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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal theme I - Māori and rating law [pdf, 549 KB]

    Rangahaua Whanui Nat ional Theme i MAORI AND RATING LAW TOM BENNION July 1997 Firs t Release WAITANGI TRIBUNAL RANGAHAUA WHANUI SERIES Other Rangahaua Whanui reports District reports District 1: Auckland (pt i) R Daamen, P Hamer, and Dr B Rigby; (pt ii) M Belgrave District 5b: Gisborne, S Daly District 7: The Volcanic Plateau, B Bargh District 8: The Alienation of Maori Land in the Rohe Potae, C Marr District 9: The Whanganui District, S Cross and B Bargh District 11a: Wairarapa, P...

  2. David Bain appendices tabs F to J [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...INTERVIEW (19 JULY 2012) 48 BINNIE J: And was that part of the defamation action that you and Detective Anderson brought against Mr Karam? MRWEIR: 5 Yes I th ink it was, yes. BINNIE J: And I want to put on the record this issue in the Auckland defamation case because as I read what's in the materia l , the jury determined that what Mr Karam had written about you in the, his book David and Goliath did , in fact, 1 0 al lege perjury that the facts that he put in h...

  3. LCRO 170/2020 KLM Limited v ND (30 March 2021) [pdf, 276 KB]”. He explains that [KLM] and [ABJ] were unable to “agree on an independent farm management consultant to appoint”, and, as provided in the sublease, [HH] was asked, but declined to make an appointment. 3 [KLM] Ltd v [ABJ] Ltd HC Auckland CIV-2018-XXX-XX, [DATE] 2019 (submissions before the Court) at pXX, lines XX-XX. 4 Mr ND, email to LCRO (4 September 2020). 5 Review on the papers [25] Mr ND has informed the case manager he has no objection to the review being...

  4. [2021] NZIACDT 2 - IMH v Marica (4 February 2021) [pdf, 288 KB]

    ...telling the complainant about the incorrect file record, and whether she was entitled to rely on the file record without checking it herself. BACKGROUND [4] Ms Marica is a licensed immigration adviser and director of Bespoke Immigration, of Auckland. She was previously employed as a licensed adviser by North Shore Immigration Limited trading as North Shore Immigration Services (the immigration consultancy). [5] Ms Marica was formerly the life partner of Mr Peter Woodberg, the...

  5. [2024] NZEnvC 091 Crafar v Taupo District Council [pdf, 355 KB]

    Crafar v Taupō District Council IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA KI TĀMAKI MAKAURAU Decision [2024] NZEnvC 091 IN THE MATTER OF an appeal under s 120 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) BETWEEN ALLAN JOHN CRAFAR (ENV-2022-AKL-236) Appellant AND TAUPŌ DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent AND TODD GENERATION LIMITED Applicant Court: Environment Judge S M Tepania Environment Commissioner M Mabin Environment Commissioner A Gysbe...

  6. JE v AC and SY LCRO 259/2012 (17 February 2015) [pdf, 154 KB]

    ...and Conveyancers Act 2006 (the Act). Background [2] Mrs JE’s clients were members of a Presbyterian Church congregation (the congregation). The congregation's Presbytery had decided to dissolve it, but that decision did not receive universal support from the congregation. Mrs JE’s clients instructed her to challenge the Presbytery’s decision by taking an appeal to a Judicial Commission, convened under the Presbyterian Church Book of Order. Mrs JE acted for her clie...

  7. Dudley - Matoa, Whara and Te Karaka Ahu Whenua Trust (2017) 150 Taitokerau MB 151 (150 TTK 151) [pdf, 275 KB] 23 See satellite images of the Whara block at 150 Taitokerau MB 165 [50] Ripeka Menary is an interim trustee on this trust. She has a diverse background including teaching Te Reo Māori at Waikato University and acting as a Māori Counsellor at Auckland Unitec. According to John Craven, Ms Menary also has experience in housing. [51] Audrey Martin is also an interim trustee. She has a strong background in mana...

  8. [2018] NZEmpC 45 Performance Cleaners All Property Services Wellington Ltd v Chinan [pdf, 427 KB]

    ...circumstances which have often been considered in the past, where a party resides in the place where the proceeding is heard, but chooses to engage a lawyer who practices elsewhere.25 [77] In the present case, the evidence is that Ms Chinan resided in Auckland and wished to retain counsel who had advised on previous matters involving herself and Performance Cleaners/Mr Barron; her counsel was aware of the history of the litigation between the parties. Given the extent of the cla...

  9. Balatbat v Sparks [2016] NZIACDT 27 [pdf, 254 KB]

    ...BY The Registrar of Immigration Advisers Registrar BETWEEN Edwin Balatbat Complainant AND Lindsay Charles Sparks Adviser DECISION REPRESENTATION: Registrar: Ms G Kelly, lawyer, MBIE, Auckland. Complainant: Mr M Smith, barrister, Wellington, on instructions from Lane Neave, solicitors, Christchurch. Adviser: Ms R Burgess, Lexington Legal Ltd, Lawyers, Christchurch. Date Issued: 25 May 2016 2...

  10. Justice Matters July 2019 [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...event in May to discuss young women starting out in their careers. We heard from a panel of four young women: Katherine Descours and Anna Graham, based in our National Office in Wellington, and Tatiana Daniels and Sammi Parks who joined us from the Auckland District Court via a video call. Tina Wakefield moderated as panellists discussed their experiences and challenges in their careers, and then opened the floor up for questions. The panellists had plenty of helpful advice for the a...