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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZREADT 03 - KN v REAA (21 February 2024) [pdf, 163 KB] alleged she breached the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (the Rules) and s 136 of the Act. BACKGROUND [3] On 8 December 2022, the licensee and her husband, NE, purchased a property in Hobsonville, Auckland (the property), built in 2016 by Universal Homes Ltd (Universal Homes). [4] Barfoot and Thompson Ltd (Barfoots) had listed the property for sale with the licensee as listing agent. [5] On or about 4 December 2022, the applicant an...

  2. Directory of Official Information 2019 M-O [pdf, 513 KB]

    ..................................................................................................................... 9 Maritime New Zealand ........................................................................................................11 Massey University ..............................................................................................................16 New Zealand Meat Board .................................................................................................

  3. Directory of Official Information 2019 V-Z [pdf, 775 KB]

    ...o te Ture Contents Veterans' Affairs New Zealand ........................................................................................... 2 Victoria University of Wellington ........................................................................................ 5 New Zealand Venture Investment Fund ............................................................................. 7 Waikato Dist...

  4. Directory of Official Information 2019 V-Z [pdf, 775 KB]

    ...o te Ture Contents Veterans' Affairs New Zealand ........................................................................................... 2 Victoria University of Wellington ........................................................................................ 5 New Zealand Venture Investment Fund ............................................................................. 7 Waikato Dist...

  5. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief Anthony Bryce [pdf, 120 KB]

    ...Engineering Consultants in Auckland. I have 36 years’ experience working as a civil and environmental engineer in the fields of water supply, wastewater and solid waste engineering. I have a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Hons) degree from the University of Auckland and am a Charted Civil Engineer and a member of the Institution of Professional Engineers of New Zealand. I commenced my professional career in the water supply design office of the Auckland Regional Authority and...

  6. [2010] NZ EmpC 68 Oldco PTI Ltd v Houston [pdf, 16 KB]

    OLDCO PTI LTD V HOUSTON AK 27 May 2010 IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2010] NZEMPC 68 ARC 43/07 ARC 27/09 IN THE MATTER OF an application for stay AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for costs BETWEEN OLDCO PTI LIMITED Plaintiff AND PHILIP ERIC HOUSTON Defendant Hearing: By memoranda of counsel Judgment: 27 May 2010 COSTS JUDGMENT OF JUDGE M E PERKINS [1] On 29 April 2010 I issued a judgment in respect of the plaintiff’s urgent app...

  7. 2019 Directory of Official Information V-Z [pdf, 608 KB] Contents Veterans' Affairs New Zealand ........................................................................................... 1 Victoria University of Wellington ........................................................................................ 4 New Zealand Venture Investment Fund ............................................................................. 6 Waikato Di...

  8. E50 Myfanwy Eaves Historic Heritage EIC Council [pdf, 810 KB]

    ...area and on land, associated with the America’s Cup (the Application). My evidence relates to the historical heritage aspects of the Application. 2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 2.0 I have a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and anthropology (University of Auckland). After graduation I was granted a two year scholarship to study Chinese with one year at Beijing University. I also have a Masters of Arts in Chinese and anthropology from the University of Auckland and a Masters in...

  9. E50 Myfanwy Eaves - Historic Heritage - EIC - Council V2 [pdf, 810 KB]

    ...area and on land, associated with the America’s Cup (the Application). My evidence relates to the historical heritage aspects of the Application. 2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 2.0 I have a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and anthropology (University of Auckland). After graduation I was granted a two year scholarship to study Chinese with one year at Beijing University. I also have a Masters of Arts in Chinese and anthropology from the University of Auckland and a Masters in...

  10. 2019 Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 417 KB]

    ..................................................................................................................... 8 Maritime New Zealand ........................................................................................................10 Massey University ..............................................................................................................15 New Zealand Meat Board .................................................................................................