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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Te Manutukutuku Issue 35 [pdf, 5.7 MB]

    ...the 1990 ses­ quicentennial celebrations and the staging of the Te Ao Maori exhibition. In 1988-89 he was also involved in the implementation of the new admin­ istrative structures for education under Tomorrow's Schools. He was educated at Auckland Teachers' College and Victoria Uni­ versity. He has been a member of numerous community organisations and has a keen interest in all sports. Members are appointed to the Tribunal by the Governor-General on the recommendation...

  2. Te Manutukutuku Issue 31 [pdf, 5.3 MB]­ velops_ This year is a landmark in other ways, too - it marks the Wai­ tangi Tribunal's 20th anniversary_ . In Wellington we quietly cele­ brated by launch­ ing Nga Whakaaturanga , our joint microfiche project with Victoria University_ We also held our first open day. Details of both events appear in this newsletter. The number of claims continues to grow. At the end of February the statistics were: Reported 45 Hearing 54 Withdrawn 6 Tribunal research 19...

  3. WISE - EiC - M J Salinger - Climate Change (filed 5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...Salinger, known as Jim. 2. I am a climate scientist that has worked for many years at the former New Zealand Meteorological Service and then NIWA in Auckland. I now do consultancy work. 3. I hold the following tertiary qualifications: B. Sc from University of Otago, Ph D from Victoria University of Wellington and an M Phil (Hons) in Environmental Law from University of Auckland. 4. I am a Companion of the Royal Society of New Zealand and a member of the Meteorologica...

  4. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 765 KB]

    ...Limited (Pāmu) ..................................................................................... 37 Law Commission .................................................................................................................. 40 Lincoln University ................................................................................................................ 43 New Zealand Lotteries Commission (Lotto NZ) ................................................................ 47 New Ze...

  5. E73 Prof David Williams - EIC - Ngāti Whātua Orākei [pdf, 5.6 MB]

    ...IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) AND IN THE MATTER of direct referral of an application for resource consent for the necessary infrastructure and related activities associated with holding the America’s Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND LIMITED Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Respondent STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF PROFESSOR DAVID VERNON WILLIAMS ON BEHALF OF: (A) NGĀTI WHĀTUA ORĀKEI WHAIA MAIA LTD; (B) SUPPO...

  6. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 511 KB]

    ........................................................................................................................ 7 Maritime New Zealand ............................................................................................................ 9 Massey University ................................................................................................................ 16 Medicines Classification Committee ...........................................................................

  7. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 511 KB]

    ........................................................................................................................ 7 Maritime New Zealand ............................................................................................................ 9 Massey University ................................................................................................................ 16 Medicines Classification Committee ...........................................................................

  8. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 765 KB]

    ...Limited (Pāmu) ..................................................................................... 36 Law Commission .................................................................................................................. 39 Lincoln University ................................................................................................................ 42 New Zealand Lotteries Commission (Lotto NZ) ................................................................ 46 New Ze...

  9. Directory of Official Information Search Tool

    ...documents, maps, paintings, photographs and films.It administers the Public Records Act 2005. strategy operational services and transformation directorate holdings & discovery directorate government recordkeeping directorate rātonga māori directorate auckland regional office christchurch regional office dunedin regional office statutory bodies chief archivist the archives council te rua wānanga our main functions and responsibilities are provided by the public records act 2005 they are...

  10. [2016] NZSSAA 030 (20 April 2016) [pdf, 26 KB]

    ...which these amounts were charged is not entirely clear. In any event, after deducting expenses of $126.69, she would have been left $174.25 to meet costs relating to bank fees, power, telephone, transport, food and other expenses. [15] The Otago University Food Costs Survey notes that the cost of a basic diet for a woman in Auckland in 2014 was $58 per week. The cost of a moderate diet was $77 per week and a liberal diet was $92 per week. The appellant has not provided any evidence a...