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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Allen + Clarke FV Courts Evaluation Final Report [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...Violence Courts 13 1.2. Evaluation purpose and focus 14 1.3. Evaluation questions 14 1.4. Evaluation methods 15 1.5. Strengths and limitations 16 1.6. Structure of this report 17 2. HOW DOES EACH FV COURT OPERATE? 18 2.1. Whangārei 18 2.2. Auckland 20 2.3. Manukau 22 2.4. Waitākere 23 2.5. Palmerston North 25 2.6. Masterton 26 2.7. Porirua 28 2.8. Hutt Valley 30 3. HOW DO THE TWO ADDITIONAL SPECIALIST COURTS OPERATE 32 3.1. Te Kooti Matariki | Kaikohe 32 3.2. Family Harm In...

  2. Waitangi Tribunal - Part III Te Urewera [pdf, 6.7 MB]

    T E U R E W E R A P A R T I I I Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from W A I T A N G I T R I B U N A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 W A I 8 9 4 T E U R E W E R A P r e - p u b l i c a t i o n P a r t I I I From self-governing native res

  3. NZCASS Technical manual [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...relating to each question  understand how participants made response decisions for each question. Table 4.1: Key elements of the cognitive testing process Details Testing period 24–25 August 2013 Sample Sixty interviews were undertaken in Auckland and Taupo; 48 interviews were conducted in Auckland with the remainder in Taupo. Auckland and Taupo were chosen as test locations due to the ethnic diversity of participants within the recruitment networks. Recruitment Participan...

  4. NZCVS 2023 Cycle 6 Who is experiencing crime [xlsx, 91 KB]

    ...(74%) 7,134 (76%) Pooled data 1 March 2018– 15 October 2023 1 March 2017– 15 October 2023 28,812 13,385 42,197 a Data collection in Cycle 4 was paused on multiple occasions due to COVID-19 related lockdowns and alert levels. Auckland paused 15 - 18 February 2021 (inclusive) Waikato paused 4 October 2021 until the end of the survey year Auckland paused 28 February - 6 March 2021 (inclusive) Northland paused 9 - 19 October 2021 (inclusive) Nationwide...

  5. NZCVS Cycle 3 (2020) Section 7 Distribution of crime [xlsx, 186 KB]

    ...areas with the most deprived scores. Disability In the report, adults with disability are defined using the Washington Group Short Set (WGSS) of disability questions. The questions ask if the respondent has experienced difficulties performing basic universal activities (walking, seeing, hearing, cognition, self-care and communication). Someone who reports “a lot of difficulty” with at least one of the six basic activities covered is defined as a person with a disability using this classif...

  6. [2018] NZEmpC 60 FGH v RST [pdf, 720 KB]

    ...4 As, for example, in Nathan v C3 Ltd [2015] NZCA 350, [2015] ERNZ 61 at [35]; and Nisha v LSG Sky Chefs New Zealand Ltd [2015] NZEmpC 171, [2015] ERNZ 1124 at [236]. 5 The section was comprehensively discussed by the full Court in Ports of Auckland v Angus [2011] NZEmpC 160, [2011] ERNZ 466. Chronology [20] The chronology is somewhat long and complex. I now summarise the relevant events, although it will be necessary to return to specific elements of the history wh...

  7. Retention and disposal appraisal report - Māori Land Court and Māori Appellate Court [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Office (Agency) Information Name of public office: Te Kooti Whenua Māori / Māori Land Court Alternative name: Te Kooti Pīra Māori / Māori Appellate Court Public offices’ physical location: Taitokerau District - Whangārei registry office and Auckland Information Office Waikato-Maniapoto District - Hamilton registry office Waiariki District - Rotorua registry office Tairāwhiti District - Gisborne registry office Tākitimu – Hasting registry office Aotea - Whanganui reg...

  8. Final-Technical-Assessment-O-Economics-and-Town-Centre-Impacts-v2.pdf [pdf, 716 KB]

    ...centre - the District’s main commercial hub. INTRODUCTION 29. My full name is James Douglas Marshall Fairgray. I am a principal and director of Market Economics Limited, an independent research consultancy. I hold a PhD in Geography from the University of Auckland. Qualifications and experience 30. I have the following qualifications and experience relevant to this assessment: (a) I have 43 years of professional consulting and project experience, working for public sector...

  9. MLC-MAC - Retention & disposal appraisal report [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...Office (Agency) Information Name of public office: Te Kooti Whenua Māori / Māori Land Court Alternative name: Te Kooti Pīra Māori / Māori Appellate Court Public offices’ physical location: Taitokerau District - Whangārei registry office and Auckland Information Office Waikato-Maniapoto District - Hamilton registry office Waiariki District - Rotorua registry office Tairāwhiti District - Gisborne registry office Tākitimu – Hasting registry office Aotea - Whanganui reg...

  10. [2016] NZEmpC 48 Nelson v Katavich [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...however, before turning to consider the sequence of events that resulted in the termination of Ms Nelson's employment. The business [8] Mr Katavich told the Court that, while he was still in his early 20s working in the computer business in Auckland, he happened on the idea of starting a radio station. He described the radio industry in those days as a "closed club" but he was successful in establishing a low-power radio station in the Auckland suburb of Blockhouse...