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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Acting Chief Executive of the Ministry for Culture and Heritage - Taonga Tūturu found at Kerikeri (2015) 106 Taitokerau MB 210 (106 TTK 210) [pdf, 279 KB]

    ...some point between 750 and 420 years [before present]. [5] A charcoal sample taken from one of the earth-ovens provided a radio carbon dating result of 422 (plus or minus 35 years) before 1950. Preservation of the Taonga [6] Dilys Johns of the University of Auckland has undertaken conservation treatment of the taonga. In a report prepared by Ms Johns in July 2010, she notes that the taonga are in an advanced state of degradation. She says: 4 Ideally these taonga should be stor...

  2. Te-Manutukutuku-Issue-79.pdf [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...Māori Development, Willie Jackson, announced the appointment of three new judges to the Māori Land Court bench – Judges Mullins, Warren, and Williams – saying they would make valuable contributions to the bench. A proud graduate of the University of Otago, Judge Rachel Mullins (Ngāti Kahungunu, Kāi Tahu) began her legal career at the Ngāi Tahu Māori Law Centre in Dunedin. Community law has always been close to her heart, and she is the independent Māori board member on...

  3. MLC - 150 years of the Māori Land Court [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...Historical Foundations of the Court 1862-1890s “Ōku waewae kāinga” HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE COURT 1862–1890s Historical Foundations of the Court 1862-1890s Written by R P Boast QC Professor, Faculty of Law, Victoria University of Wellington. 1 10 | 11 Origins of the Court The Native Land Court, today the Māori Land Court, is New Zealand’s oldest and longest- established specialist court. It has a long and intricate history and has been affected...

  4. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief Mica Plowman [pdf, 9.5 MB]

    ...My evidence relates specifically to the historic heritage aspects of the Application. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 3. I hold the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts in Anthropology, majoring in archaeology with honours from the University of Auckland. I am employed as a Principal Heritage Advisor at Auckland Council, a position I have held since 2012. I am a member of the New Zealand Archaeological Association, and have 19 years’ experience in the field of archae...

  5. Te Manutukutuku 74 [pdf, 11 MB]­writing assistance on the Ngāti Wai Mandate and Te Rohe Pōtae reports. He is now part of the team supporting the Taihape district inquiry and has attended eight hearings in this capacity. Having researched and writ­ ten on history during his university studies, he feels greatly privileged to have worked on these inquiries. Learning te reo Māori is a passion for Lawrence, and he values the many opportunities to further this interest at the Tribunal unit. He is grateful to...

  6. Worker-Exploitation-in-NZ-Enforcement-and-Commentary-Paper.pdf [pdf, 313 KB]

    Worker Exploitation in New Zealand: Law Reform and Enforcement Paper presented to University of Auckland Employment Law Class 18 May 20231 Judge Kathryn Beck2 Mauri ora kia tātou, E te hunga mate, moi mai rā, rātou ki a rātou, tātou te hunga ora ki a tātou Kei te manawhenua o tēnei rohe, kei te mihi E koa ana te ngākau i tae mai ahau i tēnei rā i runga i te reo karanga o te rā. Nō reira, ka nui te mihi ki a tātou katoa Ko Kaiwhakawā Kathryn Beck tōku...

  7. [2016] NZEmpC 151 Carr, Labour Inspector v Sharma [pdf, 204 KB]

    DARREN BRETT CARR, LABOUR INSPECTOR v VISHAAL KUMAR SHARMA NZEmpC AUCKLAND [2016] NZEmpC 151 [17 November 2016] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2016] NZEmpC 151 EMPC 138/2016 IN THE MATTER OF a charging document issued under Employment Relations Act 2000, s 235(1) BETWEEN DARREN BRETT CARR, LABOUR INSPECTOR Prosecutor AND VISHAAL KUMAR SHARMA Defendant Hearing: 14 September 2016 (Heard at Hamilton) Appearances: S...

  8. Transcript of speeches KG Smith [doc, 91 KB] Judge about his or her own career, although once when I apologised to Justice Peters after recounting her career during her swearing-in, she said not to bother because she’d actually found it quite interesting. Following your graduation from the University of Canterbury in the early 1980s, you began your legal career as a law clerk at Cavell Leitch. You went on to work as a solicitor at Lane Neave and Brooklyn Stock before moving to that great firm Buddle Findlay in 1988 where you were...

  9. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 s274 evidence chief Janet Moore Appendix 3 Makgill [pdf, 303 KB]

    ...Philosophical Foundations of Environmental Law: Property, Rights and Nature, Hart 2004, p. 58. 14 Freeman, M., Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, (6th ed), Sweet and Maxwell 1994, p. 103. 15 Waldron, J., The Right to Private Property, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 141. 16 Coyle & Morrow, supra note 13 at pp. 47–48. 17 Ibid., p.50. Public Property and Private Use Rights: The Coastal Marine Area in NZ 81 When an individual utilised his body in the form of labour and mi...

  10. Evidence - Noise - Minister for Children - Rhys Hegley - Final [pdf, 424 KB]

    ...Designation 3800 (“NOR”) in the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) (“Unitary Plan”), which has been directly referred to the Environment Court. 2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 2.1 I hold a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Auckland (1993) and have attended specialist courses in acoustics in Australia and America. I am a Chartered Acoustic Engineer and a member of the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand. For the last 19 years I hav...