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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. NZCVS Cycle 4 - Section 6 - Impact of COVID-19 pandemic [xlsx, 205 KB] 1 March 2018–18 November 2020 1 March 2017–18 November 2020 20,155 9,582 29,737 a Data collection in Cycle 3 was paused from 21 March–2 July 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. b Data collection in Cycle 4 was paused on multiple occasions due to COVID-19 related lockdowns and alert levels. Auckland paused 15 - 18 February 2021 (inclusive) Waikato paused 4 October 2021 until the end of the survey year Auckland paused 28 February - 6 March 2021 (inclusiv...

  2. David Bain interim report of Hon Robert Fisher QC on compensation claim [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    Robert Fisher QC INTERIM REPORT FOR MINISTER OF JUSTICE ON COMPENSATION CLAIM BY DAVID BAIN 13 December 2012 Hon Robert Lloyd Fisher QC, LL.D, FAMINZ; Bankside Chambers, Level 22, Lumley Centre, 88 Short/and Street, Auckland 1140. New Zealand. PO Box 3107, Short/and Street, Auckland 1140, New Zealand. Phone: 64-9-307 8780 Fox: 64-9-377 0997 Emalf: Website: , EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ••..• � .......... . " ............ "...

  3. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 4: case study of Manurewa Local Police Area [pdf, 588 KB]

    ...literature, and an overview report that analyses all information gathered over the three-year evaluation period. 21 2 Community profile Manurewa Police Area is part of the Counties-Manukau Police District, which is the southernmost District of the Auckland Metropolitan area. The Manurewa Police Area was renamed Counties-Manukau Central in 2004, after restructuring of the District. Manurewa Police Area serves a population of 66,081, which is primarily based within Manurewa Township and in...

  4. Whānau Protect (National Home Safety Service) evaluation report [pdf, 2.4 MB] doors with solid doors, repairing broken windows, cutting back vegetation, installing security lights, and replacing locks. 2.1.1 Timeline of previous remain-at-home services in New Zealand 2008 – the safe@home service is piloted in Auckland 2010 – service is positively evaluated by Martin and Levine 2012 – safe@home is rolled out to Canterbury and Tauranga 2014 – service is again positively evaluated by Towns and Meima 2015 – service is adapted for n...

  5. [2009] NZEmpC AC 49/09 Norske Skog Tasman Ltd v Manufacturing and Construction Workers Union & Anor [pdf, 135 KB]

    NORSKE SKOG TASMAN LTD V MANUFACTURING & CONSTRUCTION WORKERS UNION & ANOR AK AC 49/09 9 December 2009 IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND AC 49/09 ARC 71/08 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN NORSKE SKOG TASMAN LIMITED Plaintiff AND MANUFACTURING & CONSTRUCTION WORKERS UNION INC First Defendant AND BRIAN BOYLEN Second Defendant Hearing: 28 May 2009 (Heard at Auckland) with addit...

  6. [2014] NZEmpC 119 Pact Group v SFWU & PSA [pdf, 271 KB]

    ...and restraint. Counsel cites the judgment of this Court in Corrections Association of New Zealand v Department of Corrections. 31 Counsel also adopted the reasoning of the Court in an earlier judgment, Counties Manukau Health Ltd t/a South Auckland Health v Pack that before issuing compliance orders, the Court should allow parties to settle their disputes with the benefit of a legal decision on the merits from the Court. 32 Mr Dorking submits that, as the Court observed in Pa...

  7. LCRO 85/2016 BA v FE [pdf, 280 KB]

    ...3 At [6]. 4 At [7]. 5 At [7]. 6 At [8]. 7 At [9]. 6 (b) Mr FE wasted time for which she was charged, by “criticising [her] background”. This was despite the fact that Miss BA is a graduate in dentistry from the University of Otago and had been working in Auckland for over 15 years, including running her own business for 11 years. (c) Miss BA “felt sexually harassed” by Mr FE. In particular on Saturday 9 May 2015, whilst certifying documents for...

  8. 01.-Evidence-of-Mr-Lonnie-Dalzell-Waka-Kotahi-Project-Overview64017177.1.PDF [PDF, 855 KB]

    ...Kotahi as the Project Director for the Ōtaki to North of Levin (Ō2NL) Project (the Ō2NL Project or the Project). 3. I have the following qualifications and experience relevant to my evidence: (a) I hold a Bachelor of Surveying (Credit) from the University of Otago (2003). (b) I have worked as a Project Manager (or similar role) on a number of large projects since 2006, including: (i) this Project; (ii) Te Ahu a Turanga project; (iii) Te Ara Nui o Te Rangihaeata (Transmiss...

  9. Domestic Violence 1995 Act 42-day rule & Children, Young Persons and their Families Act 1989 60-day rule [pdf, 81 KB]

    ...individuals in selected areas serviced by the Department for Courts. 2.1 Research sites The sample was based on the four court regions, using the clusters within those regions as the sample base. The clusters chosen for the research were: Northern Region Auckland; North Shore Central Region Wellington, including Porirua, Masterton, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt Waikato Region Rotorua, including Taupo and Tokoroa Southern Region Dunedin, including Balclutha and Alexandra. This selection of courts w...

  10. JC Panel Decision Jurisdiction Redacted [pdf, 436 KB]

    ...REDACTED DECISION OF THE PANEL (JURISDICTION) ______________________________________________________________________ Counsel: D R La Hood, Luke Cunningham Clere, Wellington K L Kensington, Luke Cunningham Clere, Wellington P F Wicks QC, Auckland Solicitors: D C S Morris and J L Libbey, Cook Morris Quinn, Auckland for the Judge Secretariat: A Johnston, Ministry of Justice: Table of co...