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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Wall v Fairfax New Zealand Ltd [2017] NZHRRT 17 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...these are read by people of all ages and are said by some to be just a joke. We young people should not be joke. Dr Leonie Pihama [39] Dr Pihama is Te Atiawa, Ngā Māhanga ā Taira and Ngāti Māhanga. She has a BA, MA (Hons) and Ph.D from the University of Auckland and is Director of Waikato University’s Te Mata Punenga o Te Kotahi – Te Kotahi Research Institute. She is also director of an independent Māori research company and Associate Professor at Te Puna Wānanga, Schoo...

  2. Parohinog v Yellow Pages Group Ltd (Strike-Out Application No 2) [2015] NZHRRT 14 [pdf, 91 KB]

    ...[2015] NZHRRT 14 Reference No. HRRT 005/2013 UNDER THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1993 BETWEEN ELSA PAROHINOG PLAINTIFF AND YELLOW PAGES GROUP LIMITED FIRST DEFENDANT AND ERIC MCINTOSH SECOND DEFENDANT AT AUCKLAND BEFORE: Mr RPG Haines QC, Chairperson Dr SJ Hickey MNZM, Member Mr RK Musuku, Member REPRESENTATION: Ms E Parohinog in person Mr JO Upton QC and Mr R Upton for first defendant Second defendant not served DATE OF HEARING: 9 A

  3. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence- John Craig [pdf, 133 KB] Email: 1 BI-309448-3-581-V2 STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF JOHN LAURENCE CRAIG INTRODUCTION 1. My name is John Laurence Craig. I have a BSc (1st Class Honours) in ecology from Otago University and a PhD in ecology from Massey University. I have 46 years’ experience working in New Zealand environments, both as a researcher and as an expert witness relating to terrestrial ecology, especially...

  4. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief Donald Prince [pdf, 774 KB]

    ...full name is Donald Charles Prince. 2. I am the Director of Time Depth Enterprises, Heritage Consultants. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and a Masters of Arts (Second Class Honours) in Anthropology majoring in archaeology from the University of Auckland. I have 20 years experience in field archaeology in New Zealand. This has involved survey and excavation throughout the upper North Island but primarily in Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Poverty Bay, Taranaki and...

  5. Victim-led alternative resolution pathways [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...disclose their victimisation to authorities (and have the opportunity to be connected with support services) without necessarily triggering a police investigation or formal inquiry. Two examples of these systems were found in Aotearoa NZ, one at a university and another used by the New Zealand’s Defence Force. Unlike other jurisdictions (e.g., most States or Territories of Australia) there are no police managed alternative systems of reporting in Aotearoa NZ. • and civil law rem...

  6. Te Manutukutuku Issue 13 [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...tenths, the Chatham Islands claims, geothermal energy, railway lands, the sale of Landcorp property, the Mohaka river, Kabungunu claims, Napier inner harbour, the oper­ ations of the Crown Forest Rental Trust, and the proposed sale of endowment land in Auckland city. As well, a number of claims remain in mediation: Waikareao (W AI 86), Taemaro (W AI 116), Hauai (W Al 200) - all with Tribunal member Peter Trapski as mediator and Takapourewa - Stephens Island (W AI 95), and a claim con...

  7. EMPC Retirement of Judge Travis [pdf, 287 KB]

    ...can see many of my friends and colleagues – it’s clear from the number and calibre of people that are here that you are greatly admired. When I spoke to a few that knew you in my preparation, that was confirmed. You graduated from a fine university, may I say, in 1965, admitted in 1966. One of the reasons I said I’m humbled is I wasn’t yet born. I’m sorry about this but there's nothing more I can say about that your Honour but you joined Chapman Tripp in 1970. A...

  8. Directory of Official Information 2019 D-F [pdf, 695 KB]

    ...• New Zealand Council for Educational Research Act 1972 • Māori Education Foundation (Abolition) Act 1993 • Queen Elizabeth the Second Technicians' Study Award Act 1970 • Victoria University of Wellington Act 1961 • Lincoln College Act 1961 • Lincoln University Act 1961 • University of Canterbury Act 1961 • University...

  9. National guidelines for crime prevention through environmental design in New Zealand - Part 1 [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...Project team Jeremy Wood Ministry of Justice Janine Monahan Ministry of Justice Jennifer Laing Wellington City Council Peter Coop Urban Perspectives Ltd Deyana Popova Urban Perspectives Ltd Advisory panel Dr Frank Stoks Stoks Limited Tricia Austin University of Auckland Inspector John Doyle New Zealand Police Jacquelyn Goodwin New Zealand Police Hugh Nicholson Wellington City Council Mike Grunsell Premier Consultants Ltd National taskforce Please refer to the glossary on page 37 for membe...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal Part 1 Report on stage 1 of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki inquiry [pdf, 6.1 MB] has caused them preju- dice . Consideration of what the treaty meant to its original signatories is an essential step in that process . 1.2 Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry Te Paparahi o Te raki for our purposes encompasses all territories north of Auckland that have not been the subject of previous Waitangi Tribunal historical reports . Erima Henare giving evidence in our opening hearing at Te Tii Marae, Waitangi 1.2 Downloaded from Downloaded from www.wa...