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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. [2017] NZEnvC 073 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 28 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Decision No. [2017] NZEnvC 073 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND appeals pursuant to s 120 of the Act BETWEEN NGAI TE HAPO INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-AKL-42) NGA POTIKI A TAMAPAHORE TRUST (ENV-2016-AKL-4S) Appellants AND BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent AND ASTROLABE COMMUNITY TRUST Applicant Court: Environment Judge JA Smith Alternate Environment Judge CE Fox Environment Commissioner SK Prime Environment Commiss

  2. [2017] NZEnvC 073 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 28 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Decision No. [2017] NZEnvC 073 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND appeals pursuant to s 120 of the Act BETWEEN NGAI TE HAPO INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-AKL-42) NGA POTIKI A TAMAPAHORE TRUST (ENV-2016-AKL-4S) Appellants AND BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent AND ASTROLABE COMMUNITY TRUST Applicant Court: Environment Judge JA Smith Alternate Environment Judge CE Fox Environment Commissioner SK Prime Environment Commiss

  3. NZCVS Cycle 4 Core Report v0.20 [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...(Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children), Deb Potter (Ministry for Women), Kate Preston (Ministry of Justice), Anna Render (Ministry of Justice), Pam Southey (Ministry of Justice), Dr Sarah Tapper (Ministry of Justice), Dr Nichola Tyler (Victoria University of Wellington), Ashleigh Walker (Joint Venture Business Unit), Anton Youngman (Ministry of Justice), for reviewing the report, and to our colleagues from the Ministry of Justice for their ongoing help and support. NZCVS Proj...

  4. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Application - Appendix B3 [pdf, 484 KB]

    Blueskin People Power Community perspectives on the BRCT energy project Seth Gorrie Report conducted as part of a University of Otago Summer Research Scholarship April 2011 2 Contents 1. Background Page 5 2. Sense of Community Page 9 2.1 Community demographic 2.2 Community division 2.3 Symbols 2.4 Public awareness of the energy project 2.5 Profile of the energy project 2.6 Legacies of past events and projects...

  5. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 1 Tauranga Moana [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...poor transport infrastructure at the time, the benefits of this commerce were largely limited to settlers farming at the western end of tauranga Moana, around Katikati. tourism traffic to the rotorua thermal area dwindled too. The route by sea from auckland to tauranga and thence inland by road to the ‘hot Lakes’, so popular during the 1870s, was largely abandoned once new routes opened via the Waikato. Lobbying from tauranga and Katikati residents for a railway went unheeded for anoth...

  6. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 2 of 4 [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...2014 before me ~=-=---~~~-+~~---, si~~~;e : .-f'i-~..+cc-vT;~-------_:__:_: A ?~~o the ~1J.J..Wli~ t~ D.Walker De ut Re Istrar District Court GisbomefWairaoJRuatorla POWELL WEBBER and ASSOCIATES PO Box 37 661, Parnell OX CP27025 AUCKLAND Telephone: (09) 3777774 Facsimile: (09) 307 4301 Solicitor: LG Powell/RN Smail D0708020.62.V1 5469.5 / "A" APPLICATION FOR CUSTOMARY RIGHTS ORDER FORESHORE AND SEABED ACT 2004 SECTION 48(1) IN THE MAORI LAND COURT...

  7. Independent Electoral Review Final Report [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...detailed views from many informed participants, including those of political parties. We also held 58 meetings during which we met with 51 organisations and 32 individuals. We heard from 43 submitters at public meetings held online and in person in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. In addition, we met all the political parties represented in the 53rd Parliament, alongside a number of other registered political parties. In partnership with National Iwi Chairs Forum Pou Tikanga, 10...

  8. Independent Electoral Review Final Report Accessible word doc [docx, 9.5 MB]

    ...and detailed views from many informed participants, including those of political parties. We also held 58 meetings during which we met with 51 organisations and 32 individuals. We heard from 43 submitters at public meetings held online and in person in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. In addition, we met all the political parties represented in the 53rd Parliament, alongside a number of other registered political parties. In partnership with National Iwi Chairs Forum Pou Tikanga, 10 comm...

  9. NZCVS Cycle 4 - Section 8 - Distribution of Crime [xlsx, 224 KB] 1 March 2018–10 November 2021 1 March 2017–10 November 2021 20,155 9,582 29,737 a Data collection in Cycle 3 was paused from 21 March–2 July 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. b Data collection in Cycle 4 was paused on multiple occasions due to COVID-19 related lockdowns and alert levels. Auckland paused 15 - 18 February 2021 (inclusive) Waikato paused 4 October 2021 until the end of the survey year Auckland paused 28 February - 6 March 2021 (inclusiv...

  10. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief John Cawley final [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...resource consents to Waiheke Marinas Limited to establish a marina at Matiatia Bay, Waiheke Island, in the Hauraki Gulf (ENV-2013-AKL-000174) STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF JOHN KEITH CHARLES CAWLEY (ACOUSTICS) ON BEHALF OF AUCKLAND COUNCIL Dated 10 June 2014 BROOKFIELDS LAWYERS M J Dickey / M C Allan Telephone No. 09 379 9350 Fax No. 09 379 3224 P O Box 240 DX CP24134 AUCKLAND Page 2 31547615:629148 INTRO...