 IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND AC 7/08 ARC 34/07 IN THE MATTER OF proceedings removed from the Employment Relations Authority and for declarations and injunction BETWEEN MARITIME UNION OF NEW ZEALAND INC First Plaintiff AND HENRY NEE NEE AND HENRY TOLEAFOA Second Plaintiffs AND TONY SMART Third Plaintiff AND TLNZ LTD First Defendant AND TLNZ (AUCKLAND) LIMI...

  3. Geldenhuys v C Yap [2013] NZIACDT 42 (15 July 2013) [pdf, 141 KB] a professional 4 disciplinary offence: Complaints Committee of Waikato Bay of Plenty District Law Society v Osmond [2003] NZAR 162 (HC). [26] Rehabilitation of a practitioner is an important factor when appropriate (B v B HC Auckland, HC4/92, 6 April 1993). In Patel v Complaints Assessment Committee (HC Auckland CIV-2007- 404-1818, 13 August 2007), the Court stressed when imposing sanctions in the disciplinary process applicable to that case, that it was necessary to...

  4. Khan v New Zealand Law Society [2014] NZLCDT 18 [pdf, 83 KB]

    ...BETWEEN MUHAMMAD SHAMSUD-DEAN SAHU KHAN Appellant AND NEW ZEALAND LAW SOCIETY Respondent CHAIR Judge D F Clarkson MEMBERS OF TRIBUNAL Mr W Chapman Mr A Lamont Mr P Shaw Mr S Walker HEARING at AUCKLAND DATE 2 and 3 April 2014 COUNSEL Mr R Pidgeon for the appellant Mr P Collins for the respondent 2 DECISION OF NEW ZEALAND LAWYERS AND CONVEYANCERS DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL Introduction [1] This is an...

  5. [2015] NZEmpC 193 The Cabinet Place Ltd v Kubesch [pdf, 171 KB]

    THE CABINET PLACE LIMITED v FRANZ KUBESCH NZEmpC AUCKLAND [2015] NZEmpC 193 [3 November 2015] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2015] NZEmpC 193 EMPC 93/2015 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN THE CABINET PLACE LIMITED Plaintiff AND FRANZ KUBESCH Defendant Hearing: 19 October 2015 (Heard at Auckland) Appearances: C Baumann, as agent for plaintiff F Kubesch...

  6. LCDT - 2018 annual report [pdf, 572 KB]

    ... Page | 7 Number of hearings by location 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 Auckland 30 23 23 32 45 22 20 15 15 Hamilton - - - 2 1 - - - 2 Tauranga - - 1 - - - - - - Rotorua - - - 2 - - - - - Napier - - - - 1 - -...

  7. Preventing the prison pipeline Professor Ian Lambie report [pdf, 223 KB]

    32 Lambie, IJBPE, vol 9, issue 3, 2022 THE PRISON PIPELINE The prison pipeline: Why early intervention is the best solution Ian Lambie, Professor in Clinical Psychology at the University of Auckland, New Zealand Chief Science Adviser for the Justice Sector, New Zealand ‘This report puts forward the view that potentially the most effective way to reduce serious crime rates in the longer term – and hence to reduce the use...

  8. Vincent v Kennedy - Estate of Carol Fleet (2019) 185 Taitokerau MB 148 (185 TTK 148) [pdf, 328 KB]

    ...MAUREEN VINCENT and JOHN FLEET Applicants AND NATHAN KENNEDY Respondent Hearing: 22 October 2015, 117 Taitokerau MB 76-85 25 – 26 July 2016, 136 Taitokerau MB 141-269 21 March 2018, 171 Taitokerau MB 151-179 (Heard at Auckland) Appearances: C Hockly, for Applicants P Majurey, for Respondent D Abbot, for Estate of Carol Ngawhira Tanui Fleet Judgment: 31 January 2019 JUDGMENT OF JUDGE M P ARMSTRONG

  9. LCDT - 2015 annual report [pdf, 249 KB]

    ...rights in the criminal trials to be held, the disciplinary process must await the conclusion of the criminal process. That wait has, so far, been in excess of five years. We are acutely aware of the comments of the Court of Appeal in Orlov v. Auckland Lawyers Standards Committee and Or1 : “[107]……almost five years later it has still not been resolved. Such a situation is totally unsatisfactory and contrary to the statutory policy that complaints are to be dealt with expedi...

  10. [2011] NZEmpC 28 Zhang v Sam’s Fukuyama Food Service Ltd [pdf, 149 KB]

    JIAN ZHANG V SAM'S FUKUYAMA FOOD SERVICE LTD NZEmpC AK [2011] NZEmpC 28 [30 March 2011] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2011] NZEmpC 28 ARC 46/10 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN JIAN ZHANG Plaintiff AND SAM'S FUKUYAMA FOOD SERVICE LTD Defendant Hearing: 24 February 2011 25 February 2011 (Heard at Auckland) Appearances: Garry Pollak, Counsel for the Plaintiff To...