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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZCAA 01 (7 July 2020) [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...and Calderbank principles cannot apply. The difficulty with that argument is that the principles are reasonable principles used to set costs in New Zealand Courts. The Courts have statutory provisions governing costs in New Zealand. However, universally as far as I am aware, there is an overarching discretion,5 where principles such as considering Calderbank offers, and the policy of using scale rather than indemnity costs are weighed against the circumstances of the case before t...

  2. LCDT - 2016 annual report [pdf, 496 KB]

    ...conclusion of the criminal process. That wait has, so far, been in excess of six years. It is expected that both sets of charges will be disposed of within the next year.2 We are acutely aware of the comments of the Court of Appeal in Orlov v. Auckland Lawyers Standards Committee and Or3: “[107]……almost five years later it has still not been resolved. Such a situation is totally unsatisfactory and contrary to the statutory policy that complaints are to be dealt with...

  3. Te Manutukutuku Issue 6 [pdf, 599 KB] upon him, Mac chose to become a full-time parent. However, he continued to work among Maori people in various capacities, including organising Whai Ora Marae, and working with Patariki Harrison, the tohunga carver at Tipene College and the University of Auckland Marae. In 1979, Mac. was appointed Cultural Officer for the Depart­ ment of Maori Affairs, Wiri, South Auckland. Throughout his personal life Mac has learnt from his elders, listening to and working with many great orator...

  4. [2012] NZEmpC 129 Liu v South Pacific Timber (1990) Ltd [pdf, 121 KB]

    NANZHENG LIU V SOUTH PACIFIC TIMBER (1990) LIMITED NZEmpC AK [2012] NZEmpC 129 [2 August 2012] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2012] NZEmpC 129 ARC 65/11 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for security for costs and stay of proceedings BETWEEN NANZHENG LIU Plaintiff AND SOUTH PACIFIC TIMBER (1990) LIMITED Defendant Hearing: 17 July 2012 (Heard at Auc...

  5. RIA - Prohibition of Conversion Practices [pdf, 355 KB]

    ...Clark, T. C., Moselen, E., Robinson, E.M., & The Adolescent Health Research Group. (2014). Youth’12 The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand: Results for Young People Attracted to the Same Sex or Both Sexes, page 22. Auckland: The University of Auckland. Available at'12%20Young%20People%20Attracted% 20to%20the%20Same%20or%20Both%20Sexes%20Report.pdf

  6. [2013] NZEmpC 125 Flight Attendants & Related Services (NZ) Assoc v Air New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 139 KB]

    ...included National Distribution Union Inc v General Distributors Ltd 7 dealing with the question of proof of an “intention to undermine”. The Authority also referred to the cases decided early in the current legislative regime, Association of University Staff Inc v Vice-Chancellor of the University of Auckland 8 and Christchurch City Council v Southern Local Government Officers Union Inc. 9 As to questions of law concerning a union’s entitlement to represent its members, t...

  7. Chief-Executive-Expenses-1-July-2023-30-June-2024.xlsx [xlsx, 77 KB]

    ...$184.79 Taxis Edinburgh, GBR $79.46 Taxis Wellington 22 February 2024 Standing Council of Attorney-Generals - Travel with Minister Melbourne, AUS $1,388.75 Airfares $846.25 Accommodation $53.39 Taxis $291.76 Meals 23 April 2024 United Nations Universal Periodic Review - Travel with Minister $9,961.73 Airfares Dubai/London $236.02 Airfares - cancellation fees San Francisco, USA $688.34 Meals London/Edinburgh/Geneva/Dubai $469.39 Taxis/Trains/Parking London/G...

  8. [2020] NZEmpC 114 Ikundabose v McWatt Group Ltd [pdf, 242 KB]

    ELIYA IKUNDABOSE v MCWATT GROUP LIMITED [2020] NZEmpC 114 [31 July 2020] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2020] NZEmpC 114 EMPC 50/2019 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to determinations of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for costs EMPC 53/2020 AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for rehearing AND IN THE MATTER OF...

  9. [2011] NZEmpC 33 Tertiary Education Union v Western Institute of Technology [pdf, 116 KB] type of collective agreement, for example a meca or a seca, over another: Service & Food Workers Union at paras [60] and [66] confirming similar findings in Toll NZ Consolidated Ltd v Rail & Maritime Union Inc 5 and Association of University Staff Inc v Vice-Chancellor of the University of Auckland. 6 Mr Cook noted that a principle which can be derived from those cases is that the statute encourages collectivism per se and not particular types of collectivism. [26] F...

  10. May-2024-Licences.xlsx [xlsx, 1.7 MB]

    Sheet1 Alcohol Regulatory Licensing Authority: Licence Register Active Licences 2021-2024 District Licensing Committee Application Type Licence Type Licence Category Sports Club Activity / Conveyance Type Licensee Name Premises Name Premises Street Premises Suburb Premises City Number Date Licence is Valid from Date Licence Expires Licence First Issued Licence Conditions Date License was Determined Date License was Received Public Hearing Application Contested 01 Far North DLC Renew Licence O