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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. E35 Peter Kensington - Landscape - EIC - Council [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) AND IN THE MATTER of a direct referral application under section 87G of the RMA for resource consents for the necessary infrastructure and related activities associated with holding the America’s Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND LIMITED (ENV-2018-AKL-000078) Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF PETER KENSINGTON ON BEHALF OF THE AUCKLAND COUNCIL (LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL EF...

  2. David Guccione Evidence in Chief [pdf, 290 KB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Auckland Registry ENV 2015 AKL 0000134 IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an appeal under Clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Act TRUSTEES OF MOTITI ROHE MOANA TRUST Appellant BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF ·DAVID GUCCIONE ON BEHALF OF MOTITI ROHE MOANATRUST 25th October 2017 Counsel Acting . Rob Enright . Barrister Level 1, Stanbeth House 28 Customs St E...

  3. Professor Simon Francis Thrush - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...Stanbeth House 28 Customs St East Britomart Auckland e: m: 021 276 5787 244 Introduction 1 My full name is Simon Francis Thrush. I hold the degrees of Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Zoology from the University of Otago and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of East Anglia, England. 2 I am a Professor of Marine Science at The University of Auckland, Director of the Institute of Marine Science and Fellow of the Royal Society...

  4. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM local Susan McCann [pdf, 115 KB]

    ...operator, Fullers Ferries and sole vehicular ferry operator Sealink, both of whch have consistently refused to reveal passenger numbers on the basis of commercial sensitivity. 10. A 2010 report by Dr Lucy Baragwanath of the School of Environment, University of Auckland provided an estimate of tourism numbers to Waiheke of between 500,000 and 750,000 visitors per year. 1 11. I believe the number of annual tourists reported in the Baragwanath report above has increased since th...

  5. [2019] NZSSAA 20 (11 March 2019) [pdf, 149 KB]

    [2019] NZSSAA 20 Reference No. SSA 158/18 IN THE MATTER of the Social Security Act 2018 AND IN THE MATTER of an appeal by XXXX of Auckland against a decision of a Benefits Review Committee BEFORE THE SOCIAL SECURITY APPEAL AUTHORITY S Pezaro - Deputy Chair K Williams - Member C Joe - Member Hearing at Auckland on 11 March 2019 Appearances The appellant in person P Leaupepe, counsel for the Ministry of Social Development DECISION Ba...

  6. Dr Phil Ross - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Barrister Level 1, Stan beth House 28 Customs St East Britomart Auckland e: m: 021 276 5787 46 Introduction 1 My full name is Philip Maxwell Ross . I hold the following qualifications: a. PhD (2012) Biological Sciences, University of Waikato b. MSc (2003) Marine Sciences, University of Auckland c. BSc (2000) Biological Sciences, University of Auckland 2 I am a marine ecologist and I have been employed as a senior research fellow at the University of...

  7. [2015] NZEmpC 37 Gapuzan v Pratt Whitney Air NZ [pdf, 157 KB]

    ...Whitney was the result of a disproportionate amount of activity and applications by Mr Gapuzan, both in this Court and elsewhere arising from the same issues. d) Counsel referred to standard costs principles as outlined in Victoria University of Wellington v Alton Lee. 3 It was submitted that in the earlier decision of Richardson v Board of Governors of Wellesley College, Judge Travis had provided a useful analysis of the range of costs awards previously made by the C...

  8. Te Manutukutuku Issue 16 [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    Te Roopu Whakamana i te Tiriti 0 Waitangi Panui Tekau rna ono Hune 1992 Waitangi Tribunal Division Department of Justice Newsletter ISSN 0114-717X Number 16 June 1992 Surplus Railcorp Properties for Sale in Auckland In 1991 the Crown and the National Maori Congress established a joint working party (CC]WP) to consider Treaty of Waitangi claims to Railways surplus properties with the aim of reaching agreement on the disposal of those properties, whether to Maori or other part...

  9. IPT Annual Report 2015 [pdf, 850 KB] it sees fit (section 218 of the Act). 6 Members of the Tribunal As at 30 June 2015, the Tribunal consisted of the following full-time equivalent (FTE) and part-time members: Name Location Position FTE C M Treadwell Auckland Deputy Chair 1.0 S A Aitchison Auckland Member 0.8 M Avia Auckland Member 0.8 B L Burson Auckland Member 1.0 A M Clayton Wellington Member 1.0 B A Dingle Auckland Member 0.8 J A Donald Auckland Member 1.0 P F Fuiava Auckland...

  10. [2022] NZEmpC 119 H v Employment Relations Authority [pdf, 175 KB]

    H v EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS AUTHORITY [2022] NZEmpC 119 [5 July 2022] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2022] NZEmpC 119 EMPC 394/2021 IN THE MATTER OF an application for judicial review AND IN THE MATTER OF an application to disqualify counsel AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for costs BETWEEN H Applicant AND EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS AUTHORITY First R...