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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. OIA-109856.pdf [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...Appendix 1 Provider Service Regional Access to the FTE's Contract Holder Government contact Contract Coverage services funded review date Moretalk Ltd Communications Taumarunui General No Ministry of Justice 31/10/2024 assistance population nz Auckland District Coronial support Manawato- General No Ministry of Justice communityservices@justice.govt. 30/06/2025 Health Board services- Whanganui - all population pathology areas (those who die ~ services suddenly or unexpectedly...

  2. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Application - Appendix B1 [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...pushed along by a groundswell of community support. If this had not been the case, the Blueskin Energy Project would not have proceeded. 2 See: Easton, B. (2001). The Nationbuilders. Auckland University Press: Auckland. 3 Stephenson, J., & Ioannou, M. (2010). Social acceptance of renewable electricity developments in New Zealand. Commissioned by Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority. Dunedin, New Zealand: U...

  3. [2016] NZSSAA 50 (31 May 2016) [pdf, 44 KB]

    [2016] NZSSAA 50 Reference No. SSA 054/13 IN THE MATTER of the Social Security Act 1964 AND IN THE MATTER of an appeal by XXXX of Auckland against a decision of a Benefits Review Committee BEFORE THE SOCIAL SECURITY APPEAL AUTHORITY Ms M Wallace - Chairperson Mr K Williams - Member Lady Tureiti Moxon - Member DECISION ON THE PAPERS [1] The Authority issued a decision in relation to this matter on 14 September 2015. [2] At the conclusion of its...

  4. IPT 2021-22 Annual Report [pdf, 526 KB]

    ...for a new Deputy Chair of the Tribunal, although this process had not been finalised by year end.1 4. 2021–2022 was a challenging year for the Tribunal because of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. August–November 2021 saw a lockdown in Auckland which compelled Auckland- based members to work from home, often in difficult circumstances. The number of staff members on site had to be limited and this negatively impacted the timely receipt of appeal files, their despatch to mem...

  5. Kaupapa Maori Resolution Pathways [pdf, 792 KB]

    ...way of thinking, of learning and storing, and debating knowledge. In terms of kaupapa Māori, whakapapa is integral as it allows for the positioning and contextualising relationships between people, communities, participants, landscape, and the universe. ● Āta: The Principle of Growing Respectful Relationships. The principle of āta, was developed by Pohatu (2005) primarily as a transformative approach within the area of social services. The principle of āta relates specifically...

  6. He Hīnātore ki te Ao Māori: A glimpse into the Māori world [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...control which is timeless. In that sense tikanga can be defined as law in its widest sense, while kaupapa and kawa is the process and ritual of tikanga.2 In 1998 this project was reactivated. The research team comprised a small group of Victoria University students and a full-time Mäori graduate involved in the Ministry under its Tangata Whenua Student Work Programme. Members of the team were Ramari Paul (project coordinator), Hui Kahu, Chappie Te Kani, and Jason Ataera, under the man...

  7. FINAL CE Gifts Benefits Expenses Disclosure Workbook 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 [xlsx, 2.7 MB]

    ...conference airfares Adelaide $32.87 Accompanying Minister at conference taxi Adelaide $494.11 Accompanying Minister at conference accommodation for 1 night Adelaide $296.10 Visit to district office on return from Adelaide accommodation for 1 night Auckland $42.50 Visit to district office on return from Adelaide taxi from hotel to district office Auckland $36.60 Visit to district office on return from Adelaide taxi from district office to airport Auckland Subtotal - international t...

  8. Youth Court - The Youth Courts of New Zealand in 10 years time [pdf, 635 KB]

    ...5 Hughes and others, above n 1, at [3.8]. 6 Kate Peirse-O’Byrne “Identifying and Responding to Neurodisability in Young Offenders: why, and how, this needs to be achieved in the youth justice sector” (Bachelor of Laws (Hons) Dissertation, University of Auckland, 2014) at 8. 7 “Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder kids 19 times more likely to cause trouble” The New Zealand Herald (online ed, Auckland, 26 May 2015). 8 Alison Cleland “Focus on Welfare: The Importance of Personal I...

  9. NZCASS: the experience of e-crime findings from the 2006 survey [pdf, 230 KB]

    ...More women (12%) than men (9%) had received email messages that they found harassing • or threatening. Those aged 40-49 more often reported harassing or threatening emails too.• Those in the least deprived areas of New Zealand and those in Auckland reported more • harassing or threatening emails. Again, it is diffi cult to say whether these results refl ect different thresholds as to what is seen as harassing emails. Executive summary The experience of e-crime 7 Who was mos...

  10. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL expert Charles Waters [pdf, 95 KB]

    1 Before the Environment Court at Auckland ENV-2013-AKL-000174 In the Matter of the Resource Management Act 1991 And In the Matter of Notice of Motion under Section 87G requesting the granting of resource consents to Waiheke Marinas Limited to establish a Marina at Matiatia Bay, Waiheke Island, in the Hauraki Gulf Evidence of Charles Waters on behalf of Thomas Greve & Kristin Lewis Dated 30 July 2014