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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEmpC 152 Halse v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 181 KB]

    ALLAN HALSE v HAMILTON CITY COUNCIL [2023] NZEmpC 152 [12 September 2023] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2023] NZEmpC 152 EMPC 52/2022 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for costs on application for judgment by default BETWEEN ALLAN HALSE First Plaintiff AND CULTURESA...

  2. [2013] NZEmpC 45 Alim v LSG Sky Chefs NZ Ltd [pdf, 71 KB]

    NISHA ALIM V LSG SKY CHEFS NEW ZEALAND LIMITED NZEmpC AK [2013] NZEmpC 45 [25 March 2013] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2013] NZEmpC 45 ARC 58/12 IN THE MATTER OF an application for special leave to remove proceedings AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for costs BETWEEN NISHA ALIM Plaintiff AND LSG SKY CHEFS NEW ZEALAND LIMITED Defendant Hearing: Submissions filed on 14 December 2012 and 15 January 2013 Counsel: Anthony Drake, co...

  3. LCDT Annual Report 2021 [pdf, 531 KB]

    ...but since then a steady stream of charges has been filed. Other than this, the pattern of charges filed followed that of previous years. As this summary is prepared, later in the calendar year, we have had a further very lengthy lockdown for Auckland, where the majority of cases are heard. Face to face hearings were not possible until we moved into the “traffic light” system. It is predictable that this will cause a considerable delay in disposition rates. Processes...

  4. Kaupapa Maori responses to violence against wahine Maori [pdf, 965 KB]

    ...Whānau: Literature Review on Family Violence. 26 Te Puni Kokiri. (2010). Māori Research Agenda on Family Violence. 27 Pihama, L., Jenkins, K., & Middleton, A. (2003). Literature Review: Family Violence Prevention For Māori Research Report. . Auckland: University of Auckland. 28 Smith, G (2004). Mai i te maramatanga, ki te putanga mai o te tahuritanga: From conscientization to transformation. Educational Perspectives. Indigenous Education, 37(1), 46-52.

  5. Waitangi Tribunal theme U - Land with All Woods and Waters [pdf, 1010 KB]

    ...McDowall, The Whitebait Book, pp 183–184 28. McDowall, Natural History, pp 105, 109 29. G Stockell, Wild Life Control. Defects in Present Scheme Exposed. Some Constructive Suggestions, Wellington, Blundell, 1941 30. R H Grove, Green Imperialism, Cambridge University Press, 1995, p 265 31. M M Roche, Forest Policy in New Zealand, Palmerston North, Dunmore Press, 1987, p 44, citing Nature, vol 6, 1872, p 219; N V Pears, ‘Familiar Aliens: The Acclimatisation Societies’ Role in New Zealand...

  6. E60 Bob Hawkins - Nautical - EIC - Sealink [pdf, 849 KB]

    ...Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) AND IN THE MATTER of a direct referral application under section 87G of the RMA for resource consents for the necessary infrastructure and related activities associated with holding the America’s Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND LIMITED (ENV-2018-AKL-000078) Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF BRONWYN ANNE COOMER-SMIT ON BEHALF OF THE AUCKLAND COUN...

  7. Environment Court annual report 2008 [pdf, 44 KB]

    ...Court. 4 1.Profile of the Court 1.1 Members of the Court Title Appointed Residence Principal Judge Environment Judge R J Bollard April 1988 Auckland Judges Environment Judge J R Jackson Environment Judge R G Whiting Environment Judge J A Smith Environment Judge L J Newhook Environment Judge C J Thompson Environment Judge B P Dwyer Alternate Judges Alternate Environment Judge F...

  8. [2020] NZEmpC 71 Grigorovich v Precise Ltd [pdf, 344 KB]

    IGOR GRIGOROVICH v PRECISE LIMITED [2020] NZEmpC 71 [27 May 2020] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2020] NZEmpC 71 EMPC 49/2020 IN THE MATTER OF an application for leave to extend time to file a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for leave to adduce further evidence BETWEEN IGOR GRIGOROVICH App...

  9. [2011] NZEmpC 14 NZ Amalgamated Engineering Printing and Manufacturing Union v Steelfort Engineering Co Ltd [pdf, 80 KB]

    ...must be exercised in a considered and particularised manner in accordance with established principles. The key principles applicable to the Court‟s discretion are now well established. They were enunciated by the Court of Appeal in Victoria University of Wellington v Alton-Lee 2 , Binnie v Pacific Health Ltd 3 and Health Waikato Ltd v Elmsly. 4 [5] In Elmsly, William Young J delivering the judgment of the Court, stated: [42] As good a starting point as any for fixing the co...

  10. [2016] NZSSAA 71 (18 July 2016) [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...1 See Hogan v Chief Executive of the Department of Work and Income New Zealand HC Wellington AP49/02, 26 August 2002; Tetley-Jones v Chief Executive of the Department of Work and Income New Zealand HC Auckland CIV-2004-485-1005, 3 December 2004. 4 (ii) a period of service to that Government (including, without limitation, service in the armed forces, service in the Police, and service as a judicial officer or other person acting ju