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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Proactive release - Seventh Periodic Report under the Convention Against Torture [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...Intelligence and Asset Recovery Units. 55. INZ has a strong partnership with non-governmental stakeholders to prevent trafficking, protect victims, and prosecute offenders. The ‘Consultive Group’ comprises Anglican Diocese of Wellington, Auckland University, New Zealand Prostitutes’ Collective and Stand Against Slavery. 56. In 2017, the Government adopted new measures stopping employers who breach immigration and employment law from recruiting migrant workers. More than...

  2. Waitangi Tribunal - Initiation Consultation and Consent [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...initiated reports, panels and submissions since 1993. 7 In terms of who should lead the reform process, Crown counsel considers that there is no Treaty definition of ‘particular spheres that neither the Executive nor Parliament may enter without universal Maori agreement or approval’. 8 Nor do Treaty principles ‘oblige the Executive to transfer legislative drafting to any 2 Crown counsel, opening submissions, 6 November 2...

  3. Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits B to H [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...been allowing development along the hills in inappropriate areas. There should be a kaumatua hui to discuss important terms like this and it needs to be without Pakeha. Stop telling us that what we believe in is lore. It is not - it is us! I f the Auckland motorway can be diverted to protect Bishop Selwyn’s grave then we should do the same for Maori! There needs to be a blanket coverage fo r all these places. Can we have a hierarchy o f absolute protection and then only some protectio...

  4. Waitangi Tribunal - Matua Rautia Report on the Kōhanga Reo claim [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...reo Māori instruction, the expert evidence was that this is insufficient for language transmission . We also bring to your attention the Ministry of education statistics which indicate that mokopuna emerging from immersion education are achieving university entrance level qualifications at a level similar or slightly higher than others in mainstream education . While the sample numbers are low, these preliminary indications are significant in that if this continues to be the case, Māor...

  5. [2008] NZEmpC WC 17/08 Witcombe v Clerk of the House of Representatives [pdf, 219 KB] a client. Here the position is different: the preliminary draft investigation report was the client’s document, not the legal adviser’s. [56] The judgment of the Tompkins J in Kupe Group Ltd & Ors v Seamar Holdings Ltd & Ors HC Auckland, CP.2826/88, 18 July 1995 referred to and adopted the principles propounded by the English Court of Appeal in Balabel v Air India [1988] 2 All ER 246. These are that the purpose and scope of privilege is still to enable legal advic...

  6. Recommendations recap - issue 3 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...Level 5 | 43–49 Ballance Street DX SX10044 | Wellington | New Zealand All editorial and other enquiries may be directed to the Office of the Chief Coroner. Office of the Chief Coroner + 64 9 916 9151 Auckland District Court Level 7 | 65–59 Albert Street DX CX10079 | Auckland | New Zealand Published by the Ministry of Justice issN 2253-5152 Disclaimer This publication have been produced by research counsel of the Office of the Chie...

  7. NZCVS Cycle 3 (2020) Section 6 Reporting to the Police [xlsx, 160 KB]

    ...areas with the most deprived scores. Disability In the report, adults with disability are defined using the Washington Group Short Set (WGSS) of disability questions. The questions ask if the respondent has experienced difficulties performing basic universal activities (walking, seeing, hearing, cognition, self-care and communication). Someone who reports “a lot of difficulty” with at least one of the six basic activities covered is defined as a person with a disability using this classif...

  8. Turuki! Turuki! Moving Together [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...Exposure to Trauma (Wellington: Department of Corrections),” in Practice: The New Zealand Corrections Journal, volume 5, issue 1, July 2017. 5 Lambie, (2018c), “Every 4 minutes: A discussion paper on preventing family violence in New Zealand,” Auckland: Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, available from, pp 17-20; Lambie, (2018b), “It’s never too early, never too late: A discussion paper on preventing youth offending in New Zealand,” Auckl...

  9. NZCVS Cycle 3 (2020) Section 5 Sexual violence and offences by family members [xlsx, 414 KB]

    ...areas with the most deprived scores. Disability In the report, adults with disability are defined using the Washington Group Short Set (WGSS) of disability questions. The questions ask if the respondent has experienced difficulties performing basic universal activities (walking, seeing, hearing, cognition, self-care and communication). Someone who reports “a lot of difficulty” with at least one of the six basic activities covered is defined as a person with a disability using this classif...

  10. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 4 of 4 [pdf, 9.7 MB]

    ...all their working lives . At their home in Willowbank Road, each now aged in their 80s, they ponder what they will do "when" they retire. Mr Waaka, born in Napier and educated at Wellington College, Wellington Teachers College and Victoria University, keeps his hand in looking after scholarships for beneficiaries of the Hereheretau Trust, which admini sters land north of Wairo. He also heads the 29 Maori Battalion D Coy Research Committee. He tries not to act as secretary for his...